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From Gaza to Kilimanjaro: easier than get out of Gaza?(Feb 24, 2014)

2014-02-24 21:39:32 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
先月23日のことになるが、ガザ地区(Gaza Strip)出身の女の子とヨルダン川西岸地区(West Bank)出身の男の子(・・・)達がキリマンジャロ登頂を果たした。
・Palestinian teen amputees complete historic Kilimanjaro climb(2014年2月20日 maannews.net)
・Teenage Palestinian amputees top Kilimanjaro(2014年2月21日 aljazeera.com)

この登山(The climb of Hope)は、米国を拠点とするパレスチナ子ども救済基金(Palestine Children's Relief Fund)とスザンヌ・アル=ホゥビー(Suzanne Al-Houby:アラブ世界の女性で初めてエベレスト登頂などを果たした登山家)さんが企画したモノ。
参考までに、以下、2014年2月20日分 maannews.net『Palestinian teen amputees~』から序盤部分を(略

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BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Two Palestinian teenagers have made history by becoming the first amputees from the Arab world to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

On Jan. 23, Mutussam Abu Karsh, 16, from Gaza and Yasmeen Najjar, 17, from the Nablus village of Burin completed a demanding eight-day journey to the peak of Africa's highest mountain.

The Climb of Hope was organized by the Ramallah-based Palestine Children's Relief Fund to raise awareness of the plight of children injured in conflict zones in the Middle East, and to raise money to provide medical care to Syrian children wounded in the country's ongoing war.

Traveling in a group of 12 led by Suzanne al-Houby, the first Arab woman to climb Mount Everest, Mutassam and Yasmeen braved extreme weather conditions to climb 5,895 meters to reach the Uhuru Peak, which in Swahili means freedom.

"I am proud we were the first to carry the Palestinian flag to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro to help other children, and I want to show that we can do anything despite our injuries," Mutassam said after the climb.

"It's the first time that I have felt truly free, no walls, no borders, no checkpoints and soldiers."
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以下、2014年2月20日分 maannews.net『Palestinian teen amputees~』から終盤部分を(略

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Despite overcoming enormous physical and psychological barriers to complete the climb of Africa's tallest mountain, politics nearly prevented Mutassam from arriving in Tanzania to begin with.

On the day he was due to leave Gaza for Africa, Egyptian authorities closed the Rafah crossing, meaning his only option was to travel via the Israeli controlled Erez terminal.

To cross Erez, Israeli authorities require a travel visa in advance, meaning PCRF had to negotiate the UAE's visa process, which is generally restrictive for Gazans.

The children's charity also had to apply for permission from Jordan to cross the Alleby Bridge before leaving Gaza.

After passing Israel's security check at the Erez crossing, with the help of President Mahmoud Abbas' office, Mutassam crossed into Jordan on the last available bus and managed to fly to Abu Dhabi.

He then flew to Doha and finally arrived in Dar es-Salaam, although his luggage was lost and only arrived three days later, after the climb had already begun.

On his return journey to Gaza, Israeli authorities prevented Mutassam from crossing the Qalandiya checkpoint despite having obtained authorization in advance.

After two days of being prevented from traveling, and with pressure from Abbas' office, Israeli forces finally allowed Mutassam to cross the military checkpoint and return home.
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・Egypt to open Rafah crossing for 2 days(2014年1月8日 maannews.net)


(2014年2月20日分 maannews.net の記事では、今回キリマンジャロに登頂した2人のエピソードも紹介されてる。なかなかハードな内容である)

なお、2014年2月20日分 maannews.net の記事のコメント欄に、わけのわからないことを言い張る人がいた。
参考までに、2014年2月20日分 maannews.net『Palestinian teen amputees~』のコメント欄から、問題のコメントとそれに対するレスを(略

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2 ) James / UK 20/02/2014 16:25
Why am I being repeatedly told they are under a strict Israeli blockade and their movements are restricted, who is kidding who?

3 ) Linda / USA 20/02/2014 17:14
Hey, James in UK!
You should read the story before you comment.
One of them had a hell of a time getting out of Gaza and back in again.

5 ) Steve / Palestine 20/02/2014 18:29

Let's see, James: He was denied crossing to Egypt.
He had to have the president in Ramallah intervene to get him out of Gaza and that was at the last moment, after waiting four hours at the checkpoint, the jordanian nearly didn't let him pass, and when he came back, he was turned back from going home and back to school for two days at Kalandia checkpoint because he didn't have "coordination.
Have you ever been to Palestine?
I thought not.

8 ) gabi / australia 21/02/2014 03:44

James # 2 - you don't believe Palestinians are under a strict Israeli blockade?
After being repeatedly told this?
You should rather believe Israeli hasbara?
Well, why don't you go there and see for yourself.
I suggest you wear one of those black and white Arab headdresses, as a scarf, just for fun, and see what restrictions you'll face.
You may be lucky not to be brought in by the IDF for "questioning".
Or try wearing it near a settlement in the occupied territories . . . .
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