Last Chance Cafe  master JL6USD

これから起こる出来事の全てが Last Chance だと思って生活している後期高齢者のブログ


2012-01-16 03:00:00 | Ham Radio
** Pileup Frustrations - Please Read **  QRZ.COM より

 The last week or 2 pileups have been a real problem JA and EU mostly.
 Rude operators calling over the top of other operators, high powered stations that I can hear but can't hear me, jamming, QSO's etc.
 I won't presume to give you hints on how you should operate if you don't know by now then chances are good you never will.
 What I will do is make some observations.
 I can work pileups quickly, moving from station to station over a number of hours and accrue several hundred contacts.
 I can only do this if signals are intelligible, I can hear you and you can hear me.
 When it's a dogpile and everyones screaming for my attention by calling over the top of each other I just sit there wasting time trying to discern callsigns over the hundreds that are calling.
 It simply doesn't work.
 I've tried the numbers games, working by region, working expanded splits none of these solve the real problems.
 I just end up getting frustrated and walk away.

 My suggestions - Listen more, be polite let stations finish their turn before calling, make sure you can hear.
 If you do these then theres a good chance I will hear your call and respond.
 I can guarantee you if your a station being rude and calling over the top of other stations continuously without regard for others I will simply shut down and go QRT.
 Radio just isn't fun in those conditions.


 いつの日から JA DXer は Rude operator に成り下がってしまったのだろうか?
 「 赤信号、皆で渡れば怖くない 」 ですか? ・・・ 情けない。
 今や、EU のオペレータを非難している場合ではない!

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Unknown (uky)
2012-01-17 23:13:14
ご無沙汰しています。パイルがすごいので聞くだけ状態ですが、先週末21 CWは長い間出てい多様ですが、その後何か問題?この事だったのですね。
