
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか

レバノン早いんだなあ 爆発事件か爆発事故 今後どっちに振り分けされるんだろう。天津も同類。

2020-08-09 21:18:32 | 時事
Lebanon is fast. I wonder which one they'll sort out in the future, the explosion or the bombing. Same goes for Tianjin.

I'm fatigued today, so I'm going to have meat.
I'll try to show you a picture.
My brother at York gave us a bit of a discount on the meat, but it's not this one.

【レバノン】ベイルート大爆発、クレーターの深さは43メートルと判明 [ばーど★] (652)
ニュース速報+ 2020-08-09 16:40 (24 res/h) 
Lebanon] Beirut Explosion Reveals Crater Depth of 43 Meters (652)
Breaking News + 2020-08-09 16:40 (24 res/h)

あれ AFPで写真に「AFP」って入れてないけど大丈夫なの? これ


フランスで調査してるのか これ?
地盤沈下してたな これ埋め立てした所か?
確かにこの写真なら鉄骨とか建物 見えるわなー

埋め立てサイロヤードのおおよそ幅400 250メートルで見た場合
130~150 100メートル位は入りこんでる
長さはサイロ長さより長く見えるけど150 100メートルで仮に見て。
ちょうど円形じゃないか? これ

フランスでメートルわかるの? 492 328フィート 今自動計算機使用した。
AFPよりマクロンか 画像使っていいかな? 何なら

Oh, you don't put "AFP" in the photo at AFP, is that okay? this
43 meters deep?

It's like 31 meters for a mid-rise condo, so it's about the lower range of high-rise apartments.

Are you doing research in France on this?
How did you measure the depth? It looks like a pool of seawater, like a fish finder.
You measured the distance to the ground with a radar system. The kind of thing that you measure by applying a frequency.
If the ground has been subsiding to begin with, the explosion would have lowered the ground.
Land subsidence. This is where the landfill was built?
Yeah, this picture does show the steel frame and the building.
If you take an accurate picture from the air, not a detailed one, you can zoom in on it.
Well, I can see.

The approximate width of the reclamation silo yard at 250 meters
At least 100 meters in.

And it's 43 meters deep.
It looks longer than the length of the silo, but let's say it's 100 meters.
It's just a circle, isn't it? this

How do you know meters in France? 328 feet. I just used the calculator.
Can I use Macron or Image rather than AFP? if you like

グーグル地図の尺で幾分 見方を変えたんで直してる
ああ そうすると、やっぱり130メートルあるかも。最初の見立てが合ってた?
I changed the scale on the Google map to make it look a little different.
If you zoom in on the Google map, the silo could be 120 meters long.
Oh, then it might be 130 meters long. Was my first guess right?

If you can do this, of course you could do this.

2016年だったのな これ レバノン大穴だなと思ってこれ思い出したから。
これと比較にならん深さだ レバノン43mだろ?
写真削除しておくか? あると思いつく事もあるからと思ったんだけど。
So it was 2016. This is the Lebanon Big Hole, because I remembered this one.
It's a lot deeper than this one. It's 43 meters in Lebanon, right?
Do you want me to delete the pictures? I thought it was because sometimes you can come up with a certain thing.

レバノン爆発、硝酸アンモニウム2750トン(TNT換算1155トン)保管の倉庫で溶接作業していたと判明 (867)
ニュース速報 2020-08-06 12:03 
Lebanon Explosion Reveals Welders Were Working in Warehouse Storing 2,750 Tons of Ammonium Nitrate (1155 TNT Equivalent) (867)
Breaking News 2020-08-06 12:03

It was 2,750 tons in the big hole. Ground subsidence.
岸壁に足したんだよね 埠頭を。根っこの所が大きく無くなってる。
とても重たい物がそこにあって、ごっそり無くなるってね、、一気に爆発させられないよ あたしが考えてる通り。
You added to the wharf. The wharf. There's a lot of roots missing.
There was something really heavy down there, and it's not going to just... blow up in one fell swoop. That's what I think.

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