
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか

今日な たくさんある話題

2020-07-02 20:20:11 | 日記
NHKは廃止 何年言わせてるんだ まず



Abolish NHK. For how many years have you been saying that?

So anyone complaining to me is a third-degree relative of a zainichi who doesn't pay the NHK subscription fee.

Or, conversely, the religious involvement of the cult that has been paying NHK to incite violations of the Constitution.


自分達の所に取り立てこないのよという層は、人口の割合でかなりいた。例えば貸家 ホテル等の宿泊業やテレビ設置の一部業種では統計や調査不正をやってた。これは近い所からのリーク。
当然何をどう払っているのか 本当に不明。


そういうのでなく、実務的 あるいはスポーツ あるいは勉強に関するもの こういう所だけでは経営していけないとなれば

First of all, I didn't pay NHK, I just
Korean and Chinese Immigrants Nestled in Japan

There was a significant segment of the population that didn't collect at their place. For example, rental houses, hotels and other lodging businesses, and some industries of TV installations were doing statistics and survey fraud. This is a leak from close quarters.
Of course we really don't know what we're paying for and how we're paying for it.
NHK is a private organization.

The group that paid NHK and said "Long live the Emperor".
A member of the Tokugawa Remnant group who is obsessed with doing an endless loop of history books written by some people and collaborating with them to prevent them from being found to have fabricated history.
You have a problem with me because I'm a supporter of this business practice.
A method to increase the number of people who don't question the fabrication of history.
Promoting and publicizing tourism to the region

Not that kind of thing, but practical or sports-related or study-related.
It's over.

中国系朝鮮系の日本人 上級国民?

私が騒いで数年NHKは強気で裁判にて取り立て強行してたのさ。それにも長くかかって、当時NHKはスクランブルを拒否 契約義務はあっても支払いの義務はないという部分を何十年と世間に隠してきた民間団体である。


2011年以降の解体の話の1つ NHKだった。

Chinese-Korean Japanese, senior citizen?
The bubble burst in the past, and in other words, an awful lot of scammers, and there is no reason to help them. There is no reason to help them.

For years I was making a lot of noise and NHK was forcing me to go to court and collect the money. NHK refused to scramble. They had a contractual obligation, but not the obligation to pay. This is a private organization that has been hiding from the public for decades the part of the world that it does not have.

The demographic that has paid for this has been single-family homes, and rental houses have been pretty much through and through, and when the scramble was first mentioned a few years ago, the mobile group, which is neither in the rental house nor in the house, was through.

It was discovered that they couldn't even get the survey out properly.
It was one of the stories about the demolition since 2011 NHK.



一部は本物 一部は偽物 この混合で、他人を信じ込ませる手法


それ 洗脳って言うんだよ。

These ill-informed assholes don't even know the process of this one dispute.

If you want to put out a tourist attraction, just sell the tourist attraction, b good, and get the ratings on a drama to sell the special rights to say your descendants are alive and well and so on.
That script mixes factual and hypothetical, doesn't it?

This is the double rewrite that has been driving me crazy for years.
Partly real, partly fake. It's a mixture of techniques to make people believe in other people.

Is the Aizu Matsudaira faction that spoke with Tokugawa good at this double rewrite all year round?

It's called brainwashing.

金塊に銅をかなり使用して加工し、融資の元手にしたらしい 純金でないから価値が低いのに、本物の純金だと融資の担保にしたのかな?

一部本物 一部偽物をやる上級国民とか言う詐欺師は
神道の宮司に多く、よく本尊のすり替えをやって言い訳流してるでしょ あちこちで。
この本尊は別名は◯◯で、元にあったあの本尊の化身ですとかさ 小理屈屁理屈詐欺



This mixture of partly real and partly fake is basically the same as the Chinese scam that comes out after this one.
Apparently they used quite a bit of copper in the gold bars and processed it into a loan source, and used it as collateral for the loan, even though it's not pure gold and therefore worth less, if it's real pure gold, they used it as collateral for the loan.

Some of them are real, some of them are fake, and some of them are con artists called "senior citizens.
A lot of Shinto priests, you know, they often do the Honzon swap and play the excuses here and there.
Another name for this deity is "Fatty" and it's an incarnation of the original deity.

NHK would be a similar petty logic quibble scam.
If they find out something vital, they won't be able to collect the receipts!
If that's the case, then amend the broadcasting law or reconfigure the content.
You should have done a lot of things.

It's too late now. There's something wrong with my NHK! The theory is
There are many supporters, even in the legal community.

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そして南アフリカにて金を採掘するインド人と中国人 南米アマゾンに行ってるだろ 多分

2020-07-02 00:15:28 | 時事
And then there's the Indians and the Chinese who are digging for gold in South Africa, probably in the South American Amazon.

たぶん インド人だけじゃないかも

アングル:コロナに水銀汚染、アマゾンで違法「ゴールドラッシュ ...

jp.reuters.com › article3 日前 - ここ数十年というもの、金を求める非合法の探鉱者らがこの地に引き寄せられ、森林を破壊し、河川を汚染し、死に至る病を持ち込んだ。 ヤノマミ族と地元当局者の推計によると、ここでは現在、2万人を超える非合法探鉱者が活動している ...

The article said he was in trouble.
Maybe it's not just the Indians.

Angle: Mercury contamination in Corona, illegal in Amazon's 'Gold Rush' ...
jp.reuters.com ' article3 days ago - In recent decades, the search for gold Illegal prospectors have been drawn to the area, destroying forests, polluting rivers and causing deadly diseases. Brought in. According to estimates by the Yanomami and local officials, there are currently more than 20,000 illegal prospectors operating here and I have ...

山程の事件を取り扱いしてるんだから 犯人層を

疑ったら 案の定

南アフリカから南米に飛んでる たぶん

I've dealt with a million cases. I've worked on a million different people.
Maybe we can catch up.

A member of the African mining industry.
When I doubted it, I was right.
There's a genre of Indian South Africans.
There's a genre of Chinese South Africans.

He flew from South Africa to South America, I think.

ブラジルのアマゾン奥地からインドへ向かう非合法採掘の金 ...www.youtube.com › watch
1 日前 - 村落によっては住民の98%が水銀中毒になってしまっているという、ベネズエラ・ブラジル国境に住む先住民部族ヤノマミ族の人たち。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に加えて、水銀中毒が問題になっています。ここで掘られた金のほとんどは ...

Illegally mined gold heading to India from deep in the Brazilian Amazon ... .www.youtube.com ' watch
1 day ago - In some villages, 98% of residents have become addicted to mercury, Venezuela The Yanomami, an indigenous tribe living on the Brazilian border. In addition to the spread of the new coronavirus, mercury poisoning is a problem. Most of the gold dug up here is ...



ライオン狩りも 下手すりゃ

しかし 今回出てきたインド人の窃盗
そこに汚物残していくのは そういう視点があるから

アマゾン先住民多数殺害か ベネズエラで金採掘業者 - 先住民族 ...
blog.goo.ne.jp › ivelove
2012/08/31 - 北海道新聞08/3010:15、08/3011:02更新)【リオデジャネイロ共同】先住民保護活動を続けている英国の非政府組織(NGO)サバイバル・インターナショナルは29日、南米ベネズエラのブラジル国境に近いアマゾン密林地域で、金採掘業者ら ...

米、イラン燃料タンカー船長に制裁 ベネズエラへの石油輸送で ...news.yahoo.co.jp › articles
7 日前 - [ワシントン 24日 ロイター] - ポンペオ米国務長官は24日、ベネズエラに石油を輸送したとして、イランの燃料タンカーの船長5人に制裁措置を課すと発表した。また、ベネズエラで暫定大統領就任を宣言し.


That's something that hasn't been investigated.
You're not even involved in the problems caused by gold miners in the US.

If the natives are closer to the British Royal Family
Isn't that what they're after? A treasure of the British Crown?
Interpreted as.

You can't even hunt a lion.
And it could be that he's awake because he has a strong grudge against the British Royal Family.

But the Indian thieves who came out with this one.
That's the point of view that we leave our garbage there.
It is possible that
It's mercury.

Many Amazonian Indians Killed in Venezuela, Gold Miners in Venezuela - Indigenous Peoples ...
blog.goo.ne.uk ' ivelove
2012/08/31 - Hokkaido Shimbun 08/3010:15, updated 08/3011:02) [Updated (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), a British non-governmental organization (NGO) that continues to work to protect indigenous peoples, has been working with Survival International on April 29 in the Amazon jungle region of Venezuela, near the Brazilian border in South America, where gold Mining companies ...

U.S. sanctions against Iranian fuel tanker captain for transporting oil to Venezuela ... .news.yahoo.co.uk ' articles
7 days ago - WASHINGTON, March 24 (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo said on Thursday that Venezuela has been given oil He announced that he would impose sanctions on five Iranian fuel tanker captains for transporting ... He also declared himself interim president in Venezuela .

The miner class could probably be in sight.
We've been watching him for a while.

www.epochtimes.jp › 2019/02
2019/02/13 - 米誌「ナショナル・インタレスト」は10日に発表した記事で、中国当局がベネズエラに対して提供した石油担保融資(oil-backed loans)は、ベネズエラ政局の変化によって、「ヘアカット(債務元本の一部を削減すること)」され、中国当局が大きな ...

China's loans to Venezuela 'may not be recovered in full' = US magazine www.epochtimes. jp ' 2019/02
13/02/2019 - In an article published on February 10, 2019, the US magazine National Interest published an article about China The oil-backed loans provided by the authorities to Venezuela (oil-backed loans) are The change in Venezuelan politics led to a "haircut" (a partial reduction in the principal amount of debt) and China The authorities have a big ...

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