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Haredi conscription bill to exclude minority?(Mar 12, 2014)

2014-03-12 21:31:59 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・Haredi conscription bill passes 67-1, as opposition boycotts vote(2014年3月12日 jpost.com)

以下、2014年3月12日分 jpost.com『Haredi conscription bill~』から前半部分を(略

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The Knesset voted the coalition's haredi conscription plan into law Wednesday morning, with 67 in favor and one opposed.

The opposition boycotted the vote and the one negative vote came from Bayit Yehudi MK Yoni Chetboun, who lost his position on the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and will be suspended from submitting bills for six weeks as punishment for his voting against the coalition.

"This is a historic, important bill," MK Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi), who led the Knesset committee to prepare the legislation, declared.
"For 65 years there was an exemption for all yeshiva students and the change the coalition made is proportionate and gradual and correct."

Shaked added that she "believes in the haredi public and that it will reach the [enlistment] goals the government set.
If there will be cooperation from haredi leadership, there will not be mandatory enlistment.
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・With a near-empty plenum, Israel approves haredi draft(2014年3月12日 ynetnews.com)

以下、2014年3月12日分 ynetnews.com『With a near-empty plenum~』から中盤部分を(略

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MK Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) slammed the passing of the bill, saying "The State of Israel has lost the right to be called a Jewish and democratic state today. The haredi public will not forgot and will not forgive Netanyahu and his partners for what they caused.

"This is a black day for the State and for the government, no yeshiva student will enlist, not today and not in the future," Gafni said.

The bill stipulates enlistment quotas for ultra-orthodox yeshiva (seminary) students, and imposes criminal sanctions on draft dodgers.

The bill was an election promise by Yesh Atid's Yair Lapid, whose party spearheaded the legislation.
It has enjoyed the support of religious-Zionist party Bayit Yehudi whose leader Naftali Bennett has expressed a desire to integrate haredim into the workforce and views IDF service as a facilitating such a move.
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・Knesset passes Governance Act amid opposition boycott(2014年3月11日 ynetnews.com)
・Knesset raises threshold to four seats, putting Arab parties at risk of not entering parliament(2014年3月11日 972mag.com)

以下、2014年3月11日分 972mag.com『Knesset raises~』から中盤部分を(略)

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The new law will mostly affect the three Palestinian parties, which usually win between 3-4 seats each.
Hadash, the joint Arab-Jewish party, currently has four seats; the same goes for the United Arab List (a unification of three parties, including the Islamic Ta’al party).
The secular Balad party, which currently has three seats, would not have made it into the Knesset under the new law.
Prior to the last elections, Knesset members banned Balad MK Hanin Zoabi from participating in the elections, a decision that was later overruled by the Supreme Court.

Kadima, an opposition party that has two seats in the current Knesset, would not have not made it in as well under the new legislation.

The law might benefit medium-size parties like Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid, Shas and the settlers’ Jewish Home party, since they will not stand the risk of losing supporters to fringe parties, especially now that voters know that those factions are not likely to enter the Knesset.
In the last elections, the settlers lost two seats because of an unsuccessful run by the far-right Otzma Le’Yisrael party, while Shas took a hit due to attempts by Rabbi Amsalem and Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak to run on their own.

The new legislation is also likely to increase the influence of the financial elite and the mainstream media on the political system, as it will make it harder for smaller parties to launch guerrilla campaigns or win seats in the Knesset.
This will happen because more resources will be required to run a successful political campaign.

Supporters of the law claim that it will diminish the disproportional bargaining power of small factions while strengthening the government’s ability to execute its policies.
However, a closer examination of the political history shows that 2-4 person factions do not enjoy such powers at all, and that Palestinian parties, which will be hurt most by the change, have never been made part of the coalition, nor do have they ever received any special benefits (quite the opposite is true, in fact).
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