ya827's Diary



2004-07-29 | 日記

Hot summer morning

2004-07-28 | 日記
I was busy this morning.
First I had a stomachache due to drinking something cold too much. I had to go to a toilet a few times. Every year I always have a stomachache once or twice during the hot season.
Second I had two telephone calls from my friends. One is a invitation of going to a Korean restaurant. Another is a usual one.
Third I went to the railway station twice to welcome and send off my daughter because her car broke down.
It was a hot and busy morning.


2004-07-26 | 日記

It appeared at last!!

2004-07-24 | 日記
Last night a big centipede appeared at last. This year I had not found any centipedes till yesterday. So I was surprized to see it. My husband hit the centipede crawling very fast with rolled paper and caught it.
Last year they appered in May. My mother-in -law and I were bitten in the bed. I felt a heavy pain. There may be other centipedes. We must be careful.


2004-07-23 | 日記

First visit

2004-07-20 | 日記
Yesterday was a national holiday `Sea-day'. My husband and I visited our former senior high school teacher nearby.
He taught us Japanese history whose subject I did nit like very much. Now he lives a retired life enjoying his hobbies. He showed us various precious things such as very old pots chests and very big oil paintings on the wall. I was surprised a little. We enjoyed talking over coffee.


2004-07-17 | 日記
このホームページに続き、最近‘Enjoy English'というタイトルで、gooのBLOGを開設したが、ここよりは、アクセス数がずっと多いのに驚き、また励まされ、力が入っている。デジカメで写真を撮り、それを載せたりもしているので・・・‘Welcome to my BLOG!!'です。

Another computer

2004-07-14 | 日記
My husband and I have been using two computers for about a week. The second p.c. is a used one which was given me by my son. This morning the second p.c. broke down. The system wouldn't work. As I was using it conveniently I am disappointed very much now. I hope it will be repaired as soon as possible.


2004-07-11 | 日記

Having a guest

2004-07-08 | 日記
Yesterday my son living in Tokyo came home as he was given holidays for three days. He will stay here till tomorrow. He is busy in setting another computer for us while staying here. The last time he came home was about six months ago and anyone knows when the next time is. Tokyo is far as well as near.