flagburner's blog(仮)


難民叩きは気楽な稼業と来たもんだ(危険)(Jan 7, 2014)

2014-01-08 21:39:25 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・Asylum seekers in Israel are NOT "infiltrators"!(Jan 6, 2014)(2014年1月6日 flagburner's blog(仮))

これに関して、jpost.com が意味のわからない社説を書いていた。
・NGOs and migrants(2014年1月8日 jpost.com)

とりあえず、2014年1月7日分 jpost.com 『NGOs~』から前半部分を(略

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But while the demonstrators are undoubtedly displeased with Israeli migration policy, which seeks to discourage prospective African migrants from attempting to come to Israel by preventing them from working here, the driving force and organizational logistics behind Sunday’s demonstration emanated from left-wing NGOs.

Over the years, these NGOs have been disseminating misinformation about the migrants in an attempt to advance a post-Zionist political agenda that seeks to transform Israel from a Jewish state to “a state for all its citizens.”

First these left-wing activists used a Holocaust-genocide discourse in an attempt to appeal to Jewish sensibilities.

They told us that these migrants were refugees from Darfur who faced extermination.
And for a while it worked.
In 2007 Haaretz editorialized that “the first moral commandment of the state of the Jews is that it does not have the right to slam the door in the face of refugees fleeing genocide.”

However, it quickly became abundantly clear that the vast majority of migrants were not from Darfur at all.

Most (about 70 percent) are from Eritrea and not Sudan.

And even those from North Sudan are generally not from areas where genocide was perpetrated.
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で、さっきの引用部分の後、例の社説は、難民申請者の人達を支援する NGO の人達(ややこしい)のコメントを引き合いに出し、難民受け入れに反対する論を張っていたのだが・・・。
以下、2014年1月7日分 jpost.com 『NGOs~』から後半部分を(略

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The truth is that the vast majority of African migrants are motivated to make the trip to Israel because they see an opportunity to earn what is for them large sums of money.

According to Yonatan Jakubowicz, director of public relations at the Israeli Immigration Policy Center, an NGO that supports the government’s policies, the average salary in Eritrea is $420 a year and a third of Eritrea’s GDP comes from salaries earned abroad and sent home.

There are not many economic opportunities for ambitious young men living in Eritrea, Sudan or many other places in Africa.
And we can understand the desire to benefit one’s lot by migrating elsewhere.

But Israel, created to be the only state in the world where the Jewish people can exercise self-determination, will never solve the socioeconomic ills of Africa.
It does, however, risk losing its strong Jewish majority if it continues to absorb thousands of African migrants.

Some NGOs would actually like to see this happen.

The government’s migrant policy is designed to prevent such a scenario.
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先日の抗議デモに関して、Times Of Israel に別の意味でわけのわからない論説が掲載されていた。
・Doing the migrants a disservice(2014年1月7日 timesofisrael.com)

参考までに、2014年1月7日分 timesofisraelcom.『Doing the migrants~』から中盤部分を(略

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Best of all is the hyping of the crisis in countries, such as Iran, to which no African, no matter how endangered his or her life, is likely to voluntarily run for refuge.

If we’re that awful, one might ask, why would so many people from the continent to our south want to try to rebuild their lives here?

Among other things, one might then answer, because here they get to march in safety, and demonstrate with police protection, and have their demands freely and accurately reported, and castigate the policy of the very government to which they are appealing.
Just as protesters can in Iran. (Not.)
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