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A new law that divides between Muslim and Christian "citizens" of the Israel(Feb 26, 2014)

2014-02-26 21:44:17 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
一昨日のことになるが、イスラエルで雇用機会均等に関する諮問委員会(the Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunity in the Employment Commission :המוגבר בוועדה המייעצת לשוויון ההזדמנויות )の委員にキリスト教徒である「アラブ系」住民を選出することを盛り込んだ法案が可決された。
・Christians legally granted separate representation from other Arabs for first time(2014年2月25日 jpost.com)
・In first, Christian Arabs recognized as own minority(2014年2月25日 timesofisrael.com)

以下、2014年2月25日分 thmesofisrael.com『In first~』から序盤部分を(略)

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The bill passed by a 30-5 margin in its second reading, and a 31-6 vote in its third reading.

The legislation, sponsored by Likud MK Yariv Levin, will add an Israeli Christian Arab representative to the panel of the Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunity, in the Employment Commission.

The law would extend the number of panel members from the current five to ten, adding a representative for the ultra-Orthodox, Druze, Christian, and Circassian populations, as well as for reserve duty soldiers, women, immigrants, and the elderly.

While the law is, in theory, meant to boost employment among Israel’s minorities, Israeli Arab MKs have accused Levin of undermining Arab identity and creating a divide in the Israeli Arab community by advancing the the legal status of Christian Arabs in Israel, at the expense of Muslims.

“We are essentially in a situation where attempts are being made to define the country by religion, and here [the government is] trying to determine differences between Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs,” MK Issawi Frej of the left-wing Meretz party said of the newly instated law.

“Levin wants to divide the Arab public, which is already oppressed. We won’t be his slaves,” MK Jamal Zahalka of the Balad party said in early February.
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Frej 氏の指摘は、(悪い意味で)当たっていた模様。
この法案に関して、法案を提出した Yariv Levin(יריב גדעון לוין)氏は、この法案がムスリムの「アラブ系」の人達とキリスト教徒の「アラブ系」の人達を分断するものだと述べていた。
また、イスラエル軍内にあるキリスト教徒評議会(?:Christian IDF Officers Forum)の責任者である Shadi Halul 氏は、ムスリムの「アラブ系」の議員を非難していた。
以下、2014年2月25日分 thmesofisrael.com『In first~』から中盤部分を(略)

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“The legislation would give separate representation and separate consideration to the Christian population, that will separate them from Muslim Arabs,” Levin told Maariv a few months ago.
“It’s a historic and important step that could balance the State of Israel and connect us to the Christians, and I am careful not to refer to them as Arabs, because they are not Arabs.”

The Christian Arabs, “our natural allies,” differ from the Muslims “who want to destroy the state from within,” Levin said.

Lt. (res.) Shadi Halul, who heads the Christian IDF Officers Forum, and was present at the debate in early February, called the Arab MKs “racists.”

I’m proud to be Christian. We have a right to self-definition as well; we are entitled to recognition,” he said.

“We are supporting this bill,” Halul told the Times of Israel in an e-mail interview.
“It makes justice for Christian needs and solves discrimination against them within the Arab community that the state has falsely put them in for 65 years.”

“Christians have their own historical identity and heritage with a destiny different from Arabs and Muslims,” he continued.
“If something happened to our beloved country Israel, we as Christians will have a harmful destiny, as we see now in Syria, with massacres, rape, church destruction, like what happened in Lebanon and Iraq before. We deserve the right to self-representation and identity with legal Christian representatives that understand our needs, to stop discrimination,” he said.
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・New law dividing Christian, Muslim Arabs legalizes inequality(2014年2月25日 972mag.com)

以下、2014年2月25日分 972mag.com『New law dividing~』から終盤部分を(略

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This new law has legally enshrined the de facto reality in which Muslim citizens of Israel are not entitled to equal rights, just by virtue of being born that way.
This is the definition of a racist policy.

Jews sit at the top of the pyramid of religious privilege, followed by Christians and then Muslims.
Of course, there are also inner-hierarchies within every sector (i.e. Russian Jews before Ethiopian Jews, urban middle class Palestinians before Bedouin in the periphery).

What strikes me about Levin’s comments is how he makes Christians out to be the Jews’ best friends, while the Muslims are the inherent enemy.
This makes me think he knows nothing about basic history.
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# この記事でパレスチナの人達でなく「アラブ系」という言葉を使ったのは、今回ネタにした法案がキリスト教徒の人達を新たな宗派集団に再構成するという意図があると感じたから。


