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Latihan is the technology to build a house.

2015-08-02 | 日記
An oblique way of explaining Subud

From his Arjuna column in The Asian, 1972

The teacher(Bapak) was saying that human beings had been so profoundly overpowered by material forces that they had lost contact with the Great Life Force, which envelops and penetrates everything in the universe.

One of his audience asked whether this contact was still available and where he should look for it.

It has always been available, said the teacher, and if you are willing to receive it, you will.

Will I find it in a system of spiritual knowledge? the man asked.

No, replied the teacher, the worship of God through contact with the Great Life Force is not a system but a technique.

The questioner asked what the difference was between ‘system’ and technique.

The teacher explained it thus:You want to build a house.

So you draw a blueprint.

This is a true and accurate statement of intention about the way the house should be built.

But it is not a house.

And you cannot build the house from a blueprint because you are not an engineer.

Only an engineer can understand the blueprint and follow it.

Why is it that the engineer can build it and you cannot?

Because the engineer has technique.

The blueprint is the system.

The contact with the Great Life Force is the technique.

( ) In the description cited's supplement
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from the page 242.

Why would Bapak use "What you build a house" in the metaphor?
It seems that it is the influence of the enterprise that Bapak was involved.

No, not that of his building construction.
Bapak had been cooperation in the "company of a certain building relationship".


Latihan is the technology .

At the first time when I heard this , I received a little shock .

Until then , it was only referred to as "the Latihan is the worship of God."

This is the story of the category of religion as the "worship of God".

Then, "technique" will be nothing to do with religion and that is "the region of the technology."

Now, the two are like a direction opposite.

But the two are in Bapak and both are the co-exist without any contradiction.

Therefore, to understanding the world where Bapak had lived in is very difficult.

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