But after years of being dismissed as largely a fringe provocateur, Mr. Ishihara’s clout appears to be on the rise. He was able to translate his trademark China-bashing into policy this summer with . . . 本文を読む
Nationalist lawmakers have found new ways to drive the policy debate in recent weeks, using tactics that go beyond traditional noisy protests to embrace a younger generation of supporters—and . . . 本文を読む
今年の晩夏から初秋にかけて、はからずも二つの米国の有力紙が「日本における民族主義の復活」「右傾化する日本」という現状を報じました。そういう触れ込みでこれら二つの記事が逆輸入よろしく日本の論壇の注目を集めた。ここで紹介する"Nationalist Movements in Japan Gain Influence"「変化する日本-影響力を益す民族主義の動き」(The Wall Street Jour . . . 本文を読む