文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Like myself, there are many people who are disgusted to know that such a university professor exists

2017年08月10日 13時29分00秒 | 日記

The following is from the collection of papers following the beginning of the monthly journal justice released the other day.

Can you reverse the impression operation of the media?

The move towards the overthrow of the Abe Shinzo government by some media has steadily been effective.


But this time it is different. The image of the administration and the prime minister himself has been greatly impaired by the "impression manipulation", not the contents of the policy.


The reason for not supporting the Cabinet is "Prime Minister cannot be trusted" is the first.


Each one is not a big problem, but if these are reported daily and the impression that "doubtful" "friends’ preferential treatment" "escape" accumulates, it works like a body blow.

Here it seems that there was an intention that the media that it was found to be unable to weaken the Abe cabinet in policy criticism intends to damage the regime and the prime minister by the impression operation.

That is because the prime minister announced the concrete concept of amending the Constitution on May 3,

It seems like it has raised seriousness.

It is a strong will to stop the revision of the constitution.

Mainichi Shimbun July 10 date Tokyo evening paper "Special Features Wide" is metropolitan assembly election in the last day, take a "go home", "Resign" call Abe Prime Minister from some people in Akihabara, Tokyo, to "these people, everyone , We can not afford to lose. "

I wonder why the prime minister has gone to support the losing elections, but it was a word that to take back on provocation.

Author Ms. Kei Nakazawa professor of Hosei University,

"The subject of the Prime Minister's Akihabara speech was" We "instead of" I. "It is clear that he divides around himself and those who disagree with the Abe administration.

It creates cracks in society and uses it to extend power. It is a scarier method than poor speech control. It is the same as the hate speech trying to bring hatred and bring division into society. "

* Like myself, there are many people who are disgusted to know that such a university professor exists. At the same time, many people are frustrated that the Mainichi Shimbun continues to post such articles. *

The prime minister 'we' refers to the LDP, and it is impossible to read the same exoticism as hate speech here.

More than anything, this feature hides being a mobilized leftist activist including members of Revolutionary Communist League, National Committee (Middle Core Faction) who shouted "Abe Resign".

On that basis, while giving the impression that the prime minister is trying to exclude the general voters judged by the administration as being separate from "from", while giving preferential treatment to "we" and "friends".

Other newspapers also conveyed similar impressions to TV talk and variety show, and they are establishing that the image of selfish "unreliable politician" for Mr. Abe.

The reversal offense of the prime minister is required.

Yagi Hidetsugu
