A collection of epigrams by 君塚正太

 君塚正太と申します。小説家、哲学者をしています。昨秋に刊行されました。本の題名は、「竜の小太郎 第一話」です。


2010年08月13日 10時27分05秒 | 小説

 因みに、私の携帯のドコモでは、まずiモードに継いで検索で Softbank 小説 と


The old man sea

2010年08月02日 12時40分16秒 | 文学
About 「The old man and sea」

First of all, I am interested in the book. If Someone asks me, “Why are you interested in the book”. I will answer the question. How was I attracted of the book? Nobody moves back from here, Hemingway opens our eyes of the world, including nature and creation. The genius is one of top creation. That is truth. Hey, someone. Not prejudice, open your mind, having own your eyes toward literature! It is a blind person, which does not act in union to truth. Like vanishing many supernovas.

I want to describe one thing. About Ernest Hemingway’s root of his literature. This is a core that is attached, why the core is attached. One philosopher said, his name is Heraclitus, “The things that can be seen, heard, and learned.” , he continues saying, “are what I prize the most”. It is opinion’s position of empiricist. Actually I’m not well up relationship between philosophy and literature. But I have one answer. “What can have very great value is worshipped by everybody.” , what he did achieve to the value? It’s an easy question. If you achieve to the point, you should get an inspiration. It’s not mysticism thinking. It was guided from many actual observations. For example, I recommend one phrase, “A poet does not require the person without insanity.” . It is relationship his life. Anyway, finally, he committed suicide with a hunting gun.
But it’s not the end of the story. “Alma teaches the poor whose afflictions had humbled them-Faith is a hope in that which is not seen which is true-Alma testifies that angels minister to men, women, and children-Alma compares the word unto a seed-It must be planted and nourished-Then it grows into a tree from which the fruit of eternal life is picked.” , by book of Mormon.