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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 4

2013年11月17日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

みなさま 日曜日、いかがお過ごしですか。


チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 4日目です。




トリーナ ポーラスの本の中に、





今日のcentering thought 「豊かさは私を取り囲んでいる」に集中しましょう。

今日のマントラは、「私は宇宙である」を意味するAham Brahmasmi 、です。


Day 4 Conscious Me 

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes." Marcel Proust

"All around us are messages that lead us to believe our lives are ones of scarcity and lack, and that competition with one another is the only way we can truly succeed. However, when we begin to witness the world—whether standing in the middle of a majestic forest or scanning the shelves at the grocery store—we come to understand that the entire universe presents itself to us and is ours to enjoy.

In order for us to truly experience everything the world has to offer, we must first come to appreciate all that we already have. By being truly grateful, we open the door to all the power, wisdom, and creativity of the universe, connecting ever more deeply with pure consciousness and its ability to usher anything we can envision into our lives."

Mindful Moment"Today, no matter where you are or what you are doing, take notice of the abundance that surrounds you. Abundance may appear as a loose penny in the parking lot, a warm hug from a friend, or a plentiful display of produce at the supermarket. Consider how effortlessly and easily these gifts and signs of abundance showed up in your experience and give yourself permission to feel authentic gratitude for these blessings.  You will be surprised and delighted by the multitude of gifts that continue to appear throughout your day and for days to come."


Centering Thought:  " Abundance surrounds me."

Sanskrit Mantra:  "Aham Brahmasmi - I am the universe."


Oprah:  "  Welcome to Day 4, Conscious Me.  Yesterday we began to shift the belief that the path to success means struggle and hard work.  We opened ourselves to a new assured path guided by joy and ease, paved by the power of the universe.  Didn't it feel freeing to know you can trust in that?  Well,  just as we may believe that struggle is required to achieve success, we are often conditioned to believe that there is only so much to go around.  We are driven to compete, to finish first, to have the most, and do whatever it takes to be the best.  These beliefs create isolation, separation, and a lot of frustration.  They cause us to operate from a place of deprivation rather from the joyful abundant place of  self acceptance.  Truth is, the universe operates with unlimited generosity and cooperation and you - we, all have the choice.  You have the choice to accept yourself and others with trust in that generosity.  Awakening to kindness and acceptance opens the door to greater possibility and endless abundance for you.  So sit back and relax, listen and let  Deepak guide us even closer to unity, to our potentiality and more blessings.  From that space, we'll meditate."



Deepak:  "In Trina Paulus' book, Hope for the Flowers, two caterpillars get caught up in the wrong fallacy of competition and struggle to reach the top of a caterpillars pile.  By journey's end, however, they learn that their true nature, and that of every other caterpillar is not one of winning and being at the top, but of going within and emerging as beautiful butterflies who were born to soar.  Like the caterpillars in that tale, very early on in our lives, we may have received messages that we must compete in order to succeed.  Whether we engage in sports, takes tests in school, seek a partner, look for a job, or campaign for public office, there seemingly must always emerge winners and losers.  Those who stand out above the rest and those who are left behind.  Each of these scenarios gives us a sense that there is deep lack in the world with only so much glory, love, money and other resources to go around.  This perspective then creates such an urgency to be seen to be the best and to finish first, that we may adopt a willingness to do whatever it takes to win or be right, even if it's out of alignment with our values and our heart's truth.  We may begin to see the success of others as a threat as if there is just not enough room for everyone to win.  This response creates separation which pulls us away from the natural flow of the universe.

The truth is that abundance exists all around us, in nature, in our local grocery stores, in the deep love of our friends and family - everywhere in the universe.  In going within and connecting with the true self, we find it easier to understand this and appreciate what we already have.  As we pay attention to what is, we begin to align with the true abundance that is always present within our lives.  From this place of gratitude, we invite our egos to step aside and we feel a greater kinship with everyone and everything around us.  Releasing the limiting thoughts and beliefs of scarcity and lack, we no longer exist in competition with our fellow human beings.  We experience a new way of being, choosing to see the world as an abundant place with room enough for all to express their unique talents and succeed.  Here, we step into, and embrace unity, peace and infinite abundance.


As we prepare for meditation, we begin by focusing on today's centering thought, 'Abundance surrounds me'.  'Abundance surrounds me.'

Now please find a comfortable position.  With your hands lightly in your lap, place your palms upward and close your eyes.  Allow your breath to flow naturally and effortlessly.  Connect with your body and notice any tension it might be holding on to.  Send loving thoughts to any areas in need of attention and invite your body to release any stress.  As you inhale and exhale, allow yourself to feel calmer and more relaxed.  Gently introduce the mantra, Aham Brahmasmi which means, I am the universe, repeating it silently without effort.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or feelings in your body, go back to silently repeating the mantra.  Please continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.  

Release the mantra.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, remain open to all that is abundant in your life and in the lives of others, repeating today's centering thought, 'Abundance surrounds me'.  'Abundance surrounds me.' 'Abundance surrounds me.'"




Journal Questions:


1.  Where in your life do you compare yourself to others or compete? How does it feel? What is the inner dialogue or limiting belief that ignites competition and comparison in your life? After writing, spend time with the feelings and sensations connected to your written thoughts. Breathe in deeply and as you exhale send yourself love and light. As you become aware you are presented with the opportunity to practice a new way of being.


2.  Write an affirming supportive letter to yourself, one that reminds you of all that you have to share with the world--your strengths, values, gifts, talents and successes. As you celebrate yourself you make space to celebrate others.


3.  What are you grateful for today?


4.  Reflect further on your experience today.


