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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 5

2013年11月18日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション



チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 5日目のチョプラ博士の部分の翻訳をアップします。







瞑想の前に、今日のcentering thoughtについて考えましょう、


 今日のマントラは、「私は絶対的な存在です、私はすべての可能性の場です。」という意味のOm Bhavam Namahです。







Day 5 Abundant Me

"Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance." Epicurus

"What are the things that light you up and excite you more fervently than anything else in your life? Whatever comes to you when you ask yourself that question are signs leading you to your true passion, your most heartfelt desire, and ultimately your destiny.

When we heed the call of our deepest desires, we fulfill our true destinies. In our world, we often feel the pull of our passions when we are very young but lose the connection to them through life’s conditioning. For many of us, we’re taught that we must say good-bye to our passions as we cross the divide between childhood and adulthood. Yet, passion is what drives us to be the very best individuals we can be.

Through meditation, we begin to lose those long-held stories about who we should be and become more intimately re-acquainted with who we really are. We shine brightly as the individuals we were born to be and freely share our gifts with everyone we meet."

Mindful Moment"Set aside one hour today to do something you thoroughly enjoy.  It doesn’t matter what it is . . . whether it’s a walk in the woods, reading a good book, or creating a delicious meal . . . do it purely for the joy of the activity.  As you settle in for sleep tonight, revisit the experience in your mind, considering why this activity excited you or brought you joy. Set the intention to awake the next day in this same state of mind and heart. "


Oprah:  "Welcome to Day 5, Abundant Me.  One of the life truths I know for sure is, what you focus on expands.  It's a natural law.  When you do what you love, energy and prosperity flow in every way.  Many of us believe that living our passions and desires is out of our reach.  We think we're not smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough to realize our dreams.  But I'm here to tell you that it's your birthright as a human being to receive infinite gifts of the universe.  You are here to fulfill your purpose in this world.  Your desires forge the path that leads you directly to the fulfillment of that purpose.  Joy and abundance comes effortlessly when we're paying attention to our lives, when we pursue the moments that light us up, and build, one moment at a time, a life filled with passion, with intention and fulfillment.  When we do what we love, and give freely of ourselves, what we offer comes back to us in ways just far beyond our imagination.  There are no limits to what we can give - and receive.  So let's open the door together with Deepak and clear the way for an endless bounty of blessings.  Then, as always, we'll meditate. "


Deepak:  "Passion is the free flow of natural energy that leads us toward the fulfillment of our dreams, desires and purpose in life.  When we do anything with passion, we express every aspect of who we are.  Time seems to stand still as we engage in whatever activity fills us with inspiration, love and joy.

Without passion, life can feel flat or stale yet many people keep their passion in check or bury it so deeply that they are no longer aware of its existence.  It is those moments when we do what we love that we open the door to abundance and prosperity in all areas of our lives.  It is that simple.  Yet as we grew up, some of us received the message that we don't deserve to have passions, that what we want is unacceptable, that it is wrong, impractical or selfish to go for dreams.   We may feel powerless and think, 'Why bother having desires when they will never be fulfilled anyway?'

As you listen to these words, what feelings come up for you?  Do you feel connected to your passion?  When you wake up in the morning, are you usually excited about your projects and plans for the day or do you feel lost, bored or stuck.  If you aren't doing what you love, what thoughts or beliefs are holding you back?  The most common limiting beliefs focus on money and worth.  So many people tell themselves I can't make a living doing what I love.   Or, that dream is just out of reach.  It is really not meant to be.  When you hold some part of yourself in reserve, you severely limit what life can bring to you, and what you can give to life.

Abundance flows when you are centered in the awareness that your true self is pure spirit, unbounded in time and space.  Spirit doesn't place limits on your joy, prosperity and fulfillment.  It is our ego that creates limiting stories about why we can't make enough money doing what we love, or that we're not worthy of prosperity.  As we recognize that these stories are simply thoughts and not the truth, we can gently let them go and return to our natural state of creativity, joy and abundance.  Remember that no matter how deeply you've buried your desires, they are a force of evolution and growth that can never be completely denied.

You are here to fulfill a unique purpose in the world and your desires are clues that lead you directly to the expression of your destiny.  As you live your love and purpose, you will be held in the arms of abundance.  You were born to deeply receive the bounties that spirit provides.  All that is required of you is to say, 'yes'.  Take a deep breath and receive.  Receive.  Receive.

As we prepare to meditate, let's consider our centering thought, I choose abundance.  I choose abundance.

Let's begin. Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now, gently introduce the mantra.  It is the sound Om Bhavam Namah which means, I am absolute existence.  I am a field of all possibilities.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself, Om Bhavam Namah.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts or noises around you, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.

It's time to release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

Approach today with certainty as you contemplate the centering thought, I choose abundance.  I choose abundance.  I choose abundance."




Journal Questions:


1.  "Have you had a passion or dream that was minimized or squelched by yourself or another? Write about what it felt like to share your dream and have it dismissed. Did that experience impact how you respond to sparks of passion, dreams, and desires in your life now?"


2.  "Reflect and spend time writing about what you can learn about yourself, others, and life from that experience or other experiences like it. Our reaction to our self-talk and the input of others just might be blocking our dreams from coming to life. Identify and write down several strategies you can use to protect the uplifting energy and possibility that your innovative ideas, dreams and desires hold."


3.  "What are you grateful for today?"


4.  "Reflect further on today's session."

チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 4

2013年11月17日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

みなさま 日曜日、いかがお過ごしですか。


チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 4日目です。




トリーナ ポーラスの本の中に、





今日のcentering thought 「豊かさは私を取り囲んでいる」に集中しましょう。

今日のマントラは、「私は宇宙である」を意味するAham Brahmasmi 、です。


Day 4 Conscious Me 

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes." Marcel Proust

"All around us are messages that lead us to believe our lives are ones of scarcity and lack, and that competition with one another is the only way we can truly succeed. However, when we begin to witness the world—whether standing in the middle of a majestic forest or scanning the shelves at the grocery store—we come to understand that the entire universe presents itself to us and is ours to enjoy.

In order for us to truly experience everything the world has to offer, we must first come to appreciate all that we already have. By being truly grateful, we open the door to all the power, wisdom, and creativity of the universe, connecting ever more deeply with pure consciousness and its ability to usher anything we can envision into our lives."

Mindful Moment"Today, no matter where you are or what you are doing, take notice of the abundance that surrounds you. Abundance may appear as a loose penny in the parking lot, a warm hug from a friend, or a plentiful display of produce at the supermarket. Consider how effortlessly and easily these gifts and signs of abundance showed up in your experience and give yourself permission to feel authentic gratitude for these blessings.  You will be surprised and delighted by the multitude of gifts that continue to appear throughout your day and for days to come."


Centering Thought:  " Abundance surrounds me."

Sanskrit Mantra:  "Aham Brahmasmi - I am the universe."


Oprah:  "  Welcome to Day 4, Conscious Me.  Yesterday we began to shift the belief that the path to success means struggle and hard work.  We opened ourselves to a new assured path guided by joy and ease, paved by the power of the universe.  Didn't it feel freeing to know you can trust in that?  Well,  just as we may believe that struggle is required to achieve success, we are often conditioned to believe that there is only so much to go around.  We are driven to compete, to finish first, to have the most, and do whatever it takes to be the best.  These beliefs create isolation, separation, and a lot of frustration.  They cause us to operate from a place of deprivation rather from the joyful abundant place of  self acceptance.  Truth is, the universe operates with unlimited generosity and cooperation and you - we, all have the choice.  You have the choice to accept yourself and others with trust in that generosity.  Awakening to kindness and acceptance opens the door to greater possibility and endless abundance for you.  So sit back and relax, listen and let  Deepak guide us even closer to unity, to our potentiality and more blessings.  From that space, we'll meditate."



Deepak:  "In Trina Paulus' book, Hope for the Flowers, two caterpillars get caught up in the wrong fallacy of competition and struggle to reach the top of a caterpillars pile.  By journey's end, however, they learn that their true nature, and that of every other caterpillar is not one of winning and being at the top, but of going within and emerging as beautiful butterflies who were born to soar.  Like the caterpillars in that tale, very early on in our lives, we may have received messages that we must compete in order to succeed.  Whether we engage in sports, takes tests in school, seek a partner, look for a job, or campaign for public office, there seemingly must always emerge winners and losers.  Those who stand out above the rest and those who are left behind.  Each of these scenarios gives us a sense that there is deep lack in the world with only so much glory, love, money and other resources to go around.  This perspective then creates such an urgency to be seen to be the best and to finish first, that we may adopt a willingness to do whatever it takes to win or be right, even if it's out of alignment with our values and our heart's truth.  We may begin to see the success of others as a threat as if there is just not enough room for everyone to win.  This response creates separation which pulls us away from the natural flow of the universe.

The truth is that abundance exists all around us, in nature, in our local grocery stores, in the deep love of our friends and family - everywhere in the universe.  In going within and connecting with the true self, we find it easier to understand this and appreciate what we already have.  As we pay attention to what is, we begin to align with the true abundance that is always present within our lives.  From this place of gratitude, we invite our egos to step aside and we feel a greater kinship with everyone and everything around us.  Releasing the limiting thoughts and beliefs of scarcity and lack, we no longer exist in competition with our fellow human beings.  We experience a new way of being, choosing to see the world as an abundant place with room enough for all to express their unique talents and succeed.  Here, we step into, and embrace unity, peace and infinite abundance.


As we prepare for meditation, we begin by focusing on today's centering thought, 'Abundance surrounds me'.  'Abundance surrounds me.'

Now please find a comfortable position.  With your hands lightly in your lap, place your palms upward and close your eyes.  Allow your breath to flow naturally and effortlessly.  Connect with your body and notice any tension it might be holding on to.  Send loving thoughts to any areas in need of attention and invite your body to release any stress.  As you inhale and exhale, allow yourself to feel calmer and more relaxed.  Gently introduce the mantra, Aham Brahmasmi which means, I am the universe, repeating it silently without effort.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or feelings in your body, go back to silently repeating the mantra.  Please continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.  

Release the mantra.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, remain open to all that is abundant in your life and in the lives of others, repeating today's centering thought, 'Abundance surrounds me'.  'Abundance surrounds me.' 'Abundance surrounds me.'"




Journal Questions:


1.  Where in your life do you compare yourself to others or compete? How does it feel? What is the inner dialogue or limiting belief that ignites competition and comparison in your life? After writing, spend time with the feelings and sensations connected to your written thoughts. Breathe in deeply and as you exhale send yourself love and light. As you become aware you are presented with the opportunity to practice a new way of being.


2.  Write an affirming supportive letter to yourself, one that reminds you of all that you have to share with the world--your strengths, values, gifts, talents and successes. As you celebrate yourself you make space to celebrate others.


3.  What are you grateful for today?


4.  Reflect further on your experience today.

チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 3

2013年11月16日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション


では、チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション 3日目、


Day 3 Confident Me

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt







今日のマントラは、存在、意識、至福を意味するSat Chit Ananda です。



今日のcentering thought、「豊かさは簡単に自由に私に流れる」についてじっくりと感じてみましょう。



"The Spiritual Law of Least Effort tells us that we can do less and accomplish more, an idea that seems at odds with what many of us have been taught throughout our lives. In general, we hold the belief that success is the result of hard work, struggle, and sacrifice.

As we’re learning through our time together, the universe has infinite organizing power and as conscious beings, we have ready access to this realm simply by spending time in stillness and silence. The same consciousness that orchestrates the myriad rhythms of the whole world dwells within each of us. By aligning ourselves with consciousness, connecting fully with the present, and staying open to the many opportunities life offers, we have the power within us to realize all our dreams with effortless ease."

Mindful Moment"Just for today, make the decision to practice defenselessness. When you find yourself involved in a discussion in which you feel compelled to take one side over another or express your opinion in order to sway that of another person, instead, gently let go of the need to defend your point of view. Make a commitment to follow the path of no resistance in other ways throughout your day. Witness how effortlessly your day unfolds as you practice letting go and accept things just as they are." 

Centering Thought:  "Abundance flows easily and freely to me."

Sanskrit Mantra:  " Sat Chit Ananda - Existence, consciousness, bliss."

Oprah:  "Welcome to day 3, Confident Me.  Rooted in many of us is this belief that achieving success means hard work, long hours, struggle, and sacrifice.  The more we do, some people think, the more we become.  Well that is what our egos would have us believe.  But our beautiful and expansive universe operates in the exact opposite way.   In divine order and purpose, as in nature, life unfolds with effortless ease.  Think about this for a moment - our lungs breathe and our hearts beat without any effort.  So, too, are our dreams materialized when we connect with divine, natural intelligence.  The truth is, the universe is just waiting to help each of us turn our desires and hopes into reality.  When you tap into universal energy, the abundance that is ABSOLUTELY within you and all around you, emerges with grace and ease.  Observe how you feel.  Let your feelings guide you.  Embrace the flow that is just waiting to respond to your intentions and beliefs.  I promise you this, your life will begin to shift as you release beliefs that limit you and then you will move with comfort, ease and confidence toward the fullest, most pleasing

abundant possibilities for you.  So enjoy all those possibilities as Deepak guides us toward co-creating everything our hearts desire and everything we need in our lives.  And then again today, we'll meditate...together."  


Deepak:    "The path of following your joy is guided by the spiritual law of least effort that says that nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease.  Nature provides wonderful examples of this spontaneous creation.  A rose doesn't struggle to blossom, it simply unfolds in beauty and grace.  Birds don't make heroic efforts to fly, they just fly.  It is the nature of the sun to shine and it is the nature of stars to sparkle and it is human nature for our dreams to manifest in physical form, easily and effortlessly.

Yet, many of us were brought up with the belief that life is a struggle.  Some of us inherited the thought that there will never be enough and others learned that comfortable abundance is always out of reach and is really only for others.  Perhaps, from an early age, we were taught that success requires hard work, sacrifice and unwavering discipline.  As adults, this belief in 'no pain, no gain', may drive us to work 70 hour weeks, sacrificing time with our family and friends and neglecting our health and well-being.

On our quest toward accessing abundance, we may continue to believe that it will just never happen, a belief  that may compel us to compare ourselves to those around us, from a place of lack or scarcity.  Over time, we are likely to feel exhausted, burned out and disconnected from our true desires and joy.  Today, we will take one of our first steps towards shifting these perspectives.

The path of forced effort and struggle is painful and ultimately limits our success because it is based on the ego's fears and insecurities.  The ego believes that it has to do everything by itself and it struggles for power, approval and safety.  Our true self, or soul, on the other hand, knows it is always connected to an infinite universe that responds to all of our intentions and desires.   Our true self doesn't struggle and push, it creates with effortless ease in alignment with the divine forces  of the universe.  When your actions are inspired by love, you are able to do less while accomplishing more because nature is held together by the energy of love.  In every moment, you have a choice about how you want to use two of your most precious resources - your attention and your intention. If you choose to focus your awareness on love, compassion, appreciation and peace, those qualities will expand in your experience.  You will find yourself living in the flow of grace and ease, in alignment with the creative power of the universe.

As we prepared to meditate, let's consider our centering thought, 'Abundance flows easily and freely to me'. 'Abundance flows easily and freely to me.'  Let's begin.

Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, let your awareness move within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now gently introduce the mantra, Sat Chit Ananda which means existence, consciousness and bliss.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself, Sat Chit Ananda.  Sat Chit Ananda.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts or noises around you, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Sat Chit Ananda.  Continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.

Release the mantra.    Please bring your awareness back into your body, take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.  Approach today with certainty as you contemplate the centering thought, 'Abundance flows easily and freely to me'.  'Abundance flows easily and freely to me.'  'Abundance flows easily and freely to me.'


Journal Questions:

1.  Make a list of the areas in your life that feel like a struggle. Use this writing time to let it all out; write until you feel complete. After journaling take a moment to feel all of the sensations in your body, mind, and heart associated with your writing. Take a deep breath in, using your breath to send gentle love and light to any place within that feels tense, uneasy, heavy, or conflicted. Visualize all feelings of struggle being released as you exhale.

 2.  Reflecting on the answers to question one, describe how some or all of your perceived struggles might be blocking abundance in your life. Take this time to write how you can reframe your reaction to perceived struggle. Is there an action or actions that will provide a sense of relief? What are the ways that you can create a sense of peace, openness, and awareness during times that struggle shows up in your life?

3.  What are you grateful for today?

4.  Reflect further on your experience today.



チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 2

2013年11月15日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

Deepak Chopra's 21-Day Meditation Challenge










今日のcentering thoughtは、「私はパワフルな創造者である」



Day 2 Empowered Me

"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web,
he does to himself." Chief Seattle

Today we explore the concept of karma, the ebb and flow of energy in our lives. We will discover that with awareness, we have the opportunity to mindfully harness this natural current to create a life where our dreams and desires open with effortless ease.

So often we hear about good karma and bad karma, but in reality, karma is simply a reciprocal exchange—what we give, we receive in kind. Through meditation, we connect more deeply with the present, increase our awareness of “what is,” and emerge from the silence with a sense of balance and a desire to make right, conscious choices in our lives. In this way, we begin to recognize our own undeniable role in creating the story of our lives and begin to align ourselves with those choices that are the most nurturing for ourselves and everyone around us.

Mindful MomentTake a moment to observe one choice before you today. Prior to making a decision, check in with your inner voice and ask yourself, “Is this the most nourishing choice for me and everyone around me?” If the answer does not feel right to you, then consider making another decision. If when you check in with yourself, your choice feels right in your heart, then proceed with abandon.


Centering Thought:  I am a powerful creator

Sanskrit Mantra:  Om Kriyam Namah - My actions are aligned with cosmic law

Oprah:  "Welcome to day.  Empowered Me.  Yesterday we ask ourselves the question, 'Who Am I?'  That's a big one.  We did that to begin opening up to our deepest destiny.  Every human has to answer  that himself/herself.  Today, we tap into the powerful law of Karma as an instrument for unlocking our potential and realizing our dreams.  What is Karma?  Its a tool to create abundance; more simply said, what you put out into the world is always coming back to you.  And you have a choice in the Karma you create in life.  When you are more conscious and present, you can choose actions and thoughts that nurture rather than hurt, allowing more of your innate goodness to emanate in the world which draws abundance and richness back to you.  If you don't like what is manifesting in your life, you can change your choices and thereby change your karmic pattern. Being present and aware of your ability to make different choices, you begin to feel a new expansive sense of freedom and hope.  With each deliberate choice, you can feel more deeply your powerful influence in creating ever-flowing abundance in your life.  Consider that as Deepak guides us toward more empowerment through choice and we'll meditate on that together.

Deepak:   Have you ever felt as if you were being tossed around at the will of the world around you with little influence on your daily experience and destiny?  At times it may feel as if we are just passengers along for the ride.  We may find ourselves reacting to situations in life with a sense of powerlessness, as if our circumstance is completely preordained.


Today, we explore Karma's role in unlocking our potential and realizing our dreams.  Our relationship and intention with our Karma provides a powerful tool that offers a sense of freedom and empowerment as we recognize our influence in creating positive, ever-flowing abundance in our lives.   In the spiritual law of Karma, every action generates a force of energy that is returned to us in kind.  Simply put, what we give, we receive.  When we chose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our Karma is happiness and success.  The key to using the law of Karma or the law of cause and effect is becoming aware of the choices we make in each moment.



When we are more conscious and present, we can choose actions and thoughts that nurture rather than hurt us.  When we have a decision to make, it's useful to ask ourselves which action is likely to bring happiness and fulfillment to me and everyone affected by my choice.  Setting the intention to make choices that will bring awareness and success to others is a powerful choice.



Today, we'll begin to shift our karmic presence by inviting the state of equanimity into our lives.   This divine state is accessible and within each one of us we open it through the stillness of meditation.  When we live in equanimity, we experience a deep inner balance and a sense of peace, an ability to focus on the beauty of the whole rather than on contrasts such as good versus bad, winner versus loser.  In this beautiful state, we release and allow ourselves to absorb the tranquility of mind, deep awareness and acceptance of the present moment found in the absolute stillness of pure consciousness.


By cultivating equanimity each day though our meditation practice, we gently wash away the karmic patterns and consequences from our trail of past choices, creating a new life vibration.  As we continue our journey to meditation, practicing with our karmic resonance and cultivating equanimity in our lives, we release the past, awaken to the present, and take action to create the future we desire.  We now realize that we are the masters of our own destinies, free to enjoy our life rich with fulfillment, purpose and passion.


As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a few moments to focus on today's centering thought, 'I am a powerful creator'.  'I am a powerful creator.'


Now let’s begin.  Please find a comfortable position, place your hands lightly in your lap, palms upward, and close your eyes.  Breathe naturally and effortlessly.  Notice in the inflow and outflow of your breath.  Bring your awareness to your body and notice any tension it might be holding on to.  Allow your breath to wash away this tension.  Begin to release your thoughts and expectations.  With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to be more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.


Now gently introduce the mantra, repeating it mentally and allowing it to flow with effortless ease, Om Kriyam Namah.  The Sanskrit mantra translates in English to 'My actions are aligned with cosmic law'.  Om Kriyam Namah.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body nor noises in the environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra.   Om Kriyam Namah.  Please continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.


Release the mantra and bring your attention back into your body.  Take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.


As you continue with your day,  carry this new understanding of your pivotal role of your life with you, reminding yourself of today's centering thought, 'I am a powerful creator'.  'I am a powerful creator.'  'I am a powerful creator.'






チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 1

2013年11月14日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

Deepak Chopra's 21-Day Meditation Challenge






Day 1 Desire and Destiny – Who Am I? 

第一日 願望と運命ー 「私はだれ?」

「人生で最も重要な2日とは、あなたが生まれた日と、『なぜ生まれてきたのか』を理解した日である」 マーク・トウェイン






'Who Am I?'「私はだれ?」という問いかけが出た時に瞑想を共に始めましょう。







「私はだれ?」 と、静かに答えを聞いてください。
「私はだれ?」 と、じっくりと耳を傾けてください。



瞑想の前に今日のcentering thoughtについて考えましょう。



サンスクリットのマントラは、I am・を意味するSo Hum です。





また、今日のcentering thought 「私は、私の最も深い部分にある願望である」についてじっくりと感じてみましょう。



Day 1 Desire and Destiny – Who Am I?

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."

Mark Twain

Welcome to our 21-Day Experience, Desire and Destiny! We are delighted and honored that you are joining us, as together we expand our understanding of ourselves and we open to the magnificent lives we are meant to live—our destinies.

Our deepest, most heartfelt desires are like stars in a constellation, brilliant, twinkling lights that show us the way and create pathways to our true destinies. It is our soul’s mission to connect with, cherish, and realize our desires in order to live our lives to the fullest and make our greatest contributions to the world. In fulfilling our heart-held dreams we flourish, serving ourselves and others from a place of bliss, generosity, and love. Our journey starts at the beginning, in the center, as we go within to listen to our deepest truth.

Mindful Moment

Today is a new beginning, the first step on a very special journey. Along the way there will be new sights to see and concepts to learn. As you travel through this day, take time to acknowledge yourself and celebrate your choice to live mindfully and wholeheartedly! With your mind and heart open, you are creating the space to manifest the life of your dreams."

Day 1:  Who Am I?

Centering Thought:  I am my deepest desire.

Sanskrit Mantra:  So Hum


Oprah:  "Welcome, Everyone!  I am so happy and honored once again that you're joining Deepak and me for our new 21-day meditation experience.  This one is called desire and destiny.  Whether you're joining us for the first time or you've been with us for previous meditations, I know you will be profoundly changed by this worldwide experience of joyful, transformation.  What I know for sure is that each of us has been put here for a purpose.  We each have a unique destiny and that destiny unfolds with light and clarity when we are still enough to hear the whispers of our truest desires.  When you let that deep, quiet, beautiful energy rise up from within, it will begin to shape your intentions, shape your thoughts and especially your actions and ultimately it will lighten the path to your most abundant, wondrous destiny. 

Over the next three weeks we will journey on that path to more abundance.  In week one, we'll begin to shift our perception by creating the space to feel our true essence at a vibrant new level.  Then in our second week, we'll open up to the whispers of our deepest heart wishes so we can begin to create a more blissful way, guided by passion and inspiration.  Then in week three, we bring everything together as we move toward sharing our light and expanding the momentum of abundance in the world.  Exciting, huh?  So, here we go.  Take a deep breath, get comfortable, and invite this beautiful new energy in.  Let's all listen as Deepak shares his wisdom and begins to pose the most important soul question.  I remember when he ask me this question, 'Who Am I?'  Then we'll meditate together."


Deepak:  " Over the next three weeks we will share a journey toward living each day of lives with inspired passion and abundance.  Connecting with our deepest desires, we will cultivate a state of peaceful awareness, open to our pure potential, aligned with our soul’s purpose, and realize our true destiny.  As we begin, let's consider what desire and destiny really are.

Desire is often interpreted in spiritual philosophies as a selfish distraction which, when indulged, pulls us away from our connection with spirit.  I believe that desires are seeds planted within to do just the opposite.  I believe they lead us to our divine passion and purpose.  They are our dreams, our divine wishes.  They are signs.  When we pay attention to, and explore our desires, they help us connect to our destiny.  As the ancient Indian sages observed thousands of years ago, our destiny is shaped by the deepest level of our intension and desire.  Once we plant the seed of an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, our soul's journey unfolds automatically, as naturally as a bulb becomes a tulip or an embryo becomes a child.

Over the next three weeks we will contemplate a series of timeless soul questions to tap into our true desire and destiny.  So, where do we begin our journey?  Long ago, William Shakespeare observed a profound simplicity.  It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.  This wise statement leads us to our very first essential understanding as we step forward into our journey together.  The most empowering transformational step we can take in life is to discover the truth within.  Close your eyes for a moment and ask, Who am I?   This timeless question has no wrong answer.  it is a question I encourage you to ask yourself every day.  Who am I?  Quietly listen for the answer.  Who Am I?  Listen deeply.  Receive each and every whisper from your soul.  Receive and ask again.  Who Am I?

Once we begin to understand who we are, we open the door to infinite and abundant possibility.  As we prepare to meditate together, take a moment to consider our centering thought, 'I am my deepest desire'.  'I am my deepest desire'.

Now we'll begin our meditation.  Please find a comfortable position,  placing your hands lightly in your lap and closing your eyes.  Notice the inflow and outflow of your breath, just as it is.  Feel your body, noticing any tension it might be holding on to and let it melt away with each inhalation and exhalation.  Let go of all thoughts and expectations.  Trust that your meditation experience today, and each day, will be exactly right in the moment. 


Now gently introduce the Sanskrit Mantra, So Hum, which means I Am.  Silently repeat the mantra mentally, allowing it to flow with effortless ease.  So Hum.  So Hum.  So Hum.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body or sounds in the environment, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  So Hum.  So Hum.  So Hum.  Just mentally.  So Hum.  So Hum.  Please continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.

Please release the mantra, taking a moment to become aware of your body.  When you are ready, open your eyes.

As you move through this day, I invite you to carry with you this ancient teaching from the Hindu

You are what your deepest desire is.  As is your desire, so is your intention.  As is your intention, so is your will.  As is your will, so is your deed.  As is your deed, so is your destiny.

Take each step along the way today, envisioning yourself as the divine being that you are, and contemplate our centering thought,  'I am my deepest desire'.  'I am my deepest desire.'  'I am my deepest desire.'



Journal Questions:

1.  "What is your answer to today’s soul question, “Who am I?”  As you write allow yourself the freedom to explore, knowing there is no wrong answer to this question."

2.  "What are your intentions for this 21-day experience? What do you want to learn and create in your life during our time together? Being very specific with your intention is a powerful way to start any journey. After writing, take a moment to visualize each intention as a seed you are planting today within your heart. The time you spend meditating and journaling each day is the water and sunshine that allows your vision to sprout."

3.  "Today we begin a daily exploration of gratitude as we invite abundance into our lives. What are you grateful for today?"

4.  "Reflect further on your experience today."