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About press fittings

2014-08-28 15:35:22 | 高齢社会

The Pipe Fittings is a tube connected to a conduit part. Depending on the connection method can be divided into socket type fittings, threaded pipe fittings, flanges and welded pipe fittings four categories. Multi-tube made of the same material. There elbows (elbows), flanges, tees, crosses tube (Phillips) and diameter pipe (size of the head) and so on. Place for pipe elbow turn; flange for tube and pipe interconnected parts, connected to the pipe end, tee pipe together for three places; Stone pipes tubes together for four places; different two tubes of different diameters diameter pipe connected to the place.

Press fittings elongate wire assembly, comprising: at least two elongated, generally flat layered on the wire, said wire having respective, adjacent to each longitudinal edge; conductors disposed in said two layered electrically insulating material layer; and a plurality of press fittings contacts, the wire from the adjacent longitudinal edges of the layered and distributed along the longitudinal extending edges of the respective press fittings insertion of the contact - receiving area. Electronic devices in the high temperature environment under the car in the press fittings engagement of the assembled circuit board. So that the through-hole press fittings terminal of the press-fitting of the peak stress occurs in the substrate does not exceed the design reference value, suppressing the occurrence of damage in the substrate. Integrally formed with the body portion, the pressure holding portions, the distal end portion of the introduction portion and the mating terminal, the cross-sectional area smaller than the sectional area of the introduction section of the holding portion, the elastic force than the elastic force of the introduction portion of the holding portion weakened, reducing little stress on the substrate. In the wiring substrate, the elastic material is filled in connection with the sheet-like substrate, a resin substrate, the stress relaxation occurs in the substrate itself. Along the floor for the printed circuit board or the press fittings the distribution bus comprises a plurality of planar electrically conductive busbar conductor material. Each of said bus conductor through a layer of electrically insulating material separated from the adjacent bus bar conductor. Press fitting a plurality of conductive leads extending from an edge of each bus wire. When the inner conductor and the hierarchical bus is filled with the insulating material into the housing of the cured epoxy resin, an epoxy resin is press-fitted from the surface of the protruding wire. These projections can be press fittings into the lead plate or printed circuit board for supplying power to the backplane or printed circuit board.

Development prospects of scrap shredder

2014-08-28 11:08:26 | 高齢社会

E-waste contains a variety of harmful substances, so it can not simply be sent to the garbage incinerator for incineration. In addition, e-waste also contains parts can be recycled, are recyclable garbage. Recycling e-waste recycling machine, you can change waste into treasure. Effective recycling of scrap metal resources, can greatly reduce the exploitation of natural mineral resources consumption, to reduce land use, reduce total energy consumption society, save and invest, protect the ecological environment, improve labor productivity benefits. Especially in the consumption of natural mineral resources and the increasingly extreme scarcity today, scrap metal resources in the world economy. Sustainable development strategy in the position to show highlights.

Scrap shredder is a machine for the production of crushed scrap broken material, mainly used for scrap cars, scrap appliances and light scrap machine. For scrap recycling companies that use scrap crusher processing recovery, the presence of the advantages are:
1, expanding the scope of the recovery process;
2, high-value space;
3, transportation convenient and efficient.

Development prospects of Scrap shredder: scrap processing is focused on solving the country and support energy conservation projects, scrap iron and steel scrap processing crusher is a key equipment, with resources growing scrap, scrap crusher has good application prospects . Scrap shredder is a machine for the production of crushed scrap broken material, mainly used for scrap cars, scrap appliances and light scrap machine. Scrap shredder process can be separated from the scrap inclusions, dependent scavenging produce pure quality scrap. Especially for scrap cars, home appliances and other lightweight materials scrap processing. Scrap broken line manufacturing technology complexity, high cost of production, but because of advanced technology and large processing range, high productivity, but also points to elect non-ferrous metals, non-metallic debris removed, processed pure high quality scrap and process in for less environmental pollution, is an ideal scrap processing equipment.

About brass faucet maintenance

2014-08-28 09:30:45 | 高齢社会

Division means progress, from this point on the faucet increasingly refined classification can also be seen. Past that single tap has not meet all the requirements of people currently on the market can be divided into the faucet bathtub faucet, basin faucet, kitchen faucet categories. Kitchen faucet manufacturer generally use copper as the material of the faucet. Copper is an essential trace element in the human body, it is an important component of proteins and enzymes in the body. Whether it is grease, bacteria, viruses, oxygen and ultraviolet rays and other harmful qualities can not pass through it and polluted water quality! With brass on human health can play a positive role. Because of its unique tap water can kill 99 percent of bacteria, even if the water burst, causing foreign objects into the bacterial infection, do not worry; good metal cutting performance, reduce production costs make it necessary for every household brass faucet. After selecting a faucet if improper maintenance will affect its life. This is the most difficult thing many people. In fact, this is not difficult, as long as the installation, use, maintenance, proper well, the actual life of brass faucets can be extended, and can remain bright as new.

1. experienced and qualified professionals to install installation, taps should try not to bump with a hard object, not to cement, glue residues on the surface, so as not to damage the surface gloss coating. If you are new housing, water supply network is newly paved, the water will certainly be sand and other impurities before the installation should pay attention to the pipeline debris removal, turn on the water until the water becomes clear for a long time to install the faucet.
 2 big does not necessarily shut off serious effort many people are accustomed to deliberately run out of the faucet so that some force faucet shut tight some, this is very undesirable. This not only does not prevent leaks, but it will seal valve damage, leading to lax leading off.
 3 good habits to ensure complete as new to avoid rust, usually after use should wipe clean the faucet surface; again leading generally more prominent, so be careful not to bump or pressure to it when handling the items.
 4 smaller water to clear impurities in the case of pressure of not less than 0.02mpa, if found to reduce the amount of water, there may be a leader inside clogged. The solution is to use a wrench at the outlet of the faucet spout gently unscrew the screen cover, and then carefully clean the impurities installed, can usually be restored as ever

Head screw chillers select number of recommendations

2014-08-27 16:41:58 | 高齢社会

There are many water chiller Category: air-cooled chiller, screw chillers, scroll chillers, water-cooled scroll chillers, air-cooled scroll chiller, screw chiller. Today focuses on screw chiller. Buy screw chillers, there will be the same as the number of different power head choice, then we so choose nose screw chillers quantity do? Brightness machinery to answer for you head screw chillers number of options and their advantages and disadvantages.
First we look at the composition of screw chillers:Screw chiller chillers with ordinary principles of composition substantially the same as the compressor, evaporator, condenser, expansion valve, solenoid valve, check valve, oil grading composition.
Single head screw chillers advantages:
1.Cooling capacity than the same type of multi-phase cooling capacity to meet a lot of head (energy loss).
2.More energy efficient.
3.Low cost (single head price will be much cheaper).
4.Advantages of short production cycle.
Single head screw chillers disadvantages:
Only a refrigeration system, the system fails in any one accessory will seriously affect the efficiency of the unit.
Multi-head screw chillers advantages:
By a plurality of cooling system components, damage or malfunction of any accessory only affect the efficiency of a single head, of course, appear as large faults: Total power section, a large area of ??the evaporator and condenser leaks, etc. will impact the entire unit.
Single head screw chiller disadvantages:
1.High prices.
2.Efficiency with the same type of single head low compared.
3.Longer production cycle.
4.Production process demanding.

Advantages of steel structure warehouse

2014-08-27 13:41:30 | 高齢社会

Shijiazhuang Haosen Business Service Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, as a professional supplier for wall panel machinery(3D panel machine, ICF block moulding machine, EPS/Color steel sandwich panel machine,Steel structure warehouse ) and some related small construction machine in China, our corporate policy is based on long term goals.
Each person's life is closely linked with nature, as long as harmonious coexistence with nature in order to have a better future, a combination of steel after these features, the construction industry has made a great contribution, it is not only beautify the environment in the use of more robust to the residential houses. People's lives and property are protected, steel structure warehouse is combined with truly natural phases. Steel structure warehouse mainly refers to the main load-bearing components are made of steel composition. Including steel columns, steel beams, steel base, steel roof (of course, the relatively large span of the plant, the basic steel roof trusses are now up), steel roof, steel attention brick wall can also be used for maintenance. As China's steel production increased, many are beginning to adopt steel plant, the concrete can also be divided light and heavy steel plant. Steel construction of industrial and civil facilities are called steel
1, steel structure factory production, reduce site workload, shorten the construction period, in line with industry requirements, not only saves resources but also reduces the number of unnecessary pollution.
2, steel structure warehouse production quality, reliable, precise size, easy to install, easy to cooperate with the relevant parts.
3, light weight, high strength, houses built with steel reinforced concrete weight is about half the house; meet the needs of residential bay, using reinforced concrete residential area higher than about 4%.
4, the steel can be recycled, less environmental pollution during construction and demolition. The advantage is that the value of Steel structure warehouse lies. He used these advantages to prop up the life of "security umbrella."
5, security and reliability, seismic, wind performance, strong load capacity, seismic capacity of up to eight, earthquake does not fall in the earthquake is that it does not harm the style.