ジンバブェでは、国内の混乱に対処するためなのか Mugabe 大統領の地位を守るためなのか、Mugabe 大統領と Tsvangirai 氏の間で政治的合意が一応取り付けられていた。
この状況を見るに見かねたのか知らないが、前国連事務総長の Kofi Annan 氏と元米大統領こと Jimmy Carter 氏がジンバブェに行こうとした。
・アナン前国連事務総長らにビザ発給拒否 ジンバブエ(2008年11月23日 asahi.com)
以下、asahi.com から、ジンバブェ政府側の見解と Annan 氏+Carter 氏の見解を書いてる部分を引用しておく。
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Mugabe 大統領の権力維持という意味でも・・・。
で、Annan 氏に関しては、ジンバブェ政府謹製広報紙 The Herald が見事に dis っていた。
・Blundering Annan should leave us alone(2008年11月25日 The Herald)
多分翌日には読めなくなるので、The Herald の記事(正確には編集者のコメント)を全文引用しておく。
[] 内は、俺の突っ込み。
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Blundering Annan should leave us alone
EDITOR -- Kofi Annan can go hang.
His love for the white man should not make him blind to reality.
He did nothing for Africa, let alone Zimbabwe, when he was UN secretary- general.
What does he think he can do in his intended 24-hour visit to Zimbabwe that he could not do in the 10 years he was at the helm of the UN?
Whoever his masters are who set up this nonsensical body of so-called ‘‘Elders’’ should know that in Africa, elders are not imposed as they are part of the cultural milieu.
We have no white elders like Jimmy Carter in any of our villages.
Carter is an elder in Washington, not here.
He has no role to play in our political affairs, except maybe as a spoiler.
Let me remind the likes of Carter that we have our own elders here like our Council of Chiefs.
As for Graca Machel, she can try to use her second husband’s influence in South Africa where she married and where Nelson Mandela is seen as an elder within ANC structures.
As for the blundering Ghanaian, he is lost miles away from West Africa where he is a tribal chief and where he can join the council of chiefs of his country.
He may be considered an elder within Ecowas by virtue of having been a useless, pathetic, subservient American stooge at the UN not here in Southern Africa with our rich history of pan-Africanism.
Annan has no shame.
He continues to be the embarrassment he has always been since his UN days when he allowed his son to sell oil in dubious arrangements with the Iraq government during UN-imposed sanctions in that country when Iraq was allowed to sell oil for food.
Can someone tell this corrupt and shameless West African stooge to restrict himself to West Africa?
Southern Africa does not suffer stooges.
Pachatofa munhu.
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Mugabe 大統領の利益にならないことを言いそうな Annan 氏を脅してるとしか・・・(苦笑)。
この状況を見るに見かねたのか知らないが、前国連事務総長の Kofi Annan 氏と元米大統領こと Jimmy Carter 氏がジンバブェに行こうとした。
・アナン前国連事務総長らにビザ発給拒否 ジンバブエ(2008年11月23日 asahi.com)
以下、asahi.com から、ジンバブェ政府側の見解と Annan 氏+Carter 氏の見解を書いてる部分を引用しておく。
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Mugabe 大統領の権力維持という意味でも・・・。
で、Annan 氏に関しては、ジンバブェ政府謹製広報紙 The Herald が見事に dis っていた。
・Blundering Annan should leave us alone(2008年11月25日 The Herald)
多分翌日には読めなくなるので、The Herald の記事(正確には編集者のコメント)を全文引用しておく。
[] 内は、俺の突っ込み。
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Blundering Annan should leave us alone
EDITOR -- Kofi Annan can go hang.
His love for the white man should not make him blind to reality.
He did nothing for Africa, let alone Zimbabwe, when he was UN secretary- general.
What does he think he can do in his intended 24-hour visit to Zimbabwe that he could not do in the 10 years he was at the helm of the UN?
Whoever his masters are who set up this nonsensical body of so-called ‘‘Elders’’ should know that in Africa, elders are not imposed as they are part of the cultural milieu.
We have no white elders like Jimmy Carter in any of our villages.
Carter is an elder in Washington, not here.
He has no role to play in our political affairs, except maybe as a spoiler.
Let me remind the likes of Carter that we have our own elders here like our Council of Chiefs.
As for Graca Machel, she can try to use her second husband’s influence in South Africa where she married and where Nelson Mandela is seen as an elder within ANC structures.
As for the blundering Ghanaian, he is lost miles away from West Africa where he is a tribal chief and where he can join the council of chiefs of his country.
He may be considered an elder within Ecowas by virtue of having been a useless, pathetic, subservient American stooge at the UN not here in Southern Africa with our rich history of pan-Africanism.
Annan has no shame.
He continues to be the embarrassment he has always been since his UN days when he allowed his son to sell oil in dubious arrangements with the Iraq government during UN-imposed sanctions in that country when Iraq was allowed to sell oil for food.
Can someone tell this corrupt and shameless West African stooge to restrict himself to West Africa?
Southern Africa does not suffer stooges.
Pachatofa munhu.
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Mugabe 大統領の利益にならないことを言いそうな Annan 氏を脅してるとしか・・・(苦笑)。