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Is "Rising antisemitism" magic phrase to evade criticism?(Dec 24, 2014)

2014-12-24 21:23:35 | 時事ネタ(海外)
何か知らんが、BBCのダニー・コーエン(Danny COHEN)取締役(?)が英国における反ユダヤ主義に関して発言してたらしいが・・・。
・BBC director Danny Cohen: Rising UK antisemitism makes me feel more uncomfortable than ever(2014年12月24日 independent.co.uk)

といあえず、2014年12月24日分 independent.co.uk『Rising UK antisemitism~』から前半部分を(略)

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The director of television at the BBC has said he has “never felt so uncomfortable as a Jew in the UK” as it was revealed that antisemitic incidents in Britain hit record annual levels in 2014.

Danny Cohen used the platform of a conference in Jerusalem to express his fears over what he identified as growing levels of hostility towards Jewish communities in Britain and in other parts of Europe.

“I’ve never felt so uncomfortable being a Jew in the UK as I’ve felt in the last 12 months. And it’s made me think about, you know, is it our long-term home, actually? Because you feel it. I’ve felt it in a way I’ve never felt before,” he said.

Mr Cohen, 40, the former controller of BBC1, said levels of hatred were on the rise across Europe.
“You’ve seen the number of attacks rise, you’ve seen murders in France, you’ve seen murders in Belgium. It’s been pretty grim actually,” he told an audience at Jerusalem Cinematheque at a conference addressing the ability of comedy to drive forward social change.

A native north Londoner, he said: “Having lived all my life in the UK, I’ve never felt as I do now about antisemitism in Europe.”
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参考までに、2014年12月24日分 independent.co.uk『Rising UK antisemitism~』からさっきの続きを(略)

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Although Cohen made no reference to his job in his comments, the BBC has been the target of a series of angry public protests this year from crowds critical of Israel’s actions in the recent conflict in Gaza.
The broadcaster was accused of failing to fairly represent the plight and position of Palestinians in the violence, which followed Israel’s launch of Operation Protective Edge in July.

The Gaza conflict led to a sharp rise in antisemitic incidents in Britain, where the Jewish community amounts to 260,000.
Following a pro-Palestinian rally in July, a group of young men drove in convoy through a Jewish part of Greater Manchester shouting “Heil Hitler” and throwing eggs and drinks cans at pedestrians.
Four teenagers were charged with a physical attack on a rabbi in Gateshead.
A sign saying “Child Murderers” was placed outside the Kingston Synagogue, south-west London, in August.
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・BBC’s Kafkaesque response to complaint over Gaza coverage(2014年12月23日 Electronic Intifada)

Electronic~の記事は、パレスチナ連帯キャンペーンPalestine Solidarity Campaign:PSC)という団体がBBCに出した苦情申し立てに対する回答を紹介していた。
そこで BBCは、妙な論理を持ち出し回答を拒否していたのだが・・・。
以下、2014年12月23日分 Electronic Intifada『BBC’s Kafkaesque response~』からその部分を(略)

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In its initial complaint, PSC referred to the website of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), which documents incidents of ceasefire breaches.
These breaches had been collated in an article published by Middle East Monitor (MEMO), which reported that there was more than one Israeli attack on Gaza every day in September.
The MEMO article was also included in PSC’s submission.

At the beginning of November, the BBC emailed to say: “You direct us to a non-BBC online report as evidence that the ceasefire has been violated by Israel. While we will not comment on the content or accuracy of what is published elsewhere, we would assure you that we are committed to due impartiality in respect of all our news reports and we are careful that this is maintained.”

There is more than a touch of Kafka about the first sentence of the BBC’s response, which seems to be suggesting that if anyone wants to prove that the ceasefire has been broken, and the BBC is wrong to say it is holding, then the proof that it has been broken must come from a BBC report ― a report which doesn’t exist ― as the BBC will not accept “a non-BBC online report as evidence.”

Laughable arrogance

And why won’t the BBC accept non-BBC reports as evidence that Israel has been continually violating the August truce?
Because, as the email’s second sentence indicates, the BBC feels it can’t trust the veracity of any news or factual sources other than its own, not even the reports of PCHR.

And there’s the laughable arrogance of a news organization which apparently sees only itself as a trustworthy source of news and yet, as The Electronic Intifada exposed in October, produces maps so wildly inaccurate that they place Jerusalem entirely within Israel, even though under international law the eastern part of the city, occupied by Israel in 1967, is part of the West Bank.
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