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アイソン彗星 と チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 16

2013年11月30日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

ああ消えてしまった  と思っていたアイソン彗星。








チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 16日目です。



Mindful Moment: 今日、ほんとうのあなた自身であることを決意してください。


Centering Thought:  「至福が私のガイドである」

Day 16 Uniquely Me

And each is unique!

“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.”
Jane Goodall  

“The expansion of happiness in this lifetime is our birthright. Finding what it is we are meant to do and be and identifying that which brings us the greatest happiness is our highest purpose in life. This is our dharma, our truth and, our destiny. Each moment presents us with a unique opportunity to express ourselves in ways that only we can. When we answer the call of our heart in each moment, we have the opportunity to experience pure joy.

Today’s meditation explores what it means to live our lives blissfully in each moment, understanding that the true reward is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but the journey along the rainbow itself.

Allow the bliss of being who you are, living as the unique soul you were born to be, carry you along the path of this lifetime and you will be living your life to the fullest.”

Mindful Moment “Today make a commitment to be who you really are and choose one thing that allows you to express yourself in a way that is like no one else. Sing a song. Paint a painting. Share a heartfelt conversation with a dear friend. Whatever it is that makes your heart sing, choose to engage in one activity that is uniquely yours and enjoy where the journey leads you!”

Centering Thought:  “Bliss be my guide”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Varunam Namah - My life is in harmony with the universe”

Oprah:  “Here we are – day 16, Uniquely Me.  Each of us has a unique essential purpose, if not many purposes to fulfill in this lifetime.  Think of this for a moment – there is no one else on the planet that is here to be who you are – and give what you have to give.  No one else.  Just as your DNA and your fingerprints are uniquely you – so is your life’s purpose – and your life’s purpose is always evolving.  It is not something you create.  It is not some great idea you come up with.  Purpose is there all the time.   And it’s always calling you.  As Kevin Cashman says, ‘Purpose is Spirit seeking expression’.  When we tap into that expression, we find the defining thread running through out life and we integrate all of our life experiences.  When we recognize our purpose and our innate talents and share them freely with one another, we create a world of peace, harmony and love.  We fulfill not only our destiny but we begin to change the world.  That’s how you do it!  By fulfilling your purpose.  So, settle in as we prepare for today’s meditation, listening to Deepak explore, living our unique destiny in each moment.”

Deepak:  “Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life, here to make a unique contribution.  Woven within the very fiber of our being is our divine purpose.  Our distinctive essence waiting, even longing, to be expressed as a gift to the world and ourselves.  I believe that the purpose of life is the expansion of happiness, that when we identify those things that bring the greatest joy to our lives, we are on the trail of discovering this inner truth. According to Guatama Buddha,’your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it’.  When we live in alignment with that true purpose – or dharma – we are happy and create a ripple of good that emanates from within, extending to everyone around us.  Let’s look a little closer.  The concept of divine purpose is more like a winding path along a mountainside, than one specific destination.  There are many views and stops along the way and yet it is always the mountain we are traveling upon. Our essential purpose is always with us and is designed to be revealed and experienced over the course of a lifetime.  This path is our destiny, a collection of meaningful self-expressions that come to us spontaneously – and in the moment, at times; in waves or seasons at other times.  Yet, always present in the expression is the essence of our true selves.

So, may be my destiny and true purpose in this moment is to smile at the person I see while on my walk, who looks sad.  It may be to take action on the longtime dream I have had to start a business.  It may be to show up as a loyal and supportive friend.  Or even to take a gardening class.  What is your destiny today?  I invite you to spend time contemplating your destiny.  Observe and listen to the cues your heart gives you.  Give yourself permission to express your dharma and destiny.  Shine your unique light freely.  You’ll be surprised how beautifully the path of your life will unfold for you.  As Joseph Campbell once said, ‘Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors that were only walls’.

As we settle in for meditation, we’ll focus on our centering thought, Bliss be my guide.  Bliss be my guide.  Now, as you take your comfortable seat with your hands on your lap and your eyes closed, as we do each day, begin to pay attention to your breath.  Allow the sensation of relaxation to wash over your body and release any stress and tension as best you can.  Silently introduce the mantra, repeating it effortlessly.  Om Varunam Namah.  My life is in harmony with the universe.  Om Varunam Namah.  If you get distracted by any thoughts, noises or feelings of discomfort in your body, simply go back to repeating the mantra silently to yourself, Om Varunam Namah.  Continue meditating for about 10 minutes.  Release the mantra and come into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.

Throughout the day, think about what it is you love to do and contemplate our centering thought, Bliss be my guide.  Bliss be my guide.  Bliss be my guide.



Journal Questions:

1.  “There is no one else on the planet that is here to be who you are and give what you have to give. Describe the qualities, gifts and talents that make you unique.”

2.  “We learned that our divine purpose is ever evolving throughout our lives. What do you believe your divine purpose is in this moment?”

3.  “What are you grateful for today?”

4.  “Reflect on today’s experience.”



