
katorikku jyohou

ドレクセル神父 ルフェーブル大司教を支持する私的啓示「(彼は)真理の光にして柱 / (彼の)司祭養成は私の意志」

2020-01-15 | 聖母出現

“The future looks dark for you. Your interior struggle for true perception and the way to take in the confusion is known to me. And so I shall enlighten you. My faithful son Marcel (Archbishop Lefebvre), who suffers a great deal for the faith, is going on the right path. He is like a light and pillar of truth, which many ordained priests of mine are betraying. Faith is greater than obedience. Therefore it is my will that the work of theological education for priests continues in the spirit and will of my son Marcel, for the salvation and great help of my one and true Church. 




