


2013-05-30 05:06:35 | インポート

the United States for compensation.
Japan is breaking off relations in South Korea and diplomatic relations early.

such as the cost of medical treatment, are doing the allowance.
Furthermore, there are those [ no ] who think will ask the United States

there are those [ no ] who think will ask a country for compensation.
Of course, countries, such as the cost of

There is a memorial service and it will pray for the dead person's bliss in August.
Although there are also many contaminated persons,

There are a person who died in Japan in Hiroshima and died from atomic bombing in Nagasaki, and hundreds of thousands of list of names.

They who are not Japanese have sometimes settled in Japan as a foreigner as a Japanese.
Does God allow?

for 60 years after the war, and Japan is troubled by treatment.
Their crime is 10 or more times of Japanese people.
They who are not

Nationality is South Korea and North Korea.
It is called Korean resident in Japan.
Then, he will settle in Japan for 60 years

repeated the illegal act, and settled in Japan by defeat of Japan when a foreigner's control was insufficient are about 550,000 people.

Furthermore, Japan has the fact still occupied by South Korea.
The persons who much South Korea and people from North Korea came to Japan,

not having Japan either and also doing investigation and South Korea gives a reason and, as for all, came to require gold.

There is also no fact of continuing blaming Germans.
It was because a huge amount of money was simply paid to South Korea without backing

Furthermore, there is also no fact that Israel is continuing requiring money of Germany, to German Hitler's wrongdoing.
There is also no

from the inhumane act whichGerman chief Hitler did, and Germany paid the national budget amount equivalent of Israel.

The material should call it comfort women.
There is no fact that Israelis and Israel required huge compensation from the inhumane act

and South Korea which pay a large amount of money if it requires.

of South Korea of those days, and the same amount free.
Therefore, Japanis considered by the country and

Japan included having made you trouble regardless of the actual condition, and paid the huge amount of money for the national budget of

in damage by comfortwomen has the purpose of taking a large amount of money from Japan.
By the Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty in 1965,

The reason against which South Korea appeals comfort-women damage.
Because insisting to the world that South Korea was in damage by


2013-05-28 05:06:35 | インポート

in damage by comfortwomen has the purpose of taking a large amount of moneyfrom Japan.
By the Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty in 1965,

The reason against which South Korea appeals comfort-women damage.
Because insisting to the world that South Korea was in damage by








RT @bytheseaonekiss: #tvasahi #tvタックル
#性奴隷 って 韓国がベトナム人女性にしたのは強姦・虐殺ですが…

RT @cyapel: それを見て見ぬ振りしたのがUSです"@jazzy_saxophone :ベトナム戦争で、殺人と強姦を繰り返した韓国軍。" http://t.co/p7fKrOrNsP #tvasahi

RT @liyon3722: "@sugou777 :性奴隷・・・・英霊を冒涜する言葉ですね! それを日本のメディアが後押し、反日コメンテーターが嬉々として垂れ流す・・信じられない・・・  #ライダイハン " http://t.co/mD8beEsYCj #nhk

RT @kilia33: 腹立つわ~慰安婦問題というのは在日や韓国どもが必死になってやってる反日活動ですよ こんな奴らは敵だとちゃんと日本は認識して徹底的に抗戦すべきだ

RT @shige1246: 賛成! RT @unauna711: 韓国と国交断絶しようよ! #さようなら韓国 http://t.co/d8bkILWdAU #tvasahi

RT @tabitoyama: 『 #参議院選と国民意識 』アルカニダ ・売春婦が持ち帰る金はGDPの内需の20%、韓国の外貨獲得手段。故に政府も黙認。日本の売春婦のほとんどが韓国人という事実+認識が広まっているので慰安婦と慰安婦団体が何を言っても説得力無http://t.co

RT @FIFI_Egypt: ?大阪・北区で母子の遺体見つかる 餓死や病死の可能性も

本当に必要な人の生活を保護するために税金が使われるよう、徹底的に不正受給根絶に努めてもらいたい。また帰るべき母国ある外国人が生活苦をこの国に求めるのは如何なものか?過保護過ぎ。 http:…

RT @27543493: 日本のマスコミが韓国【電通】に支配されている理由 立花孝志元NHK職員 http://t.co/oKTX2tkVRL【定期】

RT @loudano: 大体、従軍慰安婦なんて言い出したの「朝日新聞」じゃん! #tvasahi

RT @mercutio047: 橋下「戦線の兵士に従軍慰安婦は必要だった」




RT @s_leaf: 「原爆は神の懲罰」と書いた中央日報のばか論説委員は「遺憾のお言葉を申し上げます。」と書いてすましていた。これで本当にすませたつもりなの?お前ら朝鮮人は日本に対しては謝罪賠償しろとキチガイみたいに騒いで許さないだろうが。それですむならなんでも遺憾でOKだろ…


2013-05-27 05:06:35 | インポート




2013-05-26 05:05:04 | インポート




2013-05-24 05:05:06 | インポート

the merit of unfathomable both countries will be produced.
It can do, if Mr. Kim Jong Eun becomes a motivation.

It can do, if a relation is connected as a friendly nation.
If Japan and North Korea become friendship, the merit of

and it can expect activity and wonderful prosperity of North Korea as a corporate citizen.
Useless, if Japan is asked for an apology or

The North Korea system North Korean of the Japanese occupation currently criticized in Japan returns to a country, and it can

and a friendly nation, it can prosper by concentrated investment of Japanese companies, and factory intensive advance.

Japan -> be connectedwith the United States.
There is only a way absorbed with South Korea.
If it becomes Japan and a friendly

If North Korea wants to prosper as an independent country to Mr. Kim Jong Eun, to him, it becomes Japan and friendship! Japan -




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