
katorikku jyohou

ルフェーブル大司教を支持してバチカンの圧力に屈せず抵抗したイタリアの女王 イタリア最大の個人宮殿を持つ教皇派の黒い貴族にしてローマの女王

2019-07-17 | 伝統派 十世会


Forty years ago a historical event took place: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre held a conference on June 6th 1977 at the Pallavicini Palace in Rome, on the subject "The Church after the Council". I  think it is worthwhile to recall that event, on the basis of notes and documents I have kept.


Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X (1970), after the priestly ordinations of June 29th 1976, was suspended a divinis on July 22nd of the same year.  Informed Catholics however, had serious doubts as to the canonical legitimacy of these measures and in particular, incomprehension with regard to the behavior of Paul VI who seemed to reserve his censorships for only those who said they wanted to remain faithful to Church Tradition.  In this climate of disorientation, in April of 1977, Princess Elvina Pallavicini (1914 -2004) decided to invite Archbishop Lefebvre to her palace in the Quirinal, to hear his reasoning.


Most don’t know the Italian noblewoman, Princess Elvina Pallavicini, accepted Archbishop Lefebvre into her palace for a conference, showing him and ultimately the Traditional Faith her support, when few in the Church would even stop to listen to anything Archbishop Lefebvre had to say about the Faith that sanctified the Church for 2,000 years. She was threatened with excommunication for even entertaining the Archbishop. However, fidelity is victorious in the end and the palace of the Princess became a focal points for many priests, bishops and cardinals. Indeed, the Princess was right: there is no room in the Church for the cowardly.


Princess Elvina Pallavicini


Rome has more private palaces than any other European city because its nobility is descended from a succession of wealthy medieval and Renaissance popes who each spawned his own dynasty. Many of the palaces remain home to the families who were prevented by law from selling the contents.

The richest private palace is Pallavicini Rospigliosi, which has hundreds of priceless artworks, including Bernini crucifixes, a harpsichord hand-painted by Pousin, and Rubens's portraits of Christ and the Apostles. Princess Elvina Pallavicini, 87, has barred entry to all except bearers of letters of introduction from ambassadors or professors.



