flagburner's blog(仮)



2008-08-10 19:56:39 | 時事ネタ(海外)
南アフリカの Mbeki 大統領が、ジンバブェの政治状況に関して色々手を打ってるみたいだが・・・。
・Mbeki flies in to speed power deal between Mugabe and opposition(2008年8月10日 guardian.co.uk)

何かにつけて、Mugabe 大統領の肩を持ってる印象が強い Mbeki 大統領。
Tsvangirai 氏と Mugabe 大統領を交渉の場に持ち込んだまではいいけど、Mugabe 大統領を支援する姿勢は崩してない模様。
というか、Tsvangirai 氏に屈服を迫った感も否めないが・・・。

以下、guardian.co.uk の記事から、その問題点に触れてる点を引用しておく。
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A quick political settlement is seen as the key to halting Zimbabwe's deepening socio-economic crisis.
Inflation is running at 2.2 million per cent, and a quarter of the population is reliant on food aid.
Humanitarian agencies have been operating under heavy restrictions since early June, when the government accused them of favouring the opposition.
Complicating the negotiations is the strong influence that the army and police chiefs have over Mugabe.
These forces were responsible for the campaign of violence and intimidation against supporters of the MDC during the election period.

Analysts say that senior security officials will not agree to a deal without a blanket amnesty to protect them from international prosecution.
Tsvangirai, who defeated Mugabe in the first round of elections but pulled out of the run-off because of the escalating violence, has said that he is willing to work with moderate Zanu-PF officials but not to share power directly with Mugabe.
He also wants fresh elections to be held within two years.

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ま、Mugabe 大統領が(色んな意味で)今の所責任を問われない以上、実際に暴力行為をやった人達が免罪を求めるのも無理は無いかと。

・Zimbabwe: JOC Opposes Zanu PF On Talks(2008年8月8日 allafrica.com)

一応、allafrica.com から、問題の部分を引用しておく。
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The source said the JOC members were also concerned about their security amid fears that they would be arrested for alleged human rights abuses during the violent run-off campaign.

"They are against the ceding of too much power to Tsvangirai," another source said.
"They are also afraid of being punished for human rights abuses."
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Mugabe 大統領の身代わりで罪を被りたくもないだろうしな~。
ま、Mugabe 大統領や警察とかの罪を裁くためには、上手いこと(ジンバブェ国内国外問わず)赦す場合も必要になるのかもね。


Mbeki 大統領は、(色んな意味で)Mugabe 大統領に責任があることを忘れて欲しくないものだ。


