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与える法則 と チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 15

2013年11月30日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション










チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 15日目です。


Day 15 How Can I Serve?

-Anne Frank (アンネ・フランク) 

Mindful Moment:今日という日を、

Centering Thought:「他人に与えることは自分に与えることと同じです」

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

Anne Frank

Centering Thought:  “Serving others serves me.”

“Today we delve more deeply into what it means to be of service. When we serve others from a place of love, we are also serving ourselves.

For many of us, when we think of service, we envision great feats, sacrifices, large philanthropic donations, and other grand gestures. While service can be all those things, service can be much more accessible in our daily lives. Giving to others through service is simply recognizing what you do best in any given moment and offering that as a gift to someone else. For instance, in this moment, you may be sitting in a coffee shop across from someone who looks like she could really use a warm smile and, in this moment, you offer a smile in service to brighten her day. Giving can be that simple.

Think about how good you feel when you give someone a gift in this way and notice how serving someone else is a gift to yourself as well.”

Mindful Moment “Let today be your day to share random acts of kindness with generosity and joy. If you encounter someone in need offer a gift from the heart, be it a kind word, a joke, or a cup of tea. Hold the door open for someone, just because. Call a friend and share a kind word. When you are engaged in activity, give your full attention to it, knowing that when you are fully present, you are doing something with love and serving the world with your time and talent. Enjoy the energy that comes back to you as you walk through each moment with a giving and caring heart.”

Centering Thought:  “Serving others serves me.”

Sanskrit Mantra:  Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.

Oprah:  “Welcome to day 15 and the beginning of the final week of our Desire and Destiny Meditation experience.  During our last 14 days together, we explored the essential soul questions.  Who am I?  What do I want?  With Spirit guiding the way, we were able to connect to the truth of who we really are, and what we most truly seek.  Now, we’re putting all of those pieces together so that we may light up in the fullness of who we are and illuminate the world around us.  Another what I know for sure is this…When we give to others, we give to ourselves.  As far back as I can remember, my prayer has always been the same… Use me, God.  Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself.  That prayer has led me to this moment.  When we share our unique gifts – however large or small, we create significance.  We complete the circle of our destiny and that not only changes ourselves, it changes the world.  How can I serve?  That is the question all of us has come to ask.  So get quiet, breathe, and let Deepak guide us through the next essential soul question.  And then we’ll do what we do each day…were going to meditate.”

Deepak:  “Who am I?  What do I want? … Two questions that have offered us great insight and opportunity to open to our highest understanding and expression of life.  Now, in our third week together, we begin to step into living our destiny.  Today, we will consider the next soul question on our path – How can I serve?

The word service can bring up many thoughts and feelings.  Often it is interpreted as a type of giving that can feel out of reach, like joining the Peace Corps to help people in distant countries, or giving time and money in ways that will change the word.  It can also be connected to thoughts of work, obligation, or one of those things that good people ought to do.  We may begin to believe that service requires self-sacrifice, a great deal of time, unique talent or expertise, perhaps even money.  We may wonder just how we can truly serve the whole world.

Martin Luther King Jr offers another way to look at this concept.  Everybody can be great because anybody can serve.  You don’t need to have a college degree to serve.  You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.  Service needn’t be grand gestures; we don’t need to embark on adventures far from home to be of service.  Service in every moment is about understanding our unique talents and using them to bring happiness to others and ourselves.  The universe is all about flow and dynamic exchange – giving and receiving which are simply different aspects of the same flow of energy.  Therefore, when we freely share our gifts with others, we really give back to ourselves.  It feels good to give, and giving also comes back to us from others through appreciation, love, smiles and hugs – the good things of life.

Now, let’s look within.  Close your eyes for a moment and ask, how can I serve?  This timeless question has no wrong answer.  It is a question that I encourage you to ask yourself every day.  How can I serve?  Quietly listen for the answer.  How can I serve?  Listen deeply, receive each and every whisper from your soul.  Receive and ask again.  How can I serve?  Once we begin to listen carefully to the answers within, we may be surprised at just how we are meant to serve.  As we listen, we open the door to infinite and abundant possibility.  As you travel through the day, give yourself permission to practice living in the spirit of service.  Perhaps you will hold the elevator door for someone who is rushing to make it in.  Or, you might share a smile with another.  Maybe today you will inquire about a volunteer project you have been thinking about.  We each have wonderful talents to share with one another.  We can freely enjoy the exchange of gifts, the flow of abundance – with everyone around us in the spirit of service.  So let’s ask ourselves again – how can I serve?  As we settle in for meditation, let’s contemplate our centering thought.  Serving others serves me.  Serving others serves me.

Make yourself comfortable with your hands resting in your lap and your eyes closed.  Begin to witness your breath as you inhale and exhale.  Allow your body to relax, releasing any tension you may be holding on to.  Start to introduce the mantra, repeating it silently.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  If you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or sensations in your body, simply go back to repeating the mantra, just silently.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  Please continue meditating for about 10 minutes.  Then let the mantra go and bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.   As you feel ready, open your eyes.

Throughout the day consider the flow of giving and receiving and contemplate our centering thought.  Serving others serve me.  Serving others serves me.  Serving others serves me.




Journal Questions:


1. “We reflected deeply on the soul questions “How can I serve?” during today’s meditation. Take time to really explore answers that come through your writing – just write freely.”

2.  “What are three specific actions you can take to illuminate the world around you through sharing your unique gifts and talents in service to others?”

3.  “What are you grateful for today?”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”



