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Miscellaneous note 34 ・ Bapak's theory of fall and Bennett's theory of evolution//

2019-05-31 | 日記
Now Bapak argues that "humanity has begun from Adam, and the history of corruption has continued to this day."
On the other hand, Bennett argues that "the spirit of humanity is in the process of evolution."
At first glance, it looks like "It's almost the opposite direction," but in the sense that we must start from the current place and climb up anyway, the same place we want to go, the same thing we should do .
Those are the same.

The explanation of Bapak follows the tradition of Abraham's religion.
On the other hand, Bennett's explanation seems to be in line with the spirit of the time, that is, according to the so-called "scientific perspective, historical perspective".
Then, Bennett firstly tested in the Gurujev's system to see if one can go to the next step.
So, he wasn't going well, and he was going to try Latihan next time.

However, Lathian itself is easy, but continuing to progress with Lathian means that it is very difficult to keep changing.
Therefore, it seemed that Bennett tries to fuse Gurjev's system and Latihan without being able to endure that.
However, since the fusion of heart, mind and Jiwa was only possible with Lathian, it seemed that the attempt did not go well after all.

If one does not have any doubts by continuing Latihan and no longer respects himself and becomes "well relieved", then if he is satisfied with the status quo and can not look beyond it, it is obvious he will be depressed by mannerism.
If continuing with Latihan loses spiritual creativity, it is not because of Latihan, but because of his attitude towards Latihan.
Latihan is not like making people stupid.
It is just the opposite.
That's right, so if he is satisfied with "Oh, this made it easier," and if he rests there, that is not what Bapak aimed at, and then something completely different from what Bennett wanted.

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Miscellaneous note 45 ·About Budhi

2019-05-01 | 日記
Quote from Bapak Talk September 12, 1977
『Brothers and sisters, the One Almighty God has decreed that in human life, or in the human self, there should be the mind and the heart, and besides these there is also the budhi or inner force. 

What is the relationship between the budhi and the mind or intelligence? 

Budhi, the word budhi, means force or energy; it is strength. 

The heart and mind or intelligence is thinking and feeling.

In the human race there are many who would like to know and to receive the stirring of their own inner-selves - that is, the budhi - free from thought and from feeling. 

But because people are influenced by the lower forces, they are forced, whether they like it or not, to go away from the budhi and its actions and to enter into the realms of thinking and feeling. 

And thinking and feeling have become the prime movers in studying questions of life and living; that is, these have become the mainstay of their worship of the One Almighty God. 

In this way people continue to fall flat on their faces when they remain in the realms of thought and feeling. 

So human beings consider everything from the mind, not from the budhi, not, as happens in the latihan kejiwaan, from the actions and the life of the jiwa.

Brothers and sisters, up to the present time the customs of mankind are still involved with and affected by their feelings and their minds, their thoughts, so that their worship of God and the way that they obtain proof and evidence in their jiwas are very much influenced by their thinking and feeling. (Note 1) 

Whereas these feelings and thoughts are always connected with the lower forces, whose nature is far removed from the reality of the true human being. 

It seems to be a habit of human beings to be very fond of what are called holy places. 

Bapak himself, when he came to England on past occasions, was often taken by Mr. Bennett to places of historical interest; to 'holy places'. 

For it is indeed the custom of spiritual experts to seek out these holy places, so that they are influenced in their practices by the material forces, while these material forces are the forces which are called satanic.

It is like what used to happen in times past.

It is still happening at the present time, and this custom still exists in Indonesia.

Many people say that they are seeking for ilmu ( spiritual wisdom ) and engaging in spiritual practices, but in reality they are practicing asceticism, so that, as in the case of the 'holy places' to which Bapak has just referred, these people eventually become involved in the material sphere which is what is called satanic.』

Note 1:
In other words, according to customs or traditions from the past, it is "a wrong way" from Bapak's point of view, but "performs worship of God and how they get evidence and confirmation with Jiwa" .
This will be a reminder or a complaint about such a situation.

As an example, here Bapak talks about ways like “sacred place pilgrimage” and ways of such worship.

Well, what exactly is Budhi?
It will also be mentioned later.

The reference article is here .
・Susila Budhi Dharma・ Chapter 2 Material Force-1 <--link
・Susila Budhi Dharma ・Chapter of beginning <--link

Well then we have to ask Bapak.
What will happen to the pilgrimage to Mecca decided in Islam?

Is that exactly the best of the holy place pilgrimage?
Well, that's why Bapak never went to Mecca.

The sky over the Middle East has traveled by air several times, but Bapak has never been landed there.
And so, "Bapak's Islam" was such a Islam.

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