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How to distinguish the LED lamp and LED tube light

2016-06-30 14:53:22 | 高齢社会

How to distinguish the LED lamp and LED tube light? Many people believe that the LED lamp and LED tube light is used for household lighting should belong to the same kind of product, actually otherwise. We can often from both the position and application effect.  


A, from product performance to distinguish above:


LED tube light is a light shot inside the embedded in the ceiling lighting lamps and lanterns. Belong to the directional lighting lamps and lanterns, can only by the light of the opposite, its advantage lies in the more concentrated than general lighting lamps and lanterns of lamps and lanterns, usually used for general lighting or assist illume. With the continuous development of LED technology, the service life of the LED tube light now generally can reach more than 50000 small.  


LED lamp is embedded in the ceiling or wall, general lighting products is a kind of highly concentrated, usually it's light to the specified target position. Through light is used to emphasize important points. When working, due to the LED lamp produces high temperature, so the LED lamp when the choose and buy must choose the high quality product, otherwise it will produce safe hidden trouble. Now LED lamp is mainly used for all kinds of commercial space lighting and architectural decoration lighting, etc. At the same time to shoot the light is divided into low pressure and high pressure, proposal consumer had better choose low voltage lamp, due to low pressure lamp life relatively longer, the higher light efficiency. Shoot the light of the general lighting power factor to decide, good lamp power factor can reach 0.99, but the price is much expensive.  


In applied position to distinguish: LED tube lights are mostly installed in the ceiling, above ceiling to 150 mm is required to install. Of course, there are LED tube light is of the external type. General selection in the absence of the location of the dome light or droplight to install the LED tube light, the light is slightly softer than shoot the light.  


The LED lamp can be divided into several categories: type, hanging and embedded, etc. To shoot the light is divided into with transformer and without transformer. That belongs to the embedded in the ceiling. The manifestation of LED lamp in key exposure position such as: TV wall, Logo background, and some important pendant accessories, etc.  


Three, on the price to distinguish: currently on the market the market price of the LED tube light 3-10 w in 40-100 yuan, more than 10 w LED tube light in 100 yuan of above, decide the price difference lies in the shape of lamps and lanterns and light source, enterprise separate open mold do shape LED tube light price is relatively higher. LED to shoot the light, the price compared with cheaper, at present the illumination product LED tube light, applied to large commercial space, office buildings, etc., with superior quality, affordable price in LED lamps and lanterns industry development.


The principle of PSA Nitrogen Generator and PSA Oxygen Generator

2016-06-28 13:54:05 | 日記

PSA Nitrogen Generator making device is according to the pressure swing adsorption (PSA) technology, using high quality carbon molecular sieve as adsorbent separation oxygen nitrogen directly from the compressed air. After dry compressed air purification, under the effect of pressure, the use of oxygen diffusion in PSA Nitrogen Generator carbon molecular sieve pores adsorption rate greater than the diffusion of nitrogen in carbon molecular sieve pores adsorption rate, this feature in adsorption equilibrium has not been achieved, the enrichment of nitrogen in the gas phase was up and form a finished product nitrogen. Then via vacuum to atmospheric pressure, adsorbent adsorption by stripping of impurities such as oxygen, realize regeneration. In the system is set in the two adsorption tower, a tower adsorption nitrogen production, another stripping tower regeneration, controlled by PLC program controller of pneumatic valve opening and closing, make the two tower cycle of work, realize the continuous production of high quality nitrogen.

PSA Nitrogen Generator Features:

1. Specific pressure protection measures of molecular sieve, molecular sieve is difficult of pulverization, long service life.

2. Low energy consumption, the product of high oxygen purity.

3. Reasonable internal components, air distribution uniformity, reduce air high-speed impact.

4. The PSA Nitrogen Generator of a high degree of automation.

5. Multifunctional monitoring system, realize gas, purity, pressure LCD online display, equipment failure warning, maintenance tips, fully grasp equipment running states.

6. Can be fully integrated skid mounted design, easy installation and rapid debugging.

7. Optional oxygen flow, remote monitoring system, etc.


Pressure swing adsorption principle:

 PSA technology (Pressure Swing Adsorption, referred to as the PSA technology): is an advanced gas separation technology to the adsorbent (porous solid matter) on the inner surface of the physical adsorption of gas molecules based on the use of adsorbent at the same pressure and easy absorption high-boiling gas, easy to absorb low-boiling gases, and high pressure is increased adsorption of gas absorption, adsorption of low pressure is absorbed by the gas reduction features to achieve the separation of gases. Such impurity adsorption under pressure and desorption under reduced pressure impurities to regenerate the adsorbent in the process is pressure swing adsorption cycle.

 PSA is a new gas separation technology, PSA Oxygen Generator principle is to use molecular sieves for differences gas molecules "absorption" properties and the gas mixture is separated, which is based on the air as raw material, using a high-performance, high selected solid adsorbents the performance of selective adsorption of nitrogen and oxygen, the oxygen and nitrogen in the air is separated.

Overall PSA Oxygen Generator can be divided into:

● compressed air system (air compressor, air dryer, air tank and filter)


● oxygen tank

● oxygen cylinders and oxygen booster

The principle of PSA Nitrogen Generator and PSA Oxygen Generator

2016-06-25 11:04:14 | ニュース

PSA Nitrogen Generator making device is according to the pressure swing adsorption (PSA) technology, using high quality carbon molecular sieve as adsorbent separation oxygen nitrogen directly from the compressed air. After dry compressed air purification, under the effect of pressure, the use of oxygen diffusion in PSA Nitrogen Generator carbon molecular sieve pores adsorption rate greater than the diffusion of nitrogen in carbon molecular sieve pores adsorption rate, this feature in adsorption equilibrium has not been achieved, the enrichment of nitrogen in the gas phase was up and form a finished product nitrogen. Then via vacuum to atmospheric pressure, adsorbent adsorption by stripping of impurities such as oxygen, realize regeneration. In the system is set in the two adsorption tower, a tower adsorption nitrogen production, another stripping tower regeneration, controlled by PLC program controller of pneumatic valve opening and closing, make the two tower cycle of work, realize the continuous production of high quality nitrogen.

PSA Nitrogen Generator Features:

1. Specific pressure protection measures of molecular sieve, molecular sieve is difficult of pulverization, long service life.

2. Low energy consumption, the product of high oxygen purity.

3. Reasonable internal components, air distribution uniformity, reduce air high-speed impact.

4. The PSA Nitrogen Generator of a high degree of automation.

5. Multifunctional monitoring system, realize gas, purity, pressure LCD online display, equipment failure warning, maintenance tips, fully grasp equipment running states.

6. Can be fully integrated skid mounted design, easy installation and rapid debugging.

7. Optional oxygen flow, remote monitoring system, etc.


Pressure swing adsorption principle:

 PSA technology (Pressure Swing Adsorption, referred to as the PSA technology): is an advanced gas separation technology to the adsorbent (porous solid matter) on the inner surface of the physical adsorption of gas molecules based on the use of adsorbent at the same pressure and easy absorption high-boiling gas, easy to absorb low-boiling gases, and high pressure is increased adsorption of gas absorption, adsorption of low pressure is absorbed by the gas reduction features to achieve the separation of gases. Such impurity adsorption under pressure and desorption under reduced pressure impurities to regenerate the adsorbent in the process is pressure swing adsorption cycle.

 PSA is a new gas separation technology, PSA Oxygen Generator principle is to use molecular sieves for differences gas molecules "absorption" properties and the gas mixture is separated, which is based on the air as raw material, using a high-performance, high selected solid adsorbents the performance of selective adsorption of nitrogen and oxygen, the oxygen and nitrogen in the air is separated.

Overall PSA Oxygen Generator can be divided into:

● compressed air system (air compressor, air dryer, air tank and filter)


● oxygen tank

● oxygen cylinders and oxygen booster

How Horn Antenna and Broadband Antenna works

2016-06-17 09:50:38 | 高齢社会

A horn antenna serves the same function for electromagnetic waves that an acoustical horn does for sound waves in a musical instrument such as a trumpet. It provides a gradual transition structure to match the impedance of a tube to the impedance of free space, enabling the waves from the tube to radiate efficiently into space.


If a simple open-ended waveguide is used as an antenna, without the horn antenna, the sudden end of the conductive walls causes an abrupt impedance change at the aperture, from the wave impedance in the waveguide to the impedance of free space, (about 377 ohms). When radio waves travelling through the waveguide hit the opening, this impedance-step reflects a significant fraction of the wave energy back down the guide toward the source, so that not all of the power is radiated. This is similar to the reflection at an open-ended transmission line or a boundary between optical mediums with a low and high index of refraction, like at a glass surface. The reflected waves cause standing waves in the waveguide, increasing the SWR, wasting energy and possibly overheating the transmitter. In addition, the small aperture of the waveguide (less than one wavelength) causes significant diffraction of the waves issuing from it, resulting in a wide radiation pattern without much directivity.


To improve these poor characteristics, the ends of the waveguide are flared out to form a horn. The taper of the horn changes the impedance gradually along the horn's length. This acts like an impedance matching transformer, allowing most of the wave energy to radiate out the end of the horn into space, with minimal reflection. The taper functions similarly to a tapered transmission line, or an optical medium with a smoothly varying refractive index. In addition, the wide aperture of the horn projects the waves in a narrow beam

The horn antenna that gives minimum reflected power is an exponential taper. Exponential horn antenna are used in special applications that require minimum signal loss, such as satellite antennas and radio telescopes. However conical and pyramidal horns are most widely used, because they have straight sides and are easier to design and fabricate.


How Wireless Broadband Antenna Works?


Working of the wireless broadband antenna really plays an important role in maintaining the working of the wireless networking device. Working of the wireless broadband antenna depends on different steps, like other workings, working of wireless broadband antenna also starts with the setting. First of all two antennas are placed on different places to perform the task of the transmission and the receiving of data in the form of radio waves. When both places are ready to do the communication through wireless broadband antenna devices then it is important to generate the antenna for transmission. Some amount of current is required to generate the wireless antenna, when the current passes through the antenna it introduces the magnetic power at a given frequency of radio waves that are used for the data transmission. When we do the change the amount of current in the antenna then there is change happens in the frequency of the radio waves, and then these radio waves moves out from the antenna in the specific direction and receives on the other end on the receiving antenna.

The features of COB LED ceiling light & daylight LED ceiling light

2016-06-06 17:04:08 | ニュース

COB LED ceiling light is in the LED chip directly attached on the high reflecting rate on a metal mirror substrate high efficiency integrated surface light source technology. This technology has eliminated the conceptual scaffolds, electroless plating, no reflow soldering, SMT process, therefore the working procedure is reduced nearly a third of, also saves the cost of one third.

COB LED ceiling light can be simply understood as high power integrated light source, which can be designed according to the product configuration design of the light source of the light area and size.

The product features of COB LED ceiling light:

Electrical stability, circuit design, optical design, thermal design, scientific and reasonable;

Using the heat sinking process technology, to ensure that the LED has the industry's leading heat flux maintenance rate (95%).

To facilitate the two optical matching products, improve the quality of lighting.

High color rendering, light emitting even, no light spot, health and environmental protection.

Installation is simple, easy to use, reduce the difficulty of lighting design, saving lamps processing and maintenance costs.

Advantages of daylight LED ceiling light: energy saving, environmental protection, no ultraviolet radiation, no stroboscopic;

Disadvantages of daylight LED ceiling light: Blu ray hazard

Daylight LED ceiling light is a light emitting diode to LED, LED is a solid semiconductor devices, which can be directly converted into light. Daylight led ceiling light, as the third generation lighting technology after incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp, has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, safety and reliability.

Some experts said that the solid state light source is the industry's promising future ten years to replace the traditional lighting appliance has the potential of a new type of light source, representing the future of lighting technology. So, this era has too many people only get together in LED light source, respected LED light.

However, due to the low barriers to entry daylight led ceiling light and lanterns, which the unqualified products is our consumers cannot distinguish, resulting in behind than we can see, LED source exists such invisible hazards: daylight led ceiling light lighting time is long, light phosphor decay faster, the results will lead to eye contact blue band of light according to the more and more intense, to cause harm to the human eye. So the eyes long term LED light source, easy to let a person produce dizziness, uncomfortable feeling, and even cause eye damage, make suffer from eye disease probability will be increased.