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The one and only God (Tuhan Yang Maha Esa)//

2019-02-14 | 日記

This brief explanation of SUBUD was cited from the summary created at the request of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and the Council President of God's Councilor, and the spiritual speech material which is the attachment of the letter of the date It was arranged by Subud Indonesia according to the instructions given as an overview.
  May 1988 May 159 / F.6 / E.2 / 1988


a. Conception about Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

Subud's understanding and understanding of Tuhan Yang Maha Esa is that Tuhan Yang Maha Esa with His power includes
all of His creations, both glorious and invisible.


c. Conception about the Universe

Tuhan Yang Maha Esa created the universe and Tuhan Yang Maha Esa's power encompasses all of His creations.



a. Spiritual Behavior

The procedure for worshiping Tuhan Yang Maha Esa is done by Subud members through their respective religious procedures. 
Latihan Kejiwaan of Subud is not an appreciation procedure. 
Latihan Kejiwaan of Subud is an acceptance that has no procedure except the complete surrender to the power of Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, which then for Tuhan Yang Maha Esa's mercy will generate a sense of self, free from the influence of lust and mind.
 This motion is a motion that is raised by the power of Tuhan Yang Maha Esa and is only to be followed.



b. Practicing in the Life System, and Ceremonies (rites) in the Life Environment.

Subud does not have a specific ritual in the order of life and in the circle of community life. 
The ceremonies of the Subud members in the order of life follow their religious rites and their respective customs.


The events in everyday life seem guided to the good, towards perfecting us as whole human beings,
as the most noble creatures of Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, who are able to receive His love if we only accept it.

Tuhan Yang Maha Esa's power is in us, filling and encompassing the whole self and inseparable. 
Through Latihan Kejiwaan of Subud, we can feel Tuhan Yang Maha Esa's power.

Jakarta, December 22, 1991』

Well Bapak says in the talk "Latihan is a worship service to Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, the one and only God".

However, Sudud Indonesia seems to have officially not made such a statement.

『The procedure for worshiping Tuhan Yang Maha Esa is done by Subud members through their respective religious procedures. 
Latihan Kejiwaan of Subud is not an appreciation procedure. 
This motion - movement caused by Latihan - is a motion that is raised by the power of Tuhan Yang Maha Esa and is only to be followed.』

Thus, in Indonesia, it turns out that Latihan is officially recognized as practice, training, or spiritual training as opposed to worship.

Above is a quotation from Indonesian (original) below.


Keterangan singkat tentang SUBUD ini diangkat dari suatu sinopsis yang dibuat atas permintaan Direktur Pembina Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia dan disusun sesuai dengan arahan seperti tercantum sebagai Garis Besar Materi Pemaparan Budaya Spiritual yang merupakan lampiran dari surat tertanggal 3 Mei 1988 nomor 159/F.6/E.2/1988 kepada Pengurus PPK Subud Indonesia. 


a. Konsepsi tentang Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa

Pemahaman dan pengertian Subud tentang Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa adalah bahwa Tuhan dengan kekuasaanNya mencakup seturuh ciptaan-Nya baik yang terpandang maupun yang tidak tampak.


c.  Konsepsi tentang Alam Semesta

Tuhan Yang Maha Esa menciptakan alam semesta dan kekuasaan Tuhan meliputi seluruh ciptaan-Nya.



a. Perilaku Spiritual

Tata cara ibadah kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dilakukan oleh para anggota Subud melalui tata cara agamanya masing-masing. 
Latihan Kejiwaan Subud bukan merupakan tata cara penghayatan. 
Latihan Kejiwaan Subud merupakan suatu penerimaan yang tidak ada tata caranya kecuali penyerahan diri sepenuhnya kepada kekuasaan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang kemudian atas kemurahan Tuhan akan membangkitkan gerak rasa diri, bebas dari pengaruh nafsu hati dan akal pikiran.  Gerak tersebut merupakan gerak yang dibangkitkan oleh kekuasaan Tuhan dan hanya tinggal diikuti saja.
Gerak tersebut merupakan gerak yang dibangkitkan oleh kekuasaan Tuhan dan hanya tinggal diikuti saja.



b. Pengamalan dalam Tata Kehidupan, dan Upacara-upacara (ritus) dalam Lingkungan Kehidupan.

Subud tidak mempunyai ritus khusus dalam tata kehidupan dan dalam lingkaran kehidupan bermasyarakat.  
Upacara-upacara para anggota Subud dalam tata kehidupan mengikuti ritus agamanya dan adat-istiadat yang dianutnya masing-masing.


Kejadian-kejadian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terasa terbimbing ke arah kebaikan, ke arah penyempurnaan kita sebagai manusia seutuhnya, sebagai makhluk Tuhan yang paling mulia, yang mampu menerima kasih sayang-Nya jika saja kita mau menerimanya.

Kekuasaan Tuhan ada pada diri kita, mengisi dan meliputi seluruh diri serta tidak terpisahkan.  
Melalui Latihan Kejiwaan Subud, kekuasaan Tuhan ini dapat kita rasakan.

Jakarta, 22 Desember 1991 』

In other words, "Indonesian Buddhists are supposed to believe in one God ".

Well I wrote this, but this is "comment from the Japanese view point".

There is a possibility that Buddhists in Indonesia seriously believe "Tuhan Yang Maha Esa".
("The only god" is written as "Tuhan Yang Maha Esa" in Indonesian language.)

That faith in only God is what has been going on since very long ago.
And on top of that history is Buddhism and Hinduism first, followed by Islam and Christianity.
(Buddhism and Hinduism were pushed toward the edge.)

And people in Indonesia think that "These gods of outsiders are all Tuhan Yang Maha Esa's changed shape, and the essence is the same".

As it is so, in our eyes it seemingly reckless, that is Pancasila which seems impossible, but it is established.<--Link

First of all in Pancasila
1, "Faith in only God" (Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa)
It is decided .

People in Indonesia acknowledged this, "Although six religions of Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism are recognized in Indonesia ..."
All these religions admit that it is "Faith in only God" .

And naturally, there is no one saying "NO" because it is asked that the oath at the time of opening also believes "Tuhan Yang Maha Esa".

It is not asked like "The only Almighty God".
This is the situation in Indonesia.

What happened in Japan now?
First of all, "Tuhan Yang Maha Esa" is translated into English.

An English translator of the Christian culture zone translates it into God Almighty or The only almighty God, and Japanese translates it as "The only Almighty God (唯一全能の神)" from English sentence.

Then you are asked like this.
Do you believe in "The only almighty God"?

The talks of Bapak which are transmitted is all written as if the God of Subud is the God of Abraham's religion.
Well then it usually makes us think that "the only almighty God" is that God.

By the way, it was a Buddhist who was in trouble.
(Indonesian Buddhists are not troubled.
However, all Buddhists other than Indonesia were in trouble.)

The translators around the world acknowledged the second source which translated from Indonesian to English in this way.
And they translated them into their own languages from there.
Therefore, when the applicant are opened , the applicant has to say that "I believe The only Almighty God" all over the world.
The situation started like that.

It seems that the concept of "Tuhan Yang Maha Esa" as existence beyond all god's name exists only in Indonesia.
For that reason, such misunderstandings or confusion occurred and spread throughout the world.

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