


2010-04-30 19:17:00 | OCNカフェ


2010-04-30 10:16:00 | OCNカフェ
Chinese fleet's flag waving in Miyako Channel international law, not intimidation

A fleet of 10 Chinese vessels including two submarines flying the Chinese national flag passed through the Miyako Channel situated between Okinawa's main island and Miyako Island on April 10 -- an act Japanese news organizations characterized as intimidation.

"The submarines were cruising on the surface and flying red Chinese national flags as if to show them off. It is extremely rare for submarines to navigate on the surface of the high seas," a Mainichi Shimbun article on April 18 reads. "China displayed its military capability to Japan in an area close to its territorial waters. Japan is now changing its restrained stance toward China."

The fleet, based in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, consists of eight surface vessels -- destroyers and supply ships -- and two submarines, and was formed to undertake blue water missions.

The fleet passed through the Miyako Channel into the Pacific Ocean and continued on a straight course to the waters near Okinotorishima Island, where they conducted exercises before sailing back to China via the same route.

If you traced the fleet's wake on Google Earth, you could easily understand the purpose of the exercise. Ningbo, the Miyako Channel and Okinotorishima Island are all along a straight line. If the line is extended, it reaches Guam, home to large U.S. bases. The fleet headed in the direction of Guam by the shortest possible course.

The Miyako Channel is in Japan's exclusive economic zone. However, its central part is in international waters where vessels of any country can pass freely. All vessels passing near a given country's territorial waters are guaranteed the so-called "right of innocent passage" -- or the right to pass the waters freely as long as they cause no damage to other vessels or to the country. However, there are rules that regulate submarines in such waters. Article 20 of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea stipulates that "in the territorial sea, submarines and other underwater vehicles are required to navigate on the surface and to show their flag."

Therefore, the Chinese submarines sailed on the surface of the Miyako Channel and flew their national flag as a sign of innocent passage. "The coastal state shall not hamper the innocent passage of foreign ships through the territorial sea," Article 24 of the convention states.

There are four routes through which Chinese Navy vessels can sail from China to the Pacific Ocean -- including the Osumi Strait and the Miyako Channel, according to a Chinese paper. Of them, the Miyako Channel is the easiest to pass.

In March, another Chinese Navy flotilla based in Qindao, Shandong province, passed through the Miyako Channel and advanced southward along the east coast of Taiwan. It then went into the South China Sea and came close to the Strait of Malacca.

The Miyako Channel will likely serve as the gate to the open ocean for ships of the Chinese Navy. The Chinese fleet wanted to show off its national flag obviously not to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, but to U.S. forces in the Pacific Ocean.

It is easy to answer the question as to why a Chinese fleet sailed toward Guam and another sailed off the east coast of Taiwan.

(By Hidetoshi Kaneko, Expert Senior Writer)
(Mainichi Japan) April 29, 2010
毎日新聞 2010年4月29日 東京朝刊

歌舞伎座新築へ 伝統芸能を発展させる礎に

2010-04-30 08:54:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 30, 2010)
Reinvigorate traditional performing arts
歌舞伎座新築へ 伝統芸能を発展させる礎に(4月29日付・読売社説)

The stage on which many fine kabuki actors performed some of their greatest shows is about to be reborn. The curtain will come down on the antiquated Kabuki-za theater in Ginza, Tokyo, with a closing ceremony Friday. The theater will be torn down and rebuilt.
新歌舞伎座のイメージ図 数々の名優たちの足跡を刻んだ舞台が生まれ変わる。東京・銀座の歌舞伎座が老朽化に伴う建て替えのため、明日の閉場式を最後に休場する。

The Kabuki-za, built with a grand architectural style evocative of the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1568-1600), has been a cultural space and distinctive landmark in central Tokyo. Many people were surely saddened to bid farewell to the venerable theater.

The first Kabuki-za theater in Ginza was built in 1889. After the theater burned down several times, the present structure opened its doors in 1951.

A new Kabuki-za building will be completed in three years as a multifunctional facility that will house a new four-story kabuki theater and a 29-story office building.

Farewell performances at the theater, which lasted for 16 months, were filled to overflowing every day.


Interest reignited

Kabuki has entered a new phase of prosperity. Public performances are being well received at Shinbashi Enbujo in Tokyo, at the Minami-za in Kyoto, and at the Shochiku-za in Osaka.

This marks a turnaround from about 30 to 40 years ago, when kabuki was in a slump. At that time, some people harbored grave doubts about kabuki's future.

Since the mid-1980s, however, kabuki has regained popularity. Interest in kabuki has been rekindled by performances commemorating an actor's succession to the stage name Ichikawa Danjuro--the name of the person considered to be the founder of kabuki performed in Edo (present Tokyo)--and attempts to create new styles of kabuki, starting with "super kabuki," a combination of traditional kabuki with contemporary playwrights' work and modern stage technology.

Since the 1970s, the National Theatre in Tokyo has devoted considerable resources to training kabuki actors and musicians. Those who earned their stripes at the theater are now supporting the foundations of kabuki.

Everyday terms such as "nobetsu makunashi" (without intermission), "oozume" (the final act), and "ohako" (one's specialty) originated in kabuki. This brings home again the depth of Japanese language and the aesthetic sense of the Japanese people.


Laying the groundwork

Audiences can feel the actors' powerful performances or marvel at the elaborate stage sets all the more when they watch a show at the theater. If kabuki is performed at more local theaters while the Kabuki-za is being rebuilt, the traditional art's fan base will widen even further.

Such traditional performing arts as kabuki, noh plays and ningyo-joruri bunraku puppetry are registered on UNESCO's list of intangible cultural heritages. Although kabuki's popularity stands out among these performing arts, the origins and themes of all three are inextricably linked.

The revised Fundamental Law of Education stipulates that educators should instill a respect for Japan's tradition and culture in their students. Accordingly, the official guidelines for middle school teaching, for instance, say, "It is important to stimulate students' interest" in such classic performing arts as noh, kyogen, kabuki and rakugo comic storytelling.

Increasing opportunities for children to appreciate traditional performing arts will deepen their understanding of Japanese culture.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 29, 2010)
(2010年4月29日01時16分 読売新聞)

小沢氏起訴相当 「公判で真相」求めた審査会

2010-04-29 08:35:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 29, 2010)
Panel wants truth about Ozawa uncovered
小沢氏起訴相当 「公判で真相」求めた審査会(4月28日付・読売社説)

An independent judicial panel of citizens threw down the gauntlet in challenging prosecutors who had decided not to indict Democratic Party of Japan Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa. We can only call this an exercise of the "good sense of citizens."

In a closely watched decision, the Tokyo No. 5 Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution, which comprised 11 citizens, agreed that Ozawa merits indictment over his fund management body's alleged false reporting of political funds, a step beyond a decision that would merely deem nonindictment as inappropriate.

The panel's decision reflects a clear commonsense judgment that calls for the clarification of the facts and determining where the responsibility lies as long as there are suspicions concerning Ozawa's involvement.

As an initial step, prosecutors must reinvestigate the case thoroughly. If they decide not to indict Ozawa again, a judicial panel could decide for the second time that he merits indictment. Court-appointed lawyers could then indict him in place of prosecutors.

Attention is now focused on whether prosecutors will reverse course and indict Ozawa, taking into account the panel's decision.

"I'm surprised by the unexpected result. I believe the prosecutors will make an appropriate judgment in the end," Ozawa said in response to the panel's decision. He should fulfill his accountability by answering the questions the panel raised.


Key to decision

The key to the panel's decision was its interpretations of a statement by House of Representatives member Tomohiro Ishikawa, who was in charge of clerical work at Ozawa's fund management organization, Rikuzan-kai, and others involved. Ishikawa has been indicted on charges of violating the Political Funds Control Law.

Ishikawa told investigators of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office he had informed Ozawa of his plan not to list 400 million yen in the management organization's political funds report, and obtained Ozawa's approval. Rikuzan-kai used most of the money to purchase a plot of land in Tokyo.

However, Ozawa denied conspiring with Ishikawa, saying: "I don't know. I approved [the report], believing that the person in charge had recorded the facts."

The prosecutors eventually decided not to indict Ozawa, concluding that Ishikawa's statement lacked substance. However, the judicial panel disagreed, calling Ozawa's statement "unreasonable and unnatural" and "hard to believe," based on Ishikawa's statement and other evidence.

The panel even went on to say Ozawa had "persistently covered up" the fact that he had provided the 400 million yen so as "not to have the media kick up a fuss about it."

The panel, therefore, sought Ozawa's indictment from a different angle than the prosecutors, who put top priority on proving a suspect's guilt.


'Good sense' shown

The inquest panel's citizens' "good sense" was clearly shown in the following statement:

"Is it right not to question the responsibility of politicians whenever they insist they left the matter in question to their secretaries?
"As public distrust in politics and money is growing, the case cannot be ignored from the viewpoint of citizens."

We believe such views are shared by many people.

During the investigation of the Rikuzan-kai case, prosecutors were criticized for leaking information to the media.

Prosecutors must not be carried away by the feelings of citizens when conducting an investigation. But they should give explanations that satisfy the public.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 28, 2010)
(2010年4月28日01時19分 読売新聞)


2010-04-28 11:47:00 | OCNカフェ
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 27
EDITORIAL: Hatoyama in the clear.

A prosecution inquest committee, charged with examining the decision of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office not to indict Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama over falsified political fund reports by his fund management organization, concluded Monday that the right action had been taken.
But if we were to sum up the inquest committee's thinking, it would go something like this: "The prosecutors' decision was appropriate in terms of the law and the evidence obtained, but it was not something the public at large could readily accept."

Hatoyama's former state-paid aide, who was found guilty last week of falsifying political fund reports, had been in charge of managing and reporting Hatoyama's political funds. Hatoyama himself had no knowledge of the falsification and there was insufficient evidence to justify indicting the prime minister, the committee concluded.

However, the panel did question Hatoyama's statement that he had no idea his mother was funneling 15 million yen ($160,000) a month to him. "This is unthinkable for any average citizen," the panel noted.

And touching on the fact that prosecutors did not question the prime minister directly, the panel observed, "Quite a few (of the) members raised questions about the content of (the prime minister's) written statement (submitted to prosecutors), which only gave his side of the story."

Hatoyama has reiterated in the Diet that he had no knowledge of the money coming from his mother. He even said that, should evidence to the contrary ever come to light, he would feel obliged to resign from the Diet.

But in an opinion poll conducted soon afterward, more than 70 percent of respondents said they were "not convinced" by the prime minister's explanation. The prosecution inquest committee's comments were only to be expected.

We urge Hatoyama to reflect on the bleak reality that no matter how many times he may try to explain himself, he is not going to be believed by the people.

He has simply got to change his ways if he wants to be believed. For instance, he should comply with the opposition camp's demand that his former aide and others testify in the Diet as a sworn witness. And if necessary, he should also ask his mother and senior officials of the Hatoyama family's asset management company to testify publicly.

Without making such sincere and probably painful efforts, it would be difficult for Hatoyama to recover his credibility.

When a politician's accountant is found to have falsified a fund report, the current Political Fund Control Law provides that the politician is to be held responsible if he or she "failed to pay due attention" to both the "appointment" and "supervision" of the accountant.

On this issue, the committee pointed out the necessity of amending the law, noting, "It goes against society's common sense to exempt a politician from criminal responsibility so long as the politician appointed (the accountant) appropriately, even if he or she failed to supervise the accountant properly."

In fact, this provision saved former Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto from prosecution in 2004 after it was revealed that his Liberal Democratic Party faction had falsified a political fund report to conceal a 100-million-yen donation it had received.

It may be impractical to seek unlimited responsibility of politicians for supervising their accountants. But it is also perfectly natural for the public at large to sense the injustice of punishing only the accountant and not holding the politician accountable. Along with banning corporate and group donations, we want the ruling and opposition parties to hold thorough suprapartisan discussions on the issue. We expect the prime minister to lead the way.

The prosecution inquest committee's decision spells the end of investigations into Hatoyama's political fund scandal. But the prime minister cannot escape political responsibility.

不起訴相当議決 首相は審査会の指摘に応えよ

2010-04-28 08:27:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 28, 2010)
Hatoyama must answer inquest panel's questions
不起訴相当議決 首相は審査会の指摘に応えよ(4月27日付・読売社説)

An inquest panel recently decided it was appropriate for prosecutors not to indict Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama over false records of political donations compiled by his fund-management organization. However, Hatoyama should not mistakenly think this has allowed him to completely escape the scandal over falsified political donations. We would like to ask the prime minister to carefully read the report compiled by the Tokyo No. 4 Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution.

Hatoyama continually said he knew nothing about the falsification of the political fund reports and the huge amount of money provided by his mother. However, the panel questioned this, saying the natural feeling of ordinary citizens was that such a situation was unthinkable. Most of the public will probably have the same doubts.

It is the prime minister's duty to answer that question as well as to explain the use of his political funds. This should be considered separately from whether he is criminally liable.


Hatoyama's claim doubted

In its report, the panel explained what caused Hatoyama's former first state-funded secretary to begin falsifying the political fund reports.

Hatoyama's organization became totally dependent on the prime minster's personal funds after donations from companies and labor unions to political fund management organizations were prohibited by law in 2000.

"Don't always rely on my money," Hatoyama was quoted as telling the former secretary. "I want you to raise funds on your own."

Hatoyama's complaint prompted the former secretary to start falsifying records of political donations by padding contributions from individuals and revenues from fund-raising parties, the report said.

Hatoyama told the former secretary to raise funds by himself, but the prime minister must have understood how difficult that would be.

Meanwhile, Hatoyama's provision of money to the fund organization has decreased drastically every year since his organization began receiving political funds of 15 million yen a month--180 million yen annually--from his own mother. Given these circumstances, Hatoyama's claim to have known nothing is hardly convincing, the panel said. This logic is strongly persuasive.

Also, some members of the public suspected the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office of giving special consideration to the government when it did not directly question Hatoyama and instead let him submit a written report about the issue.

Quite a few members of the inquest panel reportedly questioned the contents of Hatoyama's written report. In other words, they may have said prosecutors' investigations were insufficient.


Panel seeks tougher law

It is also noteworthy that the panel proposed revisions of the current Political Funds Control Law, saying its provisions are very advantageous for politicians.

Representatives of political fund organizations are held accountable for violations of the law if they do not pay proper attention to the appointment and supervision of the people responsible for the organizations' accounting. However, there must be neglect of not only one, but both appointment and supervision to constitute a violation.

This is why the prime minister, who was found not to be at fault regarding the former secretary's appointment, was not charged with criminal liability.

New Komeito has already submitted to the current Diet session a bill to revise the law so that people who neglect either appointment or supervision can be held criminally responsible. However, discussions on the bill have not proceeded very far because members of some parties feel it is too strict or that prosecutors would misuse the revised law.

It is common sense among ordinary people for superiors at private companies to take responsibility for supervising their subordinates, according to the panel.

We would like the panel's opinion to be applied to discussions about revising the law based on the will of the public.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 27, 2010)
(2010年4月27日01時13分 読売新聞)


2010-04-27 18:03:00 | OCNカフェ
Kanji highlights kabuki's fiery history

The Japanese word used to describe the final day of a show or sumo tournament includes the kanji character for autumn, the right side of which means "fire." But when talking about the final day of a kabuki show, the symbol for "fire" is replaced for one meaning "turtle."
Avoidance of the "fire" symbol apparently comes from the fact that in the Edo period, when it was common for fires to break out at theaters, people wanted to avoid any reference to flames. Conversely, the variant character that used the symbol for "turtle" had an auspicious ring to it.

Looking back at the history of kabuki theaters, it's no wonder people wanted to avoid seeing a character meaning "fire." During a 23-year period spanning the Genroku and Kyoho eras in Japan, around the late 17th and early 18th centuries, the Nakamura-za and Ichimura-za theaters in Tokyo's Nihonbashi burned down a combined nine times -- roughly once every 2 1/2 years on average. During the mid-Edo period, fires broke out roughly once every six years on average, a figure that makes one wonder how the performances managed to continue.

In 1889 the Kabuki-za, the main theater in Tokyo for kabuki performances, was built. However, the structure did not have a long lifespan; 22 years later it underwent major reconstruction. Another 10 years after this, the second incarnation of the theater burned down in a fire caused by an electricity short circuit. An earthquake hampered reconstruction efforts before the third Kabuki-za building appeared. Misfortune followed another 20 years later, when the theater was heavily damaged in bombing during World War II. A fourth Kabuki-za theater was built and remains standing today.

Now plans are under way to demolish the current Kabuki-za, and build a new theater and 29-story building on the premises, scheduled to open in 2013. Kabuki fans sorry to see the current theater go have flocked to farewell performances, the last of which will be held on Wednesday. A closing ceremony will be held Friday, bringing the curtains down on 60 decades of performances -- the longest span for a kabuki theater by far.

In the theater one can feel the aura of the great performances that have been staged there since the Showa era. The fifth incarnation of the theater will apparently have a facade built in the traditional Momoyama style of architecture, which will no doubt produce within many visitors fond memories of the brilliance and warmth that existed inside the old theater. It seems that the absorption of such memories into a new structure -- a process that goes back to the Edo period -- is kabuki's destiny.

When the current Kabuki-za theater opened, the late novelist and playwright Mantaro Kubota (1889-1963) wrote the following haiku highlighting the theater's history:
"Tokyo no / Mattadanaka no / Kasumi kana" (A haze, right in the middle of Tokyo).

The spring haze that has wrapped itself around performances of famous kabuki actors and the lively cheers from the audience are sure to maintain a strong presence in the minds of Kabuki-za's visitors.

("Yoroku," a front-page column in the Mainichi Shimbun)
(Mainichi Japan) April 27, 2010
毎日新聞 2010年4月27日 0時16分


2010-04-27 14:21:00 | OCNカフェ
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 26
EDITORIAL: Rally in Okinawa.

The stock excuse seems to be that it's a problem in faraway Okinawa Prefecture that has little to do with us. That's rubbish.

A mass rally was held Sunday in Okinawa to demand the removal of the Futenma U.S. airfield from the prefecture, or out of the country altogether. According to the organizers, 90,000 people attended.

"To everyone in the country, the Okinawa base problem is not just an Okinawa problem," Okinawa Governor Hirokazu Nakaima thundered at the rally. His message was this: Japan's national security affects each and every one of us and the issue is directly linked to the existence of U.S. bases in Okinawa. This means that people living outside of Okinawa should think about the burden borne by those residing in the midst of those bases.

Every Japanese citizen benefits from the Japan-U.S. alliance, which is the main pillar in Japan's security policy. While U.S. bases that support the alliance are dispersed widely--Misawa in Aomori Prefecture, Yokosuka in Kanagawa Prefecture, Iwakuni in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Sasebo in Nagasaki Prefecture, etc.--75 percent of the facilities are concentrated in Okinawa Prefecture.

American logic dictates that if the two countries are to continue monitoring North Korea's nuclear capability or the Sino-Taiwan situation, then the relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Ginowan to a new site within Okinawa Prefecture would be the rational military move.

Because of the high concentration of bases, Okinawans are forced to live with an inordinately high risk of accidents, as well as intolerable noise levels. Their burden is totally disproportionate to the load carried elsewhere. It is no wonder that Okinawans feel a "sense of injustice, as if being discriminated against," as Nakaima has said.

The entire nation benefits, yet it is Okinawa that bears the brunt of the burden. This glaring discrepancy infuriates Okinawans and was the trigger behind Sunday's mass rally.

With the end-of-May deadline for a "solution" to the Futenma issue drawing near, the Hatoyama administration shows no sign of having a substantive plan. By rights, the proposal to reduce Okinawa's burden and share it more equitably over the entire nation, and to search for a possible relocation site outside the prefecture, is not wrong.

But in the face of such an overwhelmingly difficult issue, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has gone about things in a totally ill-prepared manner. Despite having said he has a plan in mind, there is no knowing whether there is any substance to the remark. Although Hatoyama tried to seek negotiations with the island of Tokunoshima in Kagoshima Prefecture, the local mayors gave him the cold shoulder. Negotiations with the U.S. government during the past seven months have also been totally out of sync.

We do not expect the government to disclose every single detail of diplomatic negotiations when another party is involved. But from what we have seen, the prime minister seems to be doing nothing other than repeating half-baked attempts to beat the deadline. There is little time left. If the option to relocate the base "outside the prefecture" is not going to bear fruit, then the nation will have no recourse but to have Okinawa bear the burden--for the time being.

The prime minister should offer the nation an explanation. He should explain what the government has done to try to move the base outside the prefecture and what it discussed with the United States about the intersection between our security needs and taking care of citizens living near the base. What does Washington think should be done about Okinawa's future burden.

Without a proper explanation, the administration's proposal to have the entire nation share the burden loses all appeal.


2010-04-27 11:52:00 | OCNカフェ
Confusion over highway tolls the latest drama by bungling Hatoyama gov't

The rift between Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Minister Seiji Maehara and Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) Secretary-General Ichiro Ozawa is a wide-open secret. And while the discord between the two appeared to flare up over the issue of highway tolls last week, there were plenty of goings-on prior to the recent spat.

On the afternoon of Dec. 24, 2009, a secret meeting took place at the Prime Minister's Office. The main actors in attendance were Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirofumi Hirano, Maehara, and Ozawa's right-hand man, DPJ Senior Vice Secretary General Yoshimitsu Takashima.

In a petition submitted earlier to the prime minister, Ozawa had appealed for a change in the toll discount system so that funds left over as a result could be used toward the construction of new highways -- undoubtedly as a ploy to secure the DPJ's victory in the upcoming Upper House election.

The purpose of the December meeting was to confirm the government's intention over the party's request. In the written agreement was a section that said: "the national government will provide support to expressway companies" with regards to future maintenance and development of highways. This could be interpreted as an obligation of the government to pump public funds into the construction of unprofitable roads.

Takashima pressed the other participants to sign the agreement, but Maehara refused and left the meeting. Hirano and Takashima signed.

The DPJ took over the reins of government with the promise to realize toll-free highways. In the face of current financial difficulties, however, this has yet to be realized. The government has instituted free tolls in limited areas as "social experiments" meant to illuminate the effects of toll-free highways, but these have turned to be pitiful in magnitude due to inadequate funds. If the DPJ-led government were to begin building unprofitable roads now, it would be taking back its election platform to value "people above concrete."

Maehara reluctantly began preparing a law amendment that would funnel funds from the discount system to the construction of roads. A mercilessly scaled-back toll-free experiment was announced on Feb. 2. The planned replacement of the 1,000-yen maximum toll with a maximum 2,000-yen one was announced on April 9.

Part two of the drama began on April 21 with Ozawa's visit to the Prime Minister's Office for an official discussion with ruling coalition leaders, Hatoyama, and Hirano. "A raise in tolls is unacceptable," barked Ozawa. Maehara was not in attendance.

According to the current toll discount that was developed during the reign of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Komeito coalition government, there is a 1,000-yen cap on weekend and holiday tolls for ETC-equipped cars. From June, however, Maehara says the toll cap will be raised to 2,000 yen for all days of the week for all cars -- including those without ETCs.

The new toll system would make long-distance travel on weekdays feel comparatively cheaper, but at the same time increase the burden for cars traveling shorter distances. Small trucking companies that mostly serve limited areas expressed strong opposition to the plan. And with the House of Councillors election expected to take place in July, DPJ legislators began making noise, which led Ozawa to take action.

Ozawa's actions could be consistent or not, depending on how you look at them. On one hand, the new toll system came into being because of Ozawa's push for highway construction even if it meant shaving money off of funds allotted for toll discounts. To criticize the new plan obviously contradicts this.

One the other hand, however, Ozawa has consistently placed priority on elections more than anything else. Through last year's regime change, Ozawa had won over the Japan Trucking Association. But it would all be for naught if it does not translate into more votes for the DPJ in the Upper House election. This is all that concerns Ozawa.

The day after Ozawa visited the Prime Minister's Office, Maehara also met with Hatoyama, where he received the prime minister's approval for his intention "at this point" not to review the new toll plan. The fact that Maehara used the words "at this point" has some observers predicting that he will eventually give in to Ozawa and call off the June toll change.

In the never-ending drama being played out by the bungling Hatoyama government, the latest confusion over highways has served as new fodder for the media.

Is the election-mindedness of the exceptionally "iron-armed" secretary-general a glimmer of hope for the revitalization of Japan, or a delusion of someone in power?

There is a possibility that on Tuesday, a Prosecution Inquest Committee will rule on prosecutors' earlier decision not to indict Ozawa on charges of violating the Political Funds Control Law. The drama continues. (By Takao Yamada, Expert Senior Writer)

(Mainichi Japan) April 26, 2010
毎日新聞 2010年4月26日 東京朝刊

医療の人手不足 外国人の就労制限撤廃は当然

2010-04-27 09:10:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 27, 2010)
Foreign nurses deserve helping hand
医療の人手不足 外国人の就労制限撤廃は当然(4月26日付・読売社説)

Given the serious shortage of medical and nursing care workers and nurses, lifting certain restrictions so qualified foreigners in these fields can apply their skills in this country is an obvious solution.

In its fourth basic immigration control policy plan compiled late last month, the Justice Ministry stated it would reexamine the mandatory limit on the length of time foreign nurses and dentists can work in Japan when they hold residential status.

Even if non-Japanese qualify to work as a nurse or dentist after passing state exams, they are not permitted to work here for more than seven years and six years, respectively. A four-year limit is imposed on public health nurses and midwives.

Many foreigners with such qualifications desire to continue working in Japan beyond the set limits. Their aspirations are rightful in view of the fact that they have passed national exams and conquered the Japanese language barrier.

The limits on working years for non-Japanese were mostly probably introduced out of concern that Japanese might be deprived of working opportunities. The restrictions have been criticized as excessive for years. The time limit for foreign doctors was dropped four years ago.


Speed up ordinances' review

The ministry plans to revise relevant ordinances to abolish time restrictions on all remaining medical professions, including nurses. This is a necessary corrective step. We want the ministry to accelerate its work on revising these ordinances.

The ministry's fourth basic immigration control plan incorporates a policy to study accepting foreigners in the nursing care field on condition they graduate from universities in Japan and pass state exams.

The population of elderly people requiring nursing care is growing at an ever-quickening pace. The nation has about 1.24 million nursing care workers today; estimates suggest the nation will need almost double that number in 2025.

Meanwhile, many Japanese who have earned qualifications as care workers then opt to work in another field. The physical and emotional demands of a career in nursing care, combined with the low pay, often are too much to bear.

To alleviate the manpower shortage in nursing care, the first step is to improve the working environment for Japanese. However, there is a limit to just how quickly the ranks of Japanese nursing care workers can be increased. Because of this, opening the door to foreign nursing care givers is the right decision.

Remove language barrier

More help also should be extended to the people from Indonesia and the Philippines whom Japan has been accepting as candidates to work as certified nurses and care workers based on economic partnership agreements with the two countries.

National exams for nurses and nursing care workers are dotted with difficult kanji. Last month, 254 foreigners took the exam for nurses, but only three passed.

Indonesian and Philippine examinees have acquired licenses and expertise as nurses and nursing care workers in their home countries. Considering that the pass rate for Japanese examinees stands at nearly 90 percent, the extremely low success rate for foreign examinees can be most probably be attributed to the kanji barrier.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry is reexamining the content of national tests. The revisions include replacing difficult terms with easier ones, such as "jokuso" with "tokozure" to mean bedsores.

We welcome this move. But the ministry should go a step further and print kana readings alongside kanji and allow examinees to use dictionaries in their exams.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun,April 26, 2010)
(2010年4月26日01時23分 読売新聞)

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:新聞、読んでますか /東京

2010-04-26 09:31:00 | OCNカフェ
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Do you read the paper?
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:新聞、読んでますか /東京

Japanese young people's drift away from the newspaper is apparently getting serious. With the Internet spread so widely, many people are now getting their news through their PCs or mobile phones. Particularly those living alone look to save on subscription fees, which I can understand.

However, this slow separation from newspapers has given rise to one problem for me as a psychiatrist, though it is a small one. The problem is, I can no longer use patients' answers to the question: "Do you have the energy every morning to read the newspaper?" as an indicator that those whom I suspect may have depression actually do.

If I ask patients if they read the newspaper and they say, "No, never," I conclude that their motivation and energy have declined, and they may be clinically depressed. Recently, however, more patients tell me that they don't subscribe in the first place, or that they haven't been reading a newspaper since well before their visit to my office.

I'm sure there are many people who would say, "Instead, why don't you ask your patients if they check the news on a mobile phone or some such?" But I feel the energy needed to scan the news digitally is a little different than that needed to open and read a paper.

For example, there are services that automatically display the latest news on mobile phone screens. In that case, a user can do absolutely nothing and still get the news.

A newspaper, on the other hand, doesn't work like that. First off, one has to go to the front door to get it, then sit down somewhere and, finally, open the broadsheet, search for interesting headlines, and lean over the big pages to read stories in that tiny print. Without quite a bit of positive energy to start the day, the act of reading a newspaper just doesn't get done. So, if patients say they try to read the paper, that's evidence that they still have at least some drive and energy.

But hold on, I think to myself. If young people in general are abandoning newspapers, it may not be just because of the Internet or the need to be thrifty. It may be because young people now have less energy and just can't summon the will to read things like newspapers. If that is the case, then this is a serious problem indeed.

If I can't ask patients if they are reading newspapers as a check for depression, what can I ask instead? "Are you writing a blog?" or "Are you posting to Twitter?" These questions just don't seem to strike home.

I suppose I think the newspaper question is still best, but perhaps that's just because I'm from a bygone era. (By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)

(Mainichi Japan) April 25, 2010
毎日新聞 2010年4月20日 地方版

仕分け第2弾 中長期の戦略的視点が重要だ

2010-04-26 08:03:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 26, 2010)
Govt must avoid haste when trimming waste
仕分け第2弾 中長期の戦略的視点が重要だ(4月25日付・読売社説)

It is crucial to thoroughly cut the wasteful use of taxpayer money by independent administrative institutions. However, medium- and long-term strategic perspectives are most important and should never take a backseat to a short-term cost-effectiveness view.

The Government Revitalization Unit, which is tasked with cutting wasteful public spending, on Friday began its second round of discussions to screen state-funded programs.

During the four-day round, the unit will scrutinize 151 programs at 47 independent administrative institutions that are under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet Office and nine ministries, which are among the 104 such institutions overseen by the government. The panel will judge whether the programs should, for example, either be abolished, have their budgets reduced, or be transferred to private organizations or local governments.

On Friday, the first day, panel members called for budget cuts and a review of the management structure of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, saying the institute has been spending too much on office expenses in connection with the opening of its planned graduate school and on employee salaries.

On the Japan International Cooperation Agency, which is charge of dispatching Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and providing the government's official development assistance to other countries, the reviewers concluded JICA needs to further cut employee salaries, overseas allowances and travel expenses. The panel also judged that JICA should return its unused assets to state coffers.


Cozy relationships

It is an urgent task to review the cozy relationship among government ministries, independent administrative institutions and other corporations. Currently, in a practice known as amakudari, retiring bureaucrats parachute into positions at independent administrative institutions that have relationships with their former offices, or officials of independent administrative institutions take jobs at related companies and corporations after retirement. In return, independent administrative institutions, companies and corporations receive orders for programs with favorable conditions in the form of discretionary contracts, or they receive subsidies.

In cases where similar programs are being carried out by separate independent administrative institutions or by the institutions and local governments, abolishing or integrating the institutions or transferring the programs to local governments would help implement programs more efficiently and correct redundant administrative efforts.

Meanwhile, the unit should be cautious about reform that is mere number-juggling, namely integrating or abolishing science and technology research and development corporations without thorough consideration.


Some cases need more funds

There must be instances in which more, not less, budgetary resources should be allocated, if they are judged essential from the viewpoint of increasing international competitiveness, which is indispensable for a nation that relies on science and technology.

The unit's program screening is foremost a method that has produced a degree of good results in cutting wasteful budgets in local governments.

However, it is outrageous and unreasonable for the panel to draw its conclusions by majority rule after less than an hour of discussion on the fate of state-funded programs, which are extremely costly and complicated, and have an impact on the entire country.

As in the unit's first screening last autumn, in which fiscal 2010 budgetary requests were scrutinized, the current round is fully open to the public and is being broadcast live on the Internet.

Amid the free-falling approval rating of the Cabinet of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, the government and ruling Democratic Party of Japan apparently have the ulterior motive of using the program screening as a tool to pump up the administration's public image. However, any attempt to make the screening a political show, which only plays to the gallery, must not be tolerated.

The government plans to compile a draft for reforming independent administrative institutions next month at the earliest, based on the conclusions it reaches during the current program screening. The government should conduct calm and prudent discussions before forming its final conclusions.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 25, 2010)
(2010年4月25日01時06分 読売新聞)

艦隊外洋訓練 中国軍ヘリの危険な異常接近

2010-04-25 09:54:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 25, 2010)

Chinese Navy choppers' dangerous actions
艦隊外洋訓練 中国軍ヘリの危険な異常接近(4月24日付・読売社説)

Chinese People's Liberation Army helicopters launched from navy ships during recent training maneuvers have repeatedly taken the unusual action of approaching Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyers that were deployed for surveillance of Chinese vessels on the high seas near Japan's territorial waters.

The Japanese government lodged a diplomatic protest with China because such behavior is quite dangerous even if the actions did take place on the high seas. We believe the government's protest was a natural action.

On April 8, during a drill in the East China Sea, a Chinese Navy helicopter approached at a distance of about 90 meters an MSDF destroyer that was deployed for surveillance of the Chinese vessels.

On April 10, a Chinese Navy fleet of 10 vessels, including two submarines, were moving southward on the high seas between Okinawa Island and Miyakojima island of Okinawa Prefecture.

A similar incident happened again Wednesday. Another Chinese Navy helicopter circled an MSDF destroyer twice at a distance of 90 meters and an altitude of about 50 meters on the Pacific Ocean about 500 kilometers south of Okinawa Prefecture's main island.


'Necessary defense action'

Such a close-range flight could have caused a serious accident.

The Chinese government reacted to the Japanese protest by saying, "It was a necessary defense measure in response to Japanese surveillance activities."

However, we think that with such heavy-handed actions China intends to demonstrate at home and abroad the expansion of its naval power in recent years. Members of the Chinese media are reportedly aboard Chinese Navy vessels during ocean training.

In the midst of the Chinese maneuvers, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama met with Chinese President Hu Jintao on April 13 on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. Hu told Hatoyama that China wants to turn the East China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation.

The provocative actions by the Chinese helicopters run counter to the idea of a "sea of peace." Moreover, the meeting between the two leaders did not see any progress on the issue of when to start negotiations for concluding a treaty over joint development of gas fields in the East China Sea.

The Japanese government's response was too slow. The Foreign Ministry asked the Chinese side to confirm and explain the first incident on April 12. And it was not until the same day that the Foreign Ministry reported the incident to Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada. The ministry lodged the protest on Wednesday.


Govt may be too optimistic

The Chinese Navy has been going beyond what it views as the "First Island Chain" of its strategic defense lines, which ranges from the Nansei Islands, which cover Okinawa Prefecture, to Taiwan and the Philippines, and expanded its area of activities to a "Second Island Chain" that connects the Ogasawara Islands and Guam.
This is the commonly held view of those belonging to the diplomatic and defense authorities.

Concerning the activities of the Chinese fleet, some government officials see them as preparations for a strategy to prevent deployment of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers in case of a crisis in the Taiwan Strait.

In its recent Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), the United States expresses serious worries over China's rapid military buildup. We suspect the Hatoyama administration's view of the status quo is too optimistic.

From now on the government must pay utmost attention to increased actions by the Chinese Navy to secure interests in the sea. The government must study what actions it should take from medium- and long-term points of view and see to it that the results of such studies are reflected in this year's revision of the current National Defense Program Guidelines.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun,April 24, 2010)
(2010年4月24日01時34分 読売新聞)

首相元秘書有罪 「説明する」も嘘だったのか

2010-04-24 10:05:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 24, 2010)

Hatoyama must explain political funds scandal
首相元秘書有罪 「説明する」も嘘だったのか(4月23日付・読売社説)

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama continues to be evasive in facing up to the politics-and-money scandal he is entangled in, refusing to explain for what purpose he used such a massive amount of money. In his own defense, the prime minister said the case was still under investigation, and later, that it was before the court.

Hatoyama should waste no time in fulfilling his duty and make a full explanation.

On Thursday, the Tokyo District Court handed down a ruling in a case involving allegedly falsified income and expenditure reports on political funds submitted by Yuai Seikei Konwa-kai, the prime minister's funds management organization. Keiji Katsuba, Hatoyama's former first state-paid secretary, was sentenced to a two-year prison term, suspended for three years, for violating the Political Funds Control Law.

The court concluded that Yuai Seikei Konwa-kai's political funding reports falsely declared contributions totaling 400 million yen from individuals through such means as using the names of people who never made such donations, including the deceased.


What was the money for?

Katsuba bears serious responsibility for a crime committed to conceal a massive amount of money from public scrutiny by lying about where it came from. The prime minister's responsibility is no less grave in that he failed to realize a crime was being committed.

The conclusion of Katsuba's trial does not mean the case is closed with respect to Hatoyama's own responsibility.

Hatoyama received a total of 1.25 billion yen from his mother. However, he continues to say, "I knew nothing [about my mother's financial assistance]." At the end of last year, the prime minister paid about 600 million yen in gift tax, apparently trying to put the scandal behind him.

Hatoyama's response aroused speculation that he would not have paid the gift tax had it not been for the scandal, even prompting some people to say, "It's ridiculous to pay taxes." Such a comment is not surprising.

Nothing is known about the purpose for which more than 700 million yen from the money in question has been used. The prime minister repeatedly said: "I left everything [related to his political funding] to my secretary. I know nothing about it."

However, this did little to lessen the anger of the public and the opposition camp. In December, Hatoyama said, "I'll explain every fact to the public after prosecutors have finished uncovering the truth behind the case."

In March, Hatoyama also mentioned the specific measures he would take to explain the pertinent facts to the public: "I'll ask [prosecutors] to return the documents [submitted to them] after the trial is concluded, and show them to the public."


Prime minister backtracks

During a one-on-one debate with opposition leaders on Wednesday, however, Hatoyama reneged on this promise, saying, "There is no need to disclose such documents." Many people may have been angered--rather than just surprised--by the prime minister's apparent change of heart.

Did Hatoyama lie when he promised to release the documents? The prime minister should immediately start an investigation into the money received from his mother and take every possible means to disclose what the huge amount of funds were used for.

The prime minister's obtuse attitude has greatly undermined the public's image of the Democratic Party of Japan.

This has been exacerbated by DPJ Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa's failure to provide the facts behind the alleged accounting irregularities involving his political funding body's purchase of land worth 400 million yen. Chiyomi Kobayashi, a House of Representatives member of the ruling party, has also evaded questions raised about the scandal involving funds allegedly received illegally by her election office from the Hokkaido Teachers' Union during her campaign for last year's lower house election.

Inquest-of-prosecution committees will soon pass judgment on the propriety of earlier decisions by prosecutors not to indict Hatoyama and Ozawa over their respective money scandals. If the panels rule against both decisions, it means prosecutors must conduct fresh investigations into these cases. If that happens, the public will become even harsher in its criticism of the DPJ lawmakers.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun,April 23, 2010)
(2010年4月23日01時26分 読売新聞)


2010-04-23 17:02:00 | OCNカフェ
Germany's passion for organization and links to the environment
Up until this spring, I was living in Germany for about a year of language training. My 3-year-old daughter attended a local kindergarten, where teachers were adamant that children put toys back where they belong. This is, of course, behavior that should be expected of children. But the teachers are strict to the point of making us Japanese wonder, "Do they have to be that harsh?"

"Leave the disciplining of dogs and children to Germans," they laugh. I find their passion for organization extraordinary.

The textbooks that we foreign students used for German language study were eye-opening as well. Among chapters such as "Literature" and "Economics" was one allotted to "Environment," in which we spent quite a bit of time on the topic of sorting trash and recycling. In the "Travel" chapter, pages were dedicated to the packing and organizing of one's bags. As the textbook helped us foreign students to gain an understanding of the German temperament, it was far more interesting than reading fiction or other texts. Obviously, these national traits are what lie at the foundation of this major environmental leader.

However, from the 1950s to 60s, during Germany's period of rapid economic development, Germany, like Japan, struggled with air pollution and other deteriorating environmental conditions. Older Germans who remember that time say that the Rhine River was like a sewage canal. Subsequently, the national government implemented various conservation measures, which eventually led to the famous 2002 legislation to abandon nuclear power generation.

Circumstances are changing, however. As global warming has emerged as one of the world's most important issues, nuclear power generation is once again gaining attention as a method of power generation that does not emit the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. This development was a point of contention in the German federal election that I witnessed during my stay there. Ultimately, the center-right party calling for the continued operation of nuclear power plants came out victorious.

During the election campaign, abandonment of nuclear power stations was debated daily, and a large number of books on the subject were seen in bookstores. From skimming those books, I realized that this leading environmental nation was also torn. That much, I got.

As I was about to leave the bookstore, a shop attendant stopped me: "Please put the books back where you found them."

(By Koichi Shinoda, Foreign News Department)
(Mainichi Japan) April 23, 2010
毎日新聞 2010年4月23日 東京朝刊