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Marine pump function and classification

2016-03-09 17:29:27 | 高齢社会
Marine pump is a liquid fluid energy machinery. Not only to transport liquid pump, more important is the displacement and pressure to meet work requirements. Since transferring tasks vary, therefore, according to the working principle of distinction, reciprocating pumps, rotary pumps,centrifugal pumps,windlass and jet pumps and other four. Liquid always flows downhill, to make it flow uphill, it must be liquid acting to get some energy, a pressure forcing the liquid to go uphill. A mechanical pump is a certain energy to the liquid, which is a source of energy by the prime mover. Fluid pumps can transport liquids, mainly because it constantly absorbing liquid discharge liquid. The liquid is sucked by the pump pressure is both a vacuum pump and the pump outer atmospheric pressure difference. The higher the vacuum, the more the pressure, the stronger the pump suction. There is no vacuum, pressure is zero, the pump can not suck the liquid.
By Application: transport diesel engine, the required boiler fuel, lubricating oil, power oil, cooling water, makeup water; daily delivery of fresh water needed for the crew and passengers of life, health and water; safe navigation of ships needed to transport ballast water, fire water, bilge water.

About the mechanical device used in construction

2016-03-09 15:22:02 | 高齢社会

A modern diesel hammer is a very large two-stroke diesel engine. The weight is the piston, and the apparatus which connects to the top of the pile is the cylinder. Piledriving is started by having the weight raised by auxiliary means — usually a cable from the crane holding the pile driver — which draws air into the cylinder. Diesel fuel is added/injected into the cylinder. The weight is dropped, using a quick-release. The weight of the piston compresses the air/fuel mixture, heating it to the ignition point of diesel fuel. The mixture ignites, transferring the energy of the falling weight to the pile head, and driving the weight back up. The rising weight draws in fresh air, and the cycle starts over until the fuel runs out or is stopped by the pile driver.

From an army manual on pile driving hammers: The initial start up of the hammer requires the piston (ram) to be raised to a point where the trip automatically releases the piston, allowing it to fall by gravity. As the piston falls, it activates the fuel pump, which discharges a metered amount of fuel into the ball pan of the impact block. The falling piston also blocks the exhaust ports, and compression of fuel trapped in the cylinder begins. The compressed air exerts a pre-load force to hold the impact block firmly against the drive cap and pile. At the bottom of the compression stroke, the piston strikes the impact block, atomizing the fuel and starting the pile on its downward movement. In the instant after the piston strikes, the atomized fuel ignites, and the resulting explosion exerts an even greater force on the already moving pile, driving it further into the ground. The reaction of the explosion rebounding from the resistance of the pile drives the piston upward. As the piston rises, the exhaust ports open, releasing the gases and force of the explosion into the atmosphere. After the piston stops its upward movement, it again falls by gravity to start another cycle.

Mobile repeater installation instructions

2016-03-09 14:27:01 | 高齢社会
EOT mobile repeater is installed, you are not required to lose, eliminating No. disassembly operations. When the end of the column using a mobile repeater mounted on the front side of the ladder and keep the first 20 vehicles. EOT mobile repeater use lithium batteries, open the battery cover, put the battery into the battery compartment in place to move the flash fires to determine whether the repeater power basis; within mobile repeater red button is pressed, the column holding tone Taiwan has made cooing sound code to prove that the device is working properly; when you take the battery first hand bayonet pressed to pull out the battery.
If the radio antenna wires are exposed, stop in the battery compartment opening, mobile repeater set antenna wires inserted into the exposed portion of the gap at the upper part of the body to avoid when installing the battery card off antenna wires, causing the relay does not work, the formation of the end of the column failure, Train Rear affect normal use. Battery installation must be in place, the battery should pop the latch. After the battery is installed, the battery handle flat, top to avoid bad positions locks. After opening the battery door on the right side of the battery compartment has a vertical bar user interface, data acquisition it from top to bottom port,mobile booster eliminating the red button and the number of infrared receiver tube output number.