flagburner's blog(仮)


Peter HANSEN's slur against...(Apr 19, 2013)

2013-04-19 20:49:49 | 時事ネタ(海外)
米国で、ピーター・ハンセン(Peter HANSEN)ニューハンプシャー州議会議員が電子メール上で女性を侮辱する言葉を使ってたらしい・・・。
・米州議会議員が女性を「膣」と表現、非難浴び謝罪(2013年4月18日 jp.reuters.com)

以下、2013年4月18日分 jp.reuters.com『米州議会議員~』を全文(略

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[リトルトン(米ニューハンプシャー州 17日 ロイター]




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↓そのある blog。
・Vagina's and Children First!(2013年4月15日 susan the bruce)

問題のメールでは、スティーヴ・ヴィランコート(Steve VAILLANCOURT)州議員が演説で持ち出した "retreat"(銃を持った相手に銃の使用を思いとどまらせる、という意味か)という概念への反論とかを行っていたが・・・。
以下、2013年4月15日分 susan the bruce『Vagina's~』から、問題のメールを(略

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From: Hansen, Peter
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 8:32 PM
To: ~All Representatives
Subject: RE: HB 135 Speech

The Representative from Manchester blogged today his full speech from the well at last weeks vote on HB 135[引用者注1].

There were two critical ingredients missing in the illustrious stories purporting to demonstrate the practical side of retreat.
Not that retreat may not be possible mind you.
What could possibly be missing from those factual tales of successful retreat in VT[バーモント州], Germany, and the bowels of Amsterdam?[引用者注2]
Why children and vagina's of course.
While the tales relate the actions of a solitary male the outcome cannot relate to similar situations where children and women and mothers are the potential victims.
The presence of one or both ingredients demands that a potential totally different outcome might have prevailed and that is the factor which I believe was dismissed in the HB 135 debate and vote.

Rep. Peter T. Hansen
Hills. District 22 Amherst
ED&A Committee

・13-0281: 04/09: HOUSE BILL 135: AN ACT relative to physical force in defense of a person and relative to the definition of non-deadly force.(2013年3月27日 gencourt.state.nh.us)

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なんで女性を表現するのに "vagina" なんて言葉を使ったのやら(呆)。
良くも悪くも、HANSEN 議員が女性をどういう存在として捉えてるのか示してるわな。

で、問題のメールに関して HANSEN 氏は典型的な釈明を行っていた。
・Peter Hansen, New Hampshire Lawmaker, Calls Women 'Vaginas' In Email To Colleagues(2013年4月16日 huffingtonpost.com)

以下、2013年4月16日分 huffingtonpost.com『Peter Hansen~』からその部分を(略

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Hansen initially did not back down.
But on Tuesday, he claimed his comments were misinterpreted and he apologized "to those who took offense."

"Can there be any doubt my comment is being misinterpreted and taken completely out of context?"
Hansen said in a statement.
"It was not, and is not, my intention to demean women at any time. It is apparent that the intent of my remarks has been misinterpreted, the true goal of the message lost and for that I apologize to those who took offense."

His initial response to the controversy was different.
"Having a fairly well educated mind I do not need self appointed wardens to A: try to put words in my mouth for political gain and B: Turn a well founded strategy in communication into an insulting accusation, and finally if you find the noun vagina insulting or in some way offensive then perhaps a better exercise might be for you to re-examine your psyche," Hansen wrote.
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だったら、"vagina" なんて言葉を使うなよ・・・(呆)


