隻手の声(佐藤節夫)The voice of one hand clapping.


あなたは幸せですかAre you happy?(3)改訂28日

2006-04-27 06:41:09 | Weblog
あなたは幸せですか?Are you happy? (3)  平成丙戌年卯月二十七日

 I wonder the leaves of “ Usuzumi no Sakura”(the cherry blossoms colored with light inks) in Neo village, Gifu prefecture, have already fallen down. I heard its full bloom was late. I have seen them one time. I am estranged from it because there is only one road and a traffic jam. But it is the great cherry tree that is 1500 years old.
I hear “ The Usuzumi hot spring was built near there recently.
It’s a lot of fun. It is famous that the late Chiyo Uno made this cherry blossoms rise again.
10年前、98歳で亡くなられた。 「92歳の青春」というテーマで神津カンナさんがNHKラジオでインタビューをしていた。そこで幸福について語られていた。
 「幸せはどこにもころがっている。私は自分が幸福だか、不幸だかいえぬ、本人の気の持ちようによるからだ。 自分が幸福であれば幸福だし、幸福が好きな時は幸福だし、幸、不幸になるのも、本人の望み次第でなるものだ。その人の幸、不幸は神様のせいではないようだ。すごい父親の家庭に育ったことは不幸とは思わない。その生活の中で、幸せを見つける努力をしていた。不幸に対しては鈍感で、幸福に対しては感じやすかった。どんなところからでも、私流に幸福を見つけ出す自信がある。
No one is gifted better with a great talent to feel happy than Mrs. Chiyo Uno, I think.
Ten years ago, she died at age 98. Mrs. Kanna Kouzu had an interview with her about the theme ‘ My youth of 92 ages’ on NHK radio. There she talked about happiness.
“ There is happiness everywhere. I don’t say ,’I’m happy or unhappy’ because it depends on one’s feeling. If I’m happy, it’s happy. When I like happiness, it’s happiness. It is dependent on
one’s hope to become happy or unhappy. We don’t seem to be able to blame our happiness or unhappiness on Heaven. I don’t think it is unhappy to have grown up at my terrific father’s home. During my life I have made every effort to find happiness. I wasn’t sensitive to unhappiness, but sensitive to happiness. I’m sure of finding happiness from everywhere on my particular way. Certainly I don’t like unhappiiness. But correctly I don’t prefer to feel unhappy rather than being unhappy. I hate the worst a man or a woman who can’t rest without feeling unhappy though he or she isn’t very unhappy.


In this interview, she said,” I have visited Mr. Shirou Ozaki’s grave and called “Shirou sa—n”. She doesn’t mind what Mr. Seiji Tougou thinks of it. It is refreshing itself.
I would try to feel happy with my positive attitude in all I do. ( to be continued)

あなたは幸せですか?Are you happy ?(2)

2006-04-22 07:36:46 | Weblog
あなたは幸せですか?Are you happy? (2)23日改訂  平成丙戌年卯月二十二日

 In past days Governor of Kouchi Prefecture, Daijirou Hashimoto said in “My father’s back” ; “ I remember that my father asked always to me “Are you happy? “when I came home. Because my father had a rough youth,he had a faith that rather than take a pessimistic view of the status quo, human beings should think that they are happy and take good directions. It is certain that thinking human beings happy makes themselves have twice strength better.”
 『 凡ての人皆他人の幸福を圖(はか)れば、その幸福を享受する者は凡ての人である。
Mr. Jirou Abe wrote about happiness in his ‘ Santarou’s diary’.
“All human beings plan to make others happy, and so all human beings are given this happiness. All human beings given happiness feel happy through being made their happiness by their neighbors as they plan to make others happy.
And then the largest happiness of human beings that plan to make others happy is making others happy itself, and offering themselves for other happiness without their interests itself.” In addition “ Society is the place to realize oneself. Human beings cannot help working for society when they feel something to fill in themselves.”
As the proverb says “ A kindness is never lost. (If you make others kind, you’ll get the kindness back for yourself.)” I wish this blog were a key to live.
(to be continued)

あなたは幸せですか?Are you happy?(1)

2006-04-18 08:59:01 | Weblog
あなたは幸せですか?Are you happy? (1)    平成丙戌年卯月十八日

先日 TVでアフリカをリポートしていた。アフリカといえども、もうビルが林立し、ここ岐阜と変わらぬ街である。そのアフリカのスラム街で、七輪を造る若者を取材していた。造っても月3個ぐらいではなんともならない。周りはゴミの山である。人々がゴミを堆肥化しようとしても、ビニールやペットボトルであふれ、ちょっとやそっとでは分別できないくらいくちゃくちゃな状況だ。
The other day Africa was reported on TV. Some cities in Africa have many buildings and are not different from Gifu city. In the slums of Africa a young man who made ‘shitirin’ a small portable stove for cooking with charcoal was interviewed. But he can’t live by making a few ‘shitirin’s.
Around him many garbage, rubbish are full. Even if people try to compost garbage, they can’t separate rubbish from vinyl and pet bottle.
These scenes were ones that I wondered if this is Africa. All over the world were flooded by plastic. By the way, next the young man found the job which he took two piece of drum lid off and beat it to dent into a pan.
I have seen the Japanese condition after the world war Ⅱ on TV or movie.
I t is the same as Africa. I ‘m a baby-boomer. I heard my superior by more than 5 years picked up nails. At that time on the roadside there were nails fell down. The young man fought to make pans somehow under the guidance of his superior.. There ,an interviewer asked to him, ”Are you happy?” The young man tilted a little and answered ,” I ‘m happy because I can eat food in my way.

 だから、同胞との仕事は人間の幸福の一つの大きな要素である。本当の幸福感は仕事なしには絶対に与えられないという意味でなら、その最大の要素である。人は幸福であろうとすれば、一週に6日は働かねばならないし、また、自分の額に汗してそのパンを食わねばならない。そして、幸福の第一の絶対欠くことのできない条件は倫理的世界秩序に対する堅い信仰である。――」このように述べている。プロテスタント立場ですね。( 続く)
“Are you happy?” is a question of great delicacy. If I am happy, that’s good, but in reverse when I am very unhappy or miserable, I can’t say ‘ unhappy’ like so. Actually I have three meals with satisfaction and a sleeping bed, too. There is no end to desire.
About happiness there is “the theory of happiness” written by Hilty. I have read only one volume. I’ll extract.
“-----What human beings want the most eagerly is a feeling of happiness after all.
It is happiness that is an aim in life. Human beings want to become happy at all cost.
Human beings are social existences by nature after all. We can’t completely dissociate ourselves from our fellows, as the trouble with our fellows has no concern with ourselves. So the job with our fellows is one great element of happiness. The job with our fellows is the biggest element in the sense that the real feeling of happiness is not given without the job. If human beings want to be happy, they must work six days a week and eat the bread with the sweat of their forehead. And the most indispensable condition of happiness is the firm faith in the world ethical order.-----“
It says like this. It’s in the position of Protestant.(to be continued)


2006-04-14 07:21:29 | Weblog
「島国根性の打破」に思う。        平成丙戌年十四日

Ps. 今、なぜかマスコミはアフリカに注目しているらしい。

命は永遠に続くLife lasts forever.

2006-04-10 07:04:34 | Weblog
命は永遠に続くLife lasts forever   平成丙戌年十日
I think these words were the most difficult ones to understand in my blog and were too deep for me to reach after the meanings.
カルベロが「もうこれ以上は。彼女はどこにいますか? 私は彼女がダンスするのを見たい。」数分後、彼は長いすの上で死んでいました。テリ-はライムライトの中で踊り続けました。カルベロの命が踊り続けるようにテリーの足に乗り移ったところです。
Firstly there was the scene of ‘ Lime Light’ ;
Calvero said,” No more. Where is she ? I want to see her dance.” In a few minutes he was dead on the couch. Terry continued dancing in the lime light.
*Calvero’s life possessed Terry’s legs to dance forever. The ending is fitting for “Life lasts forever.”
第2に マザー・テレサの言葉に 「死ぬことによって永遠の生命を得るのです。」
Secondly in Mother Teresa’s words ;
“It’s in dying that we are born to an eternal life.”
*I think her last words are from Christianity.
第3に 今中学の教科書に『葉っぱのフレディ』が載せられています。
「わからないよ、でも『命』は戻るよ。『命』は永遠に続くからね。そして、僕たちはその一部なんだよ」とダニエルは答えました。「僕たちは落ちて死ぬだけなんだ。それじゃなぜここに生まれたの?」とフレディがまた聞きました。ダニエルは言いました。「友達や、太陽や木陰のためだよ。覚えているだろう、あのそよ風や、人々や、秋の色を? それだけでいいじゃないか?」と。
Thirdly “The Fall of Freddie the Leaf “ is run in the textbook of junior high school.
These same words appeared from it.
“I’m afraid of dying,” Freddie told Daniel.
“We’re all afraid of things we don’t know.” Daniel said. “But you were not afraid when spring became summer, or when summer became fall. Change are natural.”
“ Will we return in spring ?” Freddie asked.
“I don’t know, but Life will. Life lasts forever and we’re part of it,” answered Daniel.
“We only fall and die. Why are we here?” Freddie asked again.
Daniel said, “For the friends, the sun and the shade. Remember the breeze, the people,
and the colors in fall. Isn’t that enough?”
*The leaf falls into the ground. And it rises again as a nutrient from the dead.
第4に 同じ言葉がヨハネによる福音書12章にあります。
Fourthly here is “ The Gospel according to St. John ,chapter12.”

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
最後に 先回ご紹介した佐藤一斎先生の「言志四録」に有名な『三学戒』(三学の教え)があります。
 「年をとっても学ぶことを続ければ、ますます高い見識や品性をもって社会に向かうことが出来る。本当の自分をこの世で実現するためにも、絶えず学ぼうとする姿勢を忘れてはいけない。」 ありがたいお言葉です。
『命は永遠に続く』について 拾い集めてみました。お読み下され、感謝致します。
Finally there is a famous ‘San Gaku Kai’ in “Genshi Shi Roku” written by Satou Issai.
“If you study in your children, you can have something to do in your manhood.
If you study in your manhood, your powers don’t decline in old age.
If you study in your old age, your great insight doesn’t decay even if you die.”

Even if you die, your efforts bear fruits and last forever. That picture book says ;
“In your life there is nothing in vain. If you continue to study in old age, you can
more and more have great insights and characters, and you can be in full activity for your society. Don’t forget an attitude to study continuously so that we can realize
our real self in the world.”
They are thankful words. I gathered up these words about “Life lasts forever.”.
Thank you for reading.


2006-04-02 08:06:31 | Weblog
あべこべ Reverse 平成丙戌年卯月2日
The end of March is the time of personnel transfers.
The leader of the Democratic Party Maehara resigned.
The other day I heard a surprised resignation from children.
A third year home-room teacher of junior high school quitted.
He was left for a new junior high school. I’m sorry to hear that.
He had a physical feature. I think it depends on stresses and strains.
He was bullied by some students and seemed to suffer terrible pains from it.
3月末は人事異動の時期である。 民主党の前原氏が辞任した。
Children are pure ,but on the other hand I feel they have cruelty.
In “Bochan” written by Soseki Natsume, teachers were named ‘Akasyatsu’ ‘Yamaarashi’. It’s different from here.
At the place where there isn’t him, some students sang a parody about a physical feature and talked in a whisper behind his back. At worst they talked with each other in front of him, or a physical feature was written on the blackboard of his class-room.
I was sad to hear that. What a student !!
They should be studied human rights. Though they are also bullied , they may not be able to understand themselves as they do.
I f they did as a joke, they haven’t grown up to have self-control at all .
I had been bullied by some students, too. Then I said, “Don’t say such a thing.”
I didn’t let myself be serious. So I didn’t think it had become serious.
At last he didn’t choice a transfer, but a resignation.
Nowadays I hear it's a rough age for children.
But it is reverse, isn’t it?
Please I hope he’ll get over the shock and come back to school.
I heard he was an important math teacher.
This was the story that I couldn’t stand really.
Thank you for reading.

「ふざけ」から来ているのだとしたら, 少しも自制の心が育ってない。