文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If Japan did not become a first-ranking then, it is no doubt that the color race

2017年06月19日 12時36分16秒 | 日記

The following is a real article by Mr. Watanabe Shoichi posted in the monthly magazine WiLL 2009 June issue entitled "Public Questionnaire for NHK Taiwanese Biased Coverage" titled "fight against the Anti-Japan Mass Media Asahi Newspaper / NHK.

Abbreviate. Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.

Explain the planning intention

Speaking of the Japanese in the prewar world, it was treated as the first citizen in Europe and was treated as an honor white man.

The Sina was still in a position to be used for Caucasian being beaten with a whip.

It was because the Japanese won the Russo-Japanese War because it won the first rank.

Taiwanese people enjoyed their position in the world as their first citizen.

For Taiwan, it is the Japanese media to draw as the most brilliant example in the colonial rule of the world.

Nonetheless, why did NHK have to televise this project now?

My doubts are as follows.

It is said that Taiwan is the most pro-Japanese country in the world.

However, now China has become huge and the military power has become big, and Mr. Ma Ying-jeou has come out from the family of people who came to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek.

Then, people are in trouble if it is said that "Japanese governance in Taiwan was good".

Therefore, instead of saying that "Japan has done good-for-nothing colonial rule", it is considered to be a belly to make Beijing feel secure.

Beijing will also think that suppression that they are now doing in Uyghur and Tibet is deducted somewhat by Japanese criticism.

So we should see that a certain power in Japan is very consistently conditioning to China and that the power was created by that power.

If Japan did not become a first-ranking then, it is no doubt that the color race would have continued international discrimination as a second or third-country country.

So you ought to reveal the nature of the Japanese who want to completely ignore the efforts and achievements of the Japanese at the time. And criticize the producer's intention.

NHK is a "public broadcasting", but what NHK is doing now is similar to what the occupation forces have broadcasted a radio program "The truth is this".

That radio program was flushed based on the occupation policy, so it was content to arrange that "only Japan was bad."

"The truth is this" was broadcasted by the "power" of the occupation forces, but the current NHK program production is probably a Chinese secret "pressure", a different line of anti-Japanese forces, or it may be done with Power including money trap and honey trap, so I guess.

The former War Guilt information program was done directly by the US occupation forces, but is now indirectly done by the Chinese Communist Party?

I think that it is accountable as public broadcasting as to what kind of intention, NHK made such a program even though it caused discomfort to people who are interviewed.

("WILL" June, 2009 first published)
