
獨協医科大学内分泌代謝内科研究室における 論文捏造・二重投稿の疑惑追及ブログ


2011年01月24日 | 厚生労働科研費での不正行為


文献番号 200500571A
研究課題 各種高脂血症治療薬の糖尿病性心血管病進展予防効果の総合的検討(臨床研究実施チームの整備)
研究年度 平成17(2005)年度
主任研究者(所属機関) 服部 良之(独協医科大学内分泌代謝内科) 
研究区分 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 疾病・障害対策研究分野 循環器疾患等総合研究 【脳卒中・生活習慣病臨床研究】若手医師・協力者活用に要する研究
開始年度 平成16(2004)年度
終了予定年度 平成18(2006)年度
研究費 5,068,000円


論文番号 著者名 論文タイトル名 発表雑誌名 巻、号 ページ 出版年
論文#16 Kase H, Hashikabe Y, Uchida K, Nakanishi N, Hattori Y. Supplementation with tetrahydrobiopterin prevents the cardiovascular effects of angiotensin II-induced oxidative and nitrosative stress J Hypertens 23 1375-1382 2005
論文#17 Hattori Y, Akimoto K, Gross SS, Hattori S, Kasai K Angiotensin-II-induced oxidative stress elicits hypoadiponectinaemia in rats Diabetologia 48 1066-1074 2005
論文#18 Xi SW, Satoh H, Kase H, Suzuki K, Hattori Y Stimulated HSP90 binding to eNOS and activation of the PI3-Akt pathway contribute to globular adiponectin-induced NO production: Vasorelaxation in response to globular adiponectin Biochem Biophys Res Common 332 200-205 2005
論文#19 Hattori S, Hattori Y, Kasai K Hypoadiponectinemia is caused by chronic blockade of nitric oxide synthesis in rats Metabolism 54 482-487 2005

上記論文#17のFigure 3(A)が、上記論文#19のFigure 3(A)と、同一である。

上記論文#17のFigure 3(B)のadiponectinのmRNAの6列の画像のうち、右3列(左から4列目、5列目、6列目)がそれぞれ互いに類似しており、不自然である。
さらに、上記論文#17のFigure 3(B)が、上記論文#19のFigure 2(B)と、類似している。
論文#17では、AngIIとAngII+Tempol(or BH4)の効果を見ているのに対し、

論文#17のFigure 3(C)が、論文#19のFigure 3(B),(C)と、類似している。
論文#17では、AngIIと、AngII+Tempol(or BH4)の効果を見ているのに対し、
論文#19では、L-NAMEと、L-NAME+pioglitazone(or allopurinol)の効果を見ている。

↓上記論文#17のFigure 3(a)

Hattori Y et. al. DIABETOLOGIA Volume 48, Number 6, 1066-1074, Figure 3b
Copyright © 2005, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Fig. 3 a Plasma adiponectin levels in adipose tissue as determined by ELISA using a kit for the measurement of rat/mouse adiponectin. The results are expressed as means±SEM (n=7). b, c Adiponectin mRNA levels in adipose tissue as assessed by northern blot analysis. The results are expressed as means±SEM (n=3). *p<0.01 vs the control value<br />

↓上記論文#17のFigure 3(b)

Hattori Y et. al. DIABETOLOGIA Volume 48, Number 6, 1066-1074, Figure 3b
Copyright © 2005, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Fig. 3 a Plasma adiponectin levels in adipose tissue as determined by ELISA using a kit for the measurement of rat/mouse adiponectin. The results are expressed as means±SEM (n=7). b, c Adiponectin mRNA levels in adipose tissue as assessed by northern blot analysis. The results are expressed as means±SEM (n=3). *p<0.01 vs the control value<br />

↓上記論文#17のFigure 3(c)

Copyright © 2005, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Hattori Y et. al.DIABETOLOGIA Volume 48, Number 6, 1066-1074, Figure 3c
Fig. 3 a Plasma adiponectin levels in adipose tissue as determined by ELISA using a kit for the measurement of rat/mouse adiponectin. The results are expressed as means±SEM (n=7). b, c Adiponectin mRNA levels in adipose tissue as assessed by northern blot analysis. The results are expressed as means±SEM (n=3). *p<0.01 vs the control value<br />

↓上記論文#19のFigure 2

Copyright 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 54 (2005) 482– 487
Fig. 2. Plasma adiponectin concentration (n = 8) (A) and adiponectin mRNA levels in adipose tissue (n = 3) (B). *P

↓上記論文#19のFigure 3

Copyright 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 54 (2005) 482– 487
Fig. 3. Effects of pioglitazone and allopurinol on plasma adiponectin concentration (n = 8) (A) and adiponectin mRNA levels in adipose tissue (B and C). *P

上記論文#18のFigure 2(A)の上から3段目のHSP90の画像において、

↓上記論文#18のFigure 2

(C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 332 (2005) 200–205
Fig. 2. (A) Time course of eNOS–HSP90–Akt complex formation. BAE were stimulated with globular adiponectin for the indicated times. eNOS
was immunoprecipitated at each time point, and eNOS, HPS90, and Akt were evaluated by immunoblotting. (B) Globular adiponectin-induced
eNOS activation and eNOS–HSP90–Akt complex formation in BAE. BAE were pretreated with GA and then stimulated with globular adiponectin
for 10 min. eNOS was immunoprecipitated, and eNOS, peNOS, HSP90, and pAkt were evaluated by immunoblotting.



論文#10のFigure 3 (C)の再下段のMCP-1の画像全6列分は、
論文#13のFigure 4 (A)のiNOSの画像全6列分(Fruct, Fruct/BH4の画像)や、
上記論文#16のFigure 5 (b)のiNOS Proteinの画像右6列分(BH4 only, AngII, AngII/BH4の画像)と、

論文#13のFigure 4 (A) のeNOSの画像全6列分は、
上記論文#16のFigure 5 (a)のeNOS Proteinの画像右6列分(BH4 only, AngII, AngII/BH4の画像)と、類似いる。
論文#14のFigure 4(B)のMCP-1の画像の右8列分の画像を左右逆にした画像にも、類似しており、

↓論文#10のFigure 3 (C)

Copyright (C) Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Life Sciences 81 (2007) 939–943
Fig. 3. SKase activation is involved in globular adiponectin-induced activation
of NF-κB and adhesion molecule expression. (A) Treatment of cells with SKase
siRNA inhibited globular adiponectin-induced NF-κB activation. Data are
means±SD of at least three independent repetitions. ⁎Pb0.01 compared with
the value of gAd. (B) Treatment of cells with SKase siRNA markedly decreased
adiponectin-induced mRNA levels of adhesion protein expression. White bars:
control, grey bars: control treated with SKase siRNA, black bars: gAd, hatched
bars: gAd treated with SKase siRNA. Data are means±SD of at least three
independent repetitions and are shown as ratios against GAPDH. ⁎Pb0.01
compared with the value of gAd. (C) Treatment of cells with siRNA suppressed
globular adiponectin-induced protein levels of VCAM-1, ICAM-1, E-selectin,
and MCP-1. Experiments were performed in duplicate.

↓上記論文#13のFigure 4 

Copyright (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
European Journal of Pharmacology 555 (2007) 48–53
Fig. 4. Protein levels of eNOS and iNOS in aortic tissue were evaluated by
Western blot analysis. Results are expressed as means±S.D. of n=4 rats.
aPb0.05 vs. control rats. bPb0.05 vs. fructose+BH4 rats. C: control, F: fructose,
F/B: fructose/BH4.

↓上記論文#14のFigure 4 
© 2006 American Heart Association, Inc. Hypertension. 2006;47:1183-1188. Figure 4. (A) Effects of metformin on TNF-–induced VCAM-1, E-selectin, ICAM-1, and MCP-1 mRNA expression. Metformin dose-dependently inhibited VCAM-1, E-selectin, ICAM-1, and MCP-1 mRNA levels. Each bar represents the meanSEM (n4). *P0.01. (B) Effects of metformin on TNF-–induced MCP-1 expression. Metformin dose-dependently inhibited MCP-1 protein levels.

↓上記論文#16のFigure 5 

Copyright (C) 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Journal of Hypertension 2005, 23:1375–1382


