渋谷表参道 嵐酔水墨画書道教室~一期一会の墨交流~ Ransui's Sumi Art class

書と中国水墨画を学ぶ 心の模様を墨に託してみませんか。初級から上級まで 一緒に筆を持って楽しみませんか?!

Let's enjoy Sumi-e & Calligraphic art together?!

2009年11月18日 | 教室お知らせ
「Let's share the full of joy through Sumi-e and Calligraphy with us?! 」

I have just started the special art class for the foreign people who live in Tokyo or around Tokyo area.

The class offers Sumi-e (Chinese black ink painting and Calligraphy and modern style of Calligraphic art.

My dream is to share the joy to exchange each other through an art by holding the brushes together. And also it means that our exchanging through an art can be surely an international exchange to build up friendship and understanding many different culture and thoughts beyond the race.

if you are interested in Sumi-e and calligraphy, I will give nice lessons for you and you will be able to produce your own style of Sumi-e and calligraphic art.

if you need some more detail information, please feel free to send a message to the follwing address.[londontottenham32iromance@gmail.com]

I am really looking forward to meeting you through an Sumi-e & Calligraphic ART.
にほんブログ村 美術ブログ 書・書道へにほんブログ村  

にほんブログ村 美術ブログ 水墨画へにほんブログ村ブログランキング参加しています。みなさんクリックしてね. 

Head of Ru-yang Ink painting society
Ransui YAKATA TEL 03-3409-2988
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