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Australia's "whaling" patrol fiasco?(Feb 27, 2014)

2014-02-27 21:34:54 | 捕鯨騒動


そんな監視活動について、今月24日に行われたオーストラリア上院の環境と通信に関する法制定委員会(?)(Environment and Communications Legistration Committee)で意味深な発言があったらしい。
・Australian Government Values Whales at $290 AUD Each(2014年2月27日 seashepherd.org.au)
・Proof Committee Hansard: SENATE ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS LEGISLATION COMMITTEE(2014年2月24日 aph.gov.au;.pdfファイル)

問題の発言は、国際捕鯨委員会(IWC)のオーストラリア側代表兼 (オーストラリア環境省内の1部門である)国際的な生物多様性と持続可能社会部(?)(International Biodiversity and Sustainability)の責任者であるドンナ・ペトラチェンコ(Donna PETRACHENKO)氏が行ったもの。
相手は、ピーター・ウィッシュ=ウィルソン(Peter WHISH-WILSON)上院議員・・・。
以下、2014年2月24日分 aph.gov.au『Proof Committee Hansard~』からP.117-P.118を長くなるけど(略

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CHAIR: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
We now have officers from the department in relation to program 1.2―Environmental information and research.
We will kick off with Senator Whish-Wilson.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: Thank you, Chair.
I have some questions relating to whaling surveillance.
Can you confirm what I think the Antarctic Division told us this morning that only one surveillance flight has taken place this whaling season.

Ms Petrachenko: Yes, Senator, I can confirm that there has been one flight using the A319 aircraft through the Customs and Border Protection Service.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: Can you give us an idea of how long that flight lasted for and the type of area that they covered.

Ms Petrachenko: In terms of operational details, that is something that is something that should be directed towards Customs and Border Protection.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: Okay, so you can't answer any questions as to what type of surveillance equipment they used.

Ms Petrachenko: No, I can't.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: Okay.
Can you give us an idea of cost?

Ms Petrachenko: Yes, I can―$ 93,248.

Mr Thompson[注:Malcolm THOMPSON, 環境省の次官]: Senator, just to add to that: that cost is for the use of the aircraft; it is exclusive of any cost that the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service might incur.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: So that is the total cost for leasing the aircraft for a period of time or just for the one flight?
Mr Thompson: Your question was how much did that flight cost, and that was―

Senator WHISH-WILSON: So that was just for that one flight.
Who staffed that plane?
Was that Customs officials or did you have someone from the Environment?

Ms Petrachenko: No, there was no-one from the Department of the Environment there; it was manned by Customs and Border Protection.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: So what sort of arrangements did you have in place for them?
Do they report back to you the details of how often they, for example, spotted the whaling fleet or how many dead whales they saw in the water?
How was it supposed to work?

Ms Petrachenko: The charter arrangements are through our department with Customs and Border Protection Service, so they are in charge of the operation.
So that is as simple as it is.
And at the end of every operation there is normal debriefing with people who have been involved in the operation.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: So your department would get a debriefing but you cannot divulge the details of those debriefings?

Ms Petrachenko: I think for all the operational questions it would be most appropriate to go to Customs and Border Protection.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: Were you happy that it provided a disincentive to the Japanese whalers to enter Australian territorial waters or the whale sanctuary?

Mr Thompson: I think that is a question asking for our opinion or our feelings towards it.
We saw the flight as meeting the government's commitment.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: Is there any reason why only one flight has taken place?

Mr Thompson: As Ms Petrachenko said, for operational reasons we don't go into details of this.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: So you don't have any idea how many whales have been killed, for example?

Ms Petrachenko: What happens every year on that front is the Japanese are required to report the number of whales that they kill.

Senator WHISH-WILSON: Correct.
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その辺りは、ジョフ・ブラウン(Geoffrey Charles "Geoff" BROWN)オーストラリア空軍参謀総長(Chief of Air Force)が議会で行った発言にも示されてた。
・Greg Hunt's whaling patrol 'not up to task' says Air Force Chief Geoff Brown(2014年2月26日 smh.com.au)

以下、2014年2月26日分 smh.com.au『Greg Hunt's whaling patrol~』から前半部分を(略

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Air Force Chief Geoff Brown has thrown doubt on the effectiveness of Environment Minister Greg Hunt's switch to using aircraft to monitor Antarctic whaling.

"The [Airbus] A319 is not suitable for that task," Air Marshall Brown told a Senate estimates hearing on Wednesday.
"The word surveillance can mean many things," he said.
"Surveillance out of a passenger aeroplane is a pretty limited operation."

He said the Air Force considered all options for the whaling surveillance task, including its P3 Orion and C-17 Globemasters, but found them unsuitable because they lacked the range to operate off the Antarctic coast.

Air Marshall Brown indicated that the Boeing P8s, which Defence announced last Friday would be arriving in Australia in 2017, would be suitable for the task.

"The recent announcement of the [Boeing] P8 will certainly give us capability to get down there because it's air-to-air refuellable, which the P3 isn't."
Air Marshall Brown was responding to questions from the Greens Senator, Peter Whish-Wilson, who has been pursuing the government over its whaling policy in estimates.

"I never expected that the final demolition of their plan's credibility would come from the Chief of the Air Force," Senator Whish-Wilson said after the hearing.
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