文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

All Japanese citizens must know in this chapter that it is a gathering of untrustworthy human beings

2017年08月10日 14時09分00秒 | 日記

I am wondering what the public opinion survey of Japan’s mass media today is all about.

In their polls, of course ... their persistent, childish, unscrupulous ... using the public radio waves and newspapers, the Asahi Shimbun went through the NHK 's Okoshi faction for several months set about the attacking It goes without saying that it is the result of against Prime Minister Abe.

In their polls, of course ... their persistent, childish, unscrupulous ... using the public radio waves and newspapers, the Asahi Shimbun went through the NHK 's Okoshi faction for several months set about the attacking against Prime Minister Abe, it Goes without saying that it is the result of.

I wrote this chapter and I noticed.

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is Kuwako of NHKwatch 9 that actually did the greatest work on this result.

All the viewers should be remembered.

Asahi Newspaper launched the first, truly nasty ... Aspect of having the lowest ... From the time of the Moritomo school problem, continuing to say that suspicion is not clear ... as if Prime Minister Abe is lying that she spoke comments over the night.

As a journalist like Takayama Masayuki about her problem, she did not know even the simple facts as soon as it seemed to be instantly understood ... That is, I did not do any investigation and kept saying only such comments It goes without saying that it was.

As soon as Moritomo ran out of reason, it was Kake Gakuen that the Asahi Shimbun brought out quickly,

Even at this time as well, Kuwako made a comment saying that it would not be cleared of a charge, every day, suspecting the personality of Prime Minister Abe.

Their brains will no longer be less than kindergarten.

Because, first of all, leaders all over the world who think that the character of Prime Minister Abe cannot be trusted, because no one except China and the Korean Peninsula is done.

Aside from the mass media such as the Asahi Shimbun and the NHK, which are easy to manipulate information on these, unfamiliar, childish, aside from those Japanese who are falling asleep like their childishness, they are not anywhere in the world .

In a really good sense, Prime Minister Abe, who grew up as a good boy, is a rare politician with a straight heart, he appeared in the Kansai comedy information program and "Sokomade itte iinnkai" Everyone who saw you did it should know.

Such a person ... a person who is nothing but a person who can be trusted ... a media such as the Asahi Shimbun that makes it into a person who cannot be trusted, and humans at the current NHK press department,

All Japanese citizens must know in this chapter that it is a gathering of untrustworthy human beings.

As one of the best eyewitnesses given by God in the postwar Japan, I will inform people operated by them.

A person who cannot be trusted is, for example, a word for humans like Yuriko Koike,

To Shinzo Abe who is just thinking about Japan and the Japanese citizen, eventually the world from the bottom of his heart, it is not a word to say.

I do not know why, flattering in China and South Korea, they came up as a business Media people such as Asahi Shimbun,

They are not thinking about Japan and Japanese citizens and eventually the world, they are thinking about China and South Korea, it is not too much to say that they are traitors.
