


2011-08-28 | ★Dear my friends








how to update a movie

2006-11-13 | ★Dear my friends

Shanti,do u know how to display this screen?
I guess you can do that.

① you choose the '動画ファイル(拡張子:~)'

② you click '参照...'button,and you choose the animation which you want to update.
  ※Extension:gif/jpg/png/AMC/3GPP/3GP2   File size: to 240KB

③ you have to name the animation which you update it on the light frame.

④ you click  'アップロード'

⑤  in few min, the animtion is updated.

⑥ you click 'この画像を使用'.

⑦ A screen to write an article appears.

Lets try it!!!

Writhing of msg on my blog

2006-03-28 | ★Dear my friends

For Dear my friends

 & for invite on my blog!!!

1st of all,You find the topics that you want to comment in the topics that I write. 
 "カテゴリ" means category. Please click it which you wanna see.
2nd,,, Can you see that the bottom right of the topics says " comment (0) /truck back (0)"?

For ex,,If you wanna comment about Doll's fes, you see the bottom right of the Doll's fes.
You can see the " comment (0) /truck back (0)".
And then ,Please click " (0)" of the comment.
Then Another screen is displayed. you can see 4 white boxes.

1st box,,,please witer your name.
2nd box,,,please write title (=anything OK)
3rd box,,, Blank OK
4th box,,, please write your comment in it.
There is a small yellow box under the fourth box.
When it is clicked, the emoticon is displayed.
It is possible to use it by clicking a favorite character.

And, please click the button of the confirmation below most.
The confirmation screen of the message that you wrote is displayed.
Please input the figure seen there. And, please push the button of the confirmation.

**A screen to input a number into is not displayed. In that case, u move to next.
Then, your comment is published in my Brog. My Brog is opened again.
(0) of the comment on topics to which you added the comment has changed into (1).
The comment that you wrote that it clicks the (1) is displayed.

  E-mail add: tmcttt19781022@yahoo.co.jp