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6月14日(土)のつぶやき その3

2014-06-15 02:12:13 | クリッピング 

Opinion: What should be done to fight high rates of sexual violence? - by @HamidDabashi aje.me/1ueMS6n

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Iraq Insurgency Stirs U.S. Veterans on.wsj.com/TUg2N2

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Russia is transporting tanks into Ukraine, says US gu.com/p/3q57x/tf

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【首都に迫る】イラク、過激派が治安部隊と交戦 huff.to/1kvfanD

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American contractor tells @andersoncooper how Iraqi villagers helped him get to safety when #ISIS attacked. #AC360 8p pic.twitter.com/ecwb6BKuTu

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Consumers in Japan will soon be able to choose where their electricity comes from- Rakuten, .. pvt co to enter market Renewable choices too?

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時事◆空母、即応態勢に=イラクで監視活動強化-米軍 jiji.com/jc/c?g=int_30&… 「報道官によれば、米軍はイラク政府の要請を受け、過去数日の間に監視・偵察活動に関する支援を強化したという。無人偵察機を投入した可能性もある」

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時事◆過激派のイラク攻勢、死者数百人=民間人処刑も-国連弁務官 jiji.com/jc/c?g=int_30&… 「ここ数日の間の死者が数百人に達し、負傷者も1000人近くに上った恐れがあると指摘した。民間人やイラク軍兵士への違法な処刑が行われているとの情報があるという」

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ウクライナ、ロシア産ガス料金で妥協案受け入れ用意 bit.ly/1lp6lAD

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6月14日(土)のつぶやき その2

2014-06-15 02:12:12 | クリッピング 

"The U.S. should get out of the area" - Iraqi Sami Rasouli on deepening crisis. Watch interview: owl.li/xZlsL

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インドルピーが大幅下落、イラク情勢受け石油輸入業者がドル買い bit.ly/1ltbSpW

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In #Iraq, @WFP is responding to the urgent needs of the displaced by deploying emergency & logistics teams. bit.ly/STpsYk

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Rooftop Solar = 2% Of Electricity Generation In Australia buff.ly/1sbFaON #solar #energy #australia

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オバマ大統領が迅速に決断、イラク情勢で米国務長官 bit.ly/1hR2r3P #egyjp #libjp #midjp

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Iran may be open to working with U.S. to help Baghdad fight militants huff.to/1kwmNKC

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Obama Tells Iraqis To Play Nice With Terrorist: Obama's weak and dangerous foreign policy is once again
demons... bit.ly/1pTkPta

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14 unfortunate quotes about Iraq from American politicians, via @IBTimes bit.ly/1natLHZ

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Obama: We Will Not Send U.S. Troops Back Into Combat In Iraq alan.com/2014/06/13/oba… #p2 #Iraq

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読売◆イスラム過激派、首都防衛「最後の砦」に侵攻 yomiuri.co.jp/world/20140614… 「イラク北部、中部から南部へと進撃を続けているイスラム過激派「イラク・シリアのイスラム国(ISIS)」は13日、首都バグダッドの北約110キロにあるサマッラに侵攻」

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新委員2氏の一問一答 原子力規制委 t.asahi.com/ezvf

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イラクで元アルカイダ系武装勢力ISISの支配が拡大している件で、ISIS民兵や解放された囚人らによるレイプや虐殺が増えつつあると国連人権高等弁務官が警告。一方政府軍による住宅地砲撃で民間人の犠牲者も出ていると。 english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle…

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MT @UN_Women Move beyond business as usual, it's #TimeToAct to end sexual violence in conflict ow.ly/xYYSN pic.twitter.com/gwCOWI1Kzy

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We are live hearing from people in Iraq as Islamist militants continue to seize towns and cities. Listen live bbc.in/1l91wfY #WHYS

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If you want to get involved in the conversation on ISIS and Iraq, tweet us using #WHYS or message us on WhatsApp +447730751925

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Obama: Iraq has to solve its own problems aje.me/1qH4Cag

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イラク、国家分裂の危機 クルド地域政府が油田掌握 t.asahi.com/ezve

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時事◆過激派、シーア派民兵と衝突=本格内戦突入も-イラク jiji.com/jc/c?g=int&k=2… 「イラクのシーア派最高権威シスタニ師はこの日、金曜礼拝で代理人を通じて「神聖な目的達成のため、志願して治安部隊に参加せよ」と訴え、シーア派信徒に決起を呼び掛けた」

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The group overrunning Iraq wants to build a caliphate stretching from Iraq to Syria and beyond nyti.ms/1hQO4fZ

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President Obama: We will not be sending U.S. troops back into combat. Watch CNN: cnn.it/watch

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CNN Homepage: Short Obama: It's not us, Iraq. It's you. cnn.it/Uz3tra pic.twitter.com/rQ7NifotLp

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イラク政府支援を数日間検討、米軍再派遣はない=オバマ大統領 bit.ly/1pVnJOd

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東電、3火力発電所の共同建て替えを提案 中部電などに t.asahi.com/ezyp

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See what happened this week at the UN on?Iraq,?Afghanistan, #TimetoAct & the #WorldCup. Video recap: ow.ly/xYSjE

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6月14日(土)のつぶやき その1

2014-06-15 02:12:11 | クリッピング 

Listen Up: Home Solar Battery Storage Systems Are Coming bit.ly/TNNEwh #renewableenergy

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Google Aims To "Fundamentally Change the World of Power" bit.ly/1kmjEwJ #renewableenergy

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ウクライナへの供給停止、代金未納なら=ガスプロム bit.ly/1qBP8V0

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オバマ米大統領、イラク攻撃の可能性排除せず bit.ly/1pOIfQs

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米テスラが知財権の他社使用を容認、EV開発の加速目指す bit.ly/1qCIH3X

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イラク北部から米ロッキード社員が避難、戦闘激化受け bit.ly/1ktai2w

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米グーグルの眼鏡型端末「グラス」向けに、初の医療用アプリ bit.ly/1qDKfLl

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武装組織がイラク東部ジャラウラに侵攻、治安部隊は拠点を放棄 bit.ly/1hP0G7n

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「イラクショック」は回避、日本に重い原油価格上昇 bit.ly/1kus2KK

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ウクライナ軍が親ロシア派支配の港湾都市包囲、内相「奪還成功」 bit.ly/1qEIqxI

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イラク、武装組織が首都北方ディヤラ県に進攻 bit.ly/1lspsJG pic.twitter.com/Rkw5yQX1J6

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オバマ大統領が迅速に決断、イラク情勢で米国務長官 bit.ly/1hQNRJI

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ドル上昇、イラク情勢緊迫化や米国債利回り上昇で bit.ly/1hR7xx9

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中国の不動産販売さえず、急激な価格引き下げ迫る bit.ly/1mSn107

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On @voxdotcom: Our map showing why #Iraq's crisis is threatening oil supply bit.ly/1oXH8OM via @bradplumer pic.twitter.com/vKwPdmbn6J

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Who’s building a clean renewable energy future? Australia? #aimhigher pic.twitter.com/AL0OzI7EGI

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Review of international emissions trends and policy developments(PDF)-----WWF Australia wwf.org.au/?9980/Key-coun… #renewau #climatechagen

#Iraq must solve its own problems, President Obama says in this video bbc.in/1ltmZPb & pic.twitter.com/HzWV7SGyQz

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Where OPEC oil is to come from over next 5 years, from IEA this morning. Mostly Iraq. Kuwait losing a lot pic.twitter.com/OYQpq5BOxa

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Obama: Unless Iraq fixes its internal political problems, short-term military help won't make much difference. cnn.it/Uz3tra

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Crude Oil Just Broke Out - Here's What It Means - Forbes dlvr.it/5zXB9K

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