

赤ちゃん(The white baby wallaby)

2006-04-14 | ★news & sports



Is seen through at a pure white baby wallaby, a South American zoo;is brought up
The pure white baby wallaby which grows at an Argentinian zoo on April 12

It's a  soo cute baby,isnt it? 


4 コメント

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Long time no c (Shanti)
2006-05-05 02:59:36
Good afternoon

U konw Tomo.......,

When I was in my country,I had 1 pair of rabbit and they used to breed 5 to 6 rabbits.They were so amazing,cute and were pure fair white,just like in your blog.

They used to move their little nose while eating grass in the garden and looked even more amazing.

Gone were the days when I used to chat with others sitting in the shade and love watching them.

But sadly now I haven\'t any n missed that days.

Ok Tomo,c-ya nxt time.

Have a gr8 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh,,, (>>Shanti)
2006-05-05 19:57:31
I went to trip for 3days.

thats why i couldnt reply u soon.sorry...

>>I used to chat with others sitting in the shade and love watching them.

Oh,,its nice,isnt it? Is there a rabbit in the garden usually in N? I never seen wild rabbit in J.

Hows everything going well?
Konichiwa (Shanti)
2006-05-05 23:54:57

Ohh....u went to trip ,it\'s nice then,I think u did enjoy it a lot.

U can reply anytime I don\'t mind if it\'s late coz sometime we r in hurry and sometime we don\'t have enough time.

No,there isn\'t usually rabbit in the greden in N but I used to have.My cousins brought it from village from the forest.I had them since my childhoo.

Ok Tomo,c-ya nxt time.

Bue Bye
Namaste (>>Shanti)
2006-05-06 12:16:26

Yes,I enjoyed it.I and BF went to enter a hot spring of the place that was 300 kilos away from my town.

Uh-ha,,There isnt usually rabbit in N,too,right?

I c,,,

Do u have an animal now?

I have only MOMO.

ok,,have a gr8 day!!!