

#761  Torrance, CA 90501

2011年02月13日 | 日記
#761  Torrance, CA 90501
Host Company Registration:
Location: Torrance, CA 90501 場所の検索=> http://maps.google.com
INTERN Requirements
Number of Interns: 1
Position: Assistan to Export/Sales
Compensation: $1,200/month
Requirements: Intermidiate English, PC skills (Excel, Word)
Duration: 18

As a 100% subsidiary of Food Industry Japan, we manufacture aseptically packaged tofu
and market it in the US and overseas.

8 hours a day (8:00am – 5pm, with 1 hour lunch break), 5 days a week (Monday through Friday),
Key holidays off. No “vacation” days for interns, but we can be flexible for requested Day-offs.

10 in LA office, 50 in Portland factory.

English must be used in the public space in the office except when non-English language
is needed for business operation. With customers, both export and Chinese, English is
the common language of communication. Japanese is used with some Japanese customer overseas. E-mail communication is over 90% with customers. Proper writing in English and
careful/thoughtful selection of wording is required.

5.Intern研修生は男女を問いませんか? 必要な技能、職歴、経験は?
No restriction on gender. Good command of English and Japanese is essential.
Other language capability is welcome. Computer literacy in Word and Excel is essential
and knowledge of Power Point is helpful. Experiences in Export/import and food industry
are desired. Overseas experience is a plus.

Internship applicant will be assigned to an assistant position in sales/marketing department particularly Export and Chinese sales channel.
However, other assignments might be provided as well.

***先ずは登録から=> http://wacejapan.org/intern/internregistration.html

他のホットな求人情報=> http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/j1visa_internship/folder/1472314.html
企業からのQ&A=> http://www.wacejapan.org/host/qa-hostj.html

J1visa アメリカインターンシップ J1ビザ DS2019 DS7002 受入ホスト企業