
katorikku jyohou


2020-01-01 | F1 フランシス一世

He made clear that his reform of the Curia “never had the presumption of being done as if nothing existed before. On the contrary, it has aimed to valorize all that is good that has been done in the complex history of the church.” But, he said, “to appeal to memory does not mean to anchor oneself in self-conservation…. Memory is not static, it is dynamic. By nature, it implies movement. Tradition is not static, it is dynamic. It is the guarantee of the future, not the custodian of ashes.”


Anyone who stands against Bergoglio's plans to turn Newchurch into an anti-Catholic secular institution directed toward the goals of Marxism and even Communism, he told the Newroman Curial officials on December 21, 2019, is "mentally deranged." He capped his statements with outright heresy: "Tradition is not static, it is dynamic." This is a classic expression of the Modernist heresy, which was condemned outright by Pope Pius IX, Pope Leo XIII, and especially Pope St. Pius X, who denounced it as "summa omnium heresum," the synthesis of all heresies and excommunicated from the Catholic Church those clergy who taught such heresy.

