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Bapak's concept of soul (jiwa) or Roh/・5 The human soul. -2・・

2017-01-09 | 日記
After discussing the sexual problems of a married man, he proceeds to discuss the sexual problems of the unmarried one.

"To start now upon a new subject."

"Many young men before they enter on marriage often like to have sexual relations with women and, furthermore, there are some who make a practice of it as though it were customary and consider it a harmless amusement whereby they can relieve their passions.

Others again consider such behavior as necessary in order to obtain satisfaction of their desires and passions previous to their marrying a lawful wife."

"In reality, however, such behavior is extremely dangerous, especially for young men who are destined to become, when they are married, channels for the human seed.(Note 1)

Pleasure of this kind is something which cannot easily be given up, for it is not ordinary pleasure but has a quality which, being provoked by lower souls, causes unlimited inner suffering."

"Thus far can go the results of his errors.

For it is clear that the fact that he likes consorting with women whose inner state is already degenerate brings about the destruction of almost all he possesses, so that he will be transformed and will become different from what he was originally."

"Nevertheless, even in such a case, a man may not altogether forget the purpose of his existence; that is, he will still feel the need for some young woman to become his life partner and he will hope to obtain from such a marriage a child who will eventually follow after him or will continue his life.

In fact, it is men with just such experience who are often the cleverest at choosing attractive and good-looking girls coming from good families."

"A young man who has behaved wrongly before his marriage can have little possibility of experiencing such good fortune.

For his errors are of such a kind that as a result of sexual relations with him, the inner state of his wife will become disturbed and eventually she will meet with the same fate as her husband."(Note 2)

"All hopes that their lives will flow smoothly are thus clouded.

A man who acts from desire turns what might be a condition of bliss and well-being into one that is really hard to endure."

"Obviously, the low and depraved souls which flow from the husband have a terrible effect upon the wife, to the extent that the formerly pure and unsullied inner state of the wife becomes corrupt and tainted."

"If in the course of time he begets a child, then this child must also be dominated by the lower souls and its character will be very different from that of the father while he was still young and pure."(Note 3)

"As a result of this pollution, the child will eventually have experienced much suffering in its life, especially in becoming aware of the spiritual nature of man."

from THE PATH OF SUBUD (1969) Author: Drs Kafrawi : McGill University Montreal. <-- Link

(Note 1) Human seed ( biji manusia)

Human seed is the key point in "male dominant child making theory" in which Bapak is advocated.

For details, please refer to this article. <-- Link(Sorry. Under construction.)

(Note 2) Here, Bapak says, "Because of the work that a human's body has (which is also a manifestation of human force), sexual contact (sexual unity) causes mixing the inner feeling of man and woman .

Then, the couple discussed here is not yet able to recognize or separate the vitality that exists inside of them, saying that "couple in spirit is still at an immature level" .

If it is possible that such a couple can progress, if there is a possibility that life can be improved in that way, that is because of Latihan, Bapak asserts.

(Note 3) "In this way, the result of the mistake of parents' behavior will be handed over to the children, then the spiritual level of mankind has been exhausted and corrupted as generations are repeated," and this advocation is a Bapak's Karma theory. <-- Link(Sorry. Under construction.)

About human seed ( biji manusia)
The content to be explainded will be the story "Regardless of Latihan, originally this way human beings go from Jasmani to Rohani".

Susila Budhi Dharma 13 chapter from DHANDHANGGULA 16

"And if within the marriage they conceive a child, the force within the human seed coming through the man's self will awaken his bodily feelings."

Well, the above statement becomes the key point of this story.

It is written when the man and woman at the both jasmani level get married, they try to gain a child, and then a child is happily given .

Then, for such experiences to men, "It becomes a kind of internal arousal experience.
And such experience makes him possible to distinguish the forces inside of him by taking it as opportunity, furthermore to go to dominate the forces."

Then it is said to be "to become aware of the secret (the secret of marriage) in the act of sexual unity with his wife". <-- Link (Sorry. Under construction)

In this way he can go out on a journey from Jasmani to Rohani together with his wife.

We have not touched a word about Latihan in the above story.

Because it is so, in recognition of Bapak it means that "Originally this way was already prepared."

Unfortunately, however, mankind has losted that way.

For that reason, Latihan appeared as a countermeasure against that situation.
(So ,Bapak's argument is that this road already existed before Latihan appeared and that is actually the path brought by Muhammad.) (London 1959/8/11)

Incidentally, it seems that there is no mention as to what kind of life force in the seed of man that leads man to internal awakening .

Quoted from talk of London (London 1959/8/11)
And it was made easier for Muhammad to worship God,because the union of Muhammad and his wife became in truth an act of worship towards God; the union of man and woman was ordained by God to be a true act of worship.

This is shown in the marriage ceremony performed in the mosque according to the religion of Islam, in which the man and the woman, in order to proclaim and confirm that they will become truly husband and wife, must recite the declaration of faith: 'There is no other god but God and Muhammad is His messenger.'

By this act the couple acknowledge that they owe their existence to God, and that they are God's witnesses.

This is how it was put into practice; and many among his followers, as well as many other human beings, made the union of husband and wife pure and an act of worship.

So they were able to worship God in truth.

But, Bapak says it again, human beings remain human beings.

In spite of so wonderful and blissful an act of worship, they once again forgot that in their enjoyment and pleasure they would always remain subject to the influence and pressure of the environment of this world, and to the infiltration of the low forces, whose natural tendency is to prevent human beings from attaining their pure aims.

So, for most people, the union of man and woman became once again only a gratification of their passions rather than an act of worship.

Though in reality, the true nature of the act of union is that of recapitulation, so that through it human beings should be able to be aware of and know their own condition, both before and after they entered into existence.

You too must be aware in this way, otherwise you are like a road along which a car has passed, but you have no idea where it came from or where it went.

That is really disappointing and truly saddens Almighty God.

Why is it that human beings aren't able to grasp this?

So, ladies and gentlemen, you do not know where your child came from or what will happen to it, even though it passed through your being.

So where did it come from and where will it go?

But when you do become conscious of this, it will mean that you are also conscious of how was I before I existed?' and 'how will I be when later I depart?'

That's how good the commandments were, as received by the prophets from Abraham to Muhammad.

But, human beings remain human beings and are very easily swayed by the ambience of the world.

Without being aware of what is happening, as time goes on they come to attach ever more importance to following the power of their desires, their will, their thinking minds and their hearts.
Heavenly benefit given to Muhammad also lost its original meaning in this way.

Then the era has reached the present age, and it came to the appearance of Latihan at last.
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
Above is Bapak's argument of "historical circumstances until the appearance of Latihan".

However, such explanation is not acceptable to all human beings, and as a result it seems that some groups has accepted, but another groups seems to have rejected the claim.

Thus some group of human beings can receive Latihan, and another groups can not receive Latihan.

(Note: The way of understanding about the benefits of the arrival of Islam as above seems to be quite uniqueness of Bapak.
Then, such understanding is not mainstream in Islam and it seems not to be orthodox.
However, it seems possible to find a way of thinking similar to that in, for example, Ibn Arabi in Islamic mysticism. )

Additional note
In the talk (London 1959/8/11) , it seems that we could misunderstood that if the Muslims confess their faith in their wedding ceremony, the act of making a child of that couple will automatically act as worship.

However, the fact is not so, it seems that married couple's confession of faith in the wedding ceremony simply represents that "couple is standing at the start line."

If so, the act of making a child of a couple was not raised to worship only by confession of faith as a ceremony.
(There isn't something mysterious spiritual power in the act of swearing the confession of faith itself, which means that it does not purify a person.)

Then we can also estimate above from the following talks.

From Bapak's talk (June 13, 1963 by Bapak)
Indeed, brothers and sisters, the union of man and woman is in reality an act of worship between human beings and God.

But that only applies to those human beings who have received God’s grace, not to everybody.

For the rest it is an act of pleasure, not worship.

It is a way of satisfying their desires – their animal desire, their vegetable desire and their material desire.

That is how it generally is; meaning that the union between man and woman is not an act of worship.
Bapak's concept of soul (jiwa) or Roh ・・・glance<--Link

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