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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 6

2013年11月19日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション


チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 6日目のチョプラ博士の部分の翻訳をアップします。






今日のcentering thoughtは、「ギフトはあらゆる瞬間に存在する」です。

今日のマントラは、私は宇宙を育み、宇宙は私を育むという意味のOm Vardhanam Namah です。



Day 6 Resilient Me

"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." Abraham Lincoln

 "Within each perceived failure or difficult life passage lives the seed of opportunity, but so often in life when we experience a setback, we have difficulty seeing the true blessing enveloped in this disguise. Through the sustained practice of meditation, we begin to clear away ego thoughts connected with success and failure and begin to understand that the universe must have much grander plans in store for us that we can only begin to fathom.

Each step along the path of life, regardless of the destination, is an exciting part of the adventure. The moments themselves are the gift, the journey itself, the rich reward."

Mindful Moment"Use today to experiment with perception by tapping into the power of your thoughts, intentions, and the resilient strength that is always with you. As you travel through the day, any time you feel a sense of struggle, or you hear your inner dialogue sending you messages that cause you to feel you have failed or that you are less than, take a moment to pause. Stop what you are doing and allow yourself to take a deep breath. Then re-write the story of your inner response. Take time to identify the opportunities before you as a result of this perceived adversity.  Give yourself permission to be in gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow. "


Centering Thought:  "A gift resides in every moment."


Sanskrit Mantra:  "Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me"


Oprah:  "Welcome to Day 6, Resilient Me.  This is how I live my life, and know this for sure... every day brings us a chance to start over.  We all have those stand down moments that require us sometimes to stop and center ourselves and clear the way for truth and transformation.  Sometimes those are painful moments.  Though it's hard to imagine, when you lose what you thought was a perfect relationship, the job that defined you for 20 years is gone, the people you counted on turn their backs on you, you may actually be taking a step forward on the path to your truest desires and ultimately to your destiny.  Perceived failure is just life trying to move us in another direction - this I KNOW for sure.  Even devastation is there to bring us closer to being more of who we are.  In the midst of my own greatest turmoil, when I've reminded myself to get still, to let go and listen for the treasure in the experience, I'm always guided to my deepest truth, and to the next right step.   That is grace, My Friends, and abundance.  When we get quiet, become more observant, more contemplative and less reactive, we can then find the gifts that are buried in every problem awaiting us.  When we trust in the generosity of the ever-present, releasing our fears, releasing our resistance, we can connect with the truth that every challenge really opens a new door, bringing us closer to our destiny.  So, let's settle in as Deepak reveals how to embrace resilience so we can find gratitude, calm and the new dreams the universe is generously waiting to unveil. "  


Deepak:  "When everything is flowing according to our idea of how things should be, it's easy to feel that we're living in harmony with the rhythms of the universe.  But when there is a clear gap between what we want and how our life is unfolding, we're more likely to feel stress and doubt.  We may judge a situation as wrong or unfair.  Or judge ourselves for what we perceive as our shortcomings or failures.  When our mind is full of resistance and painful thoughts, it's difficult to access our innate state of wisdom, clarity and creativity.  We get caught up in our thoughts and begin to think that we are our thoughts.  In the inner quiet of meditation, our mind settles and we're able to witness our thoughts and limiting stories as a detached observer.  As our awareness expands we begin to see the hidden gifts and possibilities in whatever challenge we are facing.  With a shift of perception, we realize that what appeared to be a devastating setback has actually cleared the way for our rebirth and transformation.  


The life cycle of the sequoia tree offers a beautiful example of nature's cycle of clearing and renewal.  The giant sequoias are some of the world’s most ancient trees.  The oldest known sequoia is estimated to be about 3,500 years old.  What is the secret of the Sequoia's incredible longevity?  The elemental power of fire.  Periodic forest fires clear away everything that threatens the tree's survival while ensuring their growth and regeneration. Without the fire's heat, the sequoia cones couldn't open and release the seeds.  Without the clearing force of fire, sequoia seedlings would be overcrowded by competing shade trees and not have enough sunlight to grow.

In your own life, you can probably think of examples of events that felt like a dream going up in flames but which ended up being the start of something more wonderful than you could have imagined.  For instance, being laid off from a job may have led you to take action on a long-held dream of opening your own bakery.  Or going back to school to train in a different field.  Today, as we meditate, remember that from the soul's perspective, there is no such thing as success or failure.  There is only the present moment which is filled with infinite possibilities.



As we prepared to meditate, let's set the intention to gently acknowledge and release to spirit all thoughts and feelings about our perceived challenges and adversities that do not serve us.  Let's fill that newly cleared space with love, light and joy.  As we step into this acceptance, and find our resilience, we open to prosperity and our infinite potential.  Now consider our centering thought, A gift resides in every moment.  A gift resides in every moment. Let's begin.



Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now, gently introduce the mantra, Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself. Om Vardhanam Namah.    Om Vardhanam Namah.  Whenever you feel yourself distracted by thoughts or noises around you, imply return your attention silently to the mantra.  Continue with your meditation for about 20 minutes.  Release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.


Approach today with certainty as you contemplate the centering thought,  A gift resides in every moment.  A gift resides in every moment.  A gift resides in every moment.




Journal Questions:


1.  "Think of a time you felt a dream went up in flames or felt the sting of failure. Take some time to reflect. After considering that experience, write about the things you learned about yourself and life from that challenge. Was there a treasure in disguise, a new opportunity, or new beginning within that experience?"

 2.  "During meditation today, we were encouraged to release thoughts and feelings about our perceived challenges and adversities to fill that newly cleared space with infinite love and light. Take some time to fill your cup with possibility--describe your new vision for this day. Open wide, tap into your resilience, positivity, and pure potential."

3.  "What are you grateful for today?"

4.  "Reflect further on your experience today."