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2010-10-31 07:19:00 | OCNカフェ
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2010-10-31 06:38:00 | OCNカフェ
--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 29
EDITORIAL: Nonregular workers' pay

The Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rengo) has decided to demand bigger wage hikes for part-time, temporary and other nonregular workers than the pay raises for full-time employees during next year's spring wage offensive. We welcome the decision.

The nation's largest labor organization says it will try to narrow the income gap by demanding larger increases in terms of hourly wages for nonregular workers than those for regular employees. Officials at labor unions belonging to Rengo will start discussions Nov. 1 on how to achieve the goal.

This is a groundbreaking policy shift for Rengo, which has traditionally focused on the interests of full-time employees who make up 90 percent of its members.

The move was prompted by a decline in the average wage level of Japan's work force due to a sharp rise in nonregular workers.

Over 15 years since 1995, the number of permanent employees has decreased by about 4 million, while the ranks of nonregular workers have grown by about 7 million to account for more than a third of the overall work force. As a result, the rate of unionized workers has fallen below 20 percent, eroding labor unions' bargaining power.

Despite the longest postwar economic expansion between 2002 and 2007, the average gross pay for Japanese workers has sunk 12 percent from its peak in 1997.

Shrinking paychecks have choked growth in consumer spending.

In addition, companies shed a huge number of nonpermanent workers during the economic crisis that began in fall 2008.
Union members on the regular payroll realized that their positions are being saved at the expense of the jobs of their nonpermanent colleagues, according to union leaders.

In a bid to stem the trend, Rengo has pledged to place greater importance on the interests of nonregular workers, showing its commitment to redressing the disparities between the two groups over the long term.

But it remains unclear how Rengo's new goal can be achieved.

The yen's sharp rise has aroused strong anxiety about the outlook for corporate earnings, and concerns remain about the trend among companies toward shifting operations overseas.

What Rengo has decided to demand is a higher share of nonregular workers in the pay increase for next year that doesn't involve a cut in the salaries of full-time employees. Still, it could spark howls of discontent among regular employees.

What is needed is a serious joint effort by the unions and the management of individual companies to share income in a fair manner. Such efforts should be based on a clear understanding of the effects of economic inequality on society and businesses.

Last year, Hiroshima Electric Railway Co., in response to a demand by its labor union, gave full-time positions to all contract workers by increasing its funds to pay wages.

In the United States in the late 1990s, a transport industry union staged a prolonged strike at United Parcel Service Inc., a major package delivery company, demanding better working conditions for part-time workers who were paid only about half the hourly wages of full-time employees. The company eventually agreed to a 3-percent pay raise for full-time employees and a 7-percent wage hike for part-timers to narrow the gap.

In both cases, the union succeeded in getting its demands granted by preventing a division among members. It provided detailed information to members about the issue while enlightening management on the serious effects of income disparities, such as weakened morale and declining quality of services.

It is also important to support such efforts by establishing a system to ensure fair work conditions based on the principle of equal pay for work of equal value.

Another key step is to increase the responsibility of companies that use temporary workers placed by staffing agencies. This is crucial for supporting such workers' labor talks with businesses that use them. Unfortunately, this measure has been dropped from the revision to the worker dispatch law.

Bolstering the foundation for economic growth requires ensuring that hard work, either by regular or nonregular workers, is rewarded accordingly.


2010-10-30 08:22:00 | OCNカフェ





2010-10-30 06:52:00 | OCNカフェ
--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 28
EDITORIAL: Kansai federation

A Kansai regional federation to cover the affairs of seven prefectures, including Osaka and Hyogo, is expected to be established before the end of the year. Shiga, Kyoto, Wakayama, Tokushima and Tottori prefectures will also take part in the federation, which will be set up as a special organization under the local autonomy law.

Most administrative affairs, such as education and road maintenance, will continue to be under the jurisdiction of each prefecture. However, the seven prefectures will fund joint work in seven areas that they feel are better dealt with collectively, including disaster prevention, promotion of tourism and culture, industrial development, medical provision and environmental conservation. The federation will be run by an assembly of 20 members chosen from prefectural assembly members and a committee of the seven governors.

This is Japan's first attempt to establish a regional federation that transcends prefectural borders. There are pressing needs that the new body can help address, such as getting seriously ill patients to hospitals in neighboring prefectures when no hospitals in the local community will accept them.

As a next step, the organization will consider expanding its remit to improving infrastructure for transportation and goods distribution, and plans to eventually take over functions from central government.

Long-held discontent in the local business community is behind the move. Business people question why the Kansai area is lagging behind Tokyo despite its advanced technology and economic strength. There is also an expectation that the new structure will allow the streamlining of administration and some local business leaders, including members of the Kansai Economic Federation, hope the move will advance decentralization.

However, Nara, Fukui and Mie prefectures, which took part in advance consultations about the new federation, decided not to join. Skeptics say that the federation is redundant within the existing structure of government, which is made up of municipalities, prefectures and the central government, and that cooperation is enough in the seven areas the federation will deal with. Another criticism is that the new body will complicate government and obscure where responsibility for lies.

The federation agreement asserts that it will not directly lead to a doshusei regional system of government and the abolition of prefectures. While the Kansai Economic Federation and Osaka Governor Toru Hashimoto are positive about the doshusei concept, quite a few other governors are either opposed or cautious about the idea. The federation will start with different views as such.

Some people have voiced concerns that once the federation is established, funding will be concentrated on densely populated areas, causing surrounding areas to decline. This has been seen to happen in some municipal mergers. Thought is needed to avoid concentration on central areas.

The Kansai region has many historic and cultural sites. It would be more effective for prefectures to work jointly to attract tourists. When natural disaster strikes, prefectures should help each other, not only during the initial emergency response but all the way down the path to full recovery. Will residents actually see results? This could decide whether the federation is successful.

The new federation was forged on the initiative of business people and governors, not ordinary residents. The impetus has come from above, rather than the grass roots. It must ensure that it does more than just increasing the government payroll, and actually present residents with achievements.

While opinion is divided on this novel experiment, we believe it is worth giving a go and will carefully watch its progress.


2010-10-29 12:34:00 | OCNカフェ

cite from http://www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad/4317/

私の場合タイで知り合う女は 飲み屋のおんな ばかりで
昼間働く おんな には縁がありません。
「縁」が無いのはタイ社会との交わりが 仕事をしていない為に接点が ない。
それに、タイ語も あんまり話せない から。
普通のプロセスで タイ女性に接して友達になる という、普通の出逢いが持てない状態になっているからです。
住んでいるところも小さな日本人コミュニテイ という環境の中で引きこんでいる のも 問題です。
それは、ただ単に 在タイの月日が加算されるだけでいつまでも 日本の価値観でしかモノを測れない。
というよりも、日本の価値観と タイの価値観を都合良く 使いわけてずるく立ち回る。
そうゆう「ずるく立ち回る事」を学習し 真似る事が 生き方になる。
「ずるさ」を容認する事が タイの価値観だとタイ人にレッテルを貼り タイ社会を傍観し評論する。
そんな「ばか話」が「酒の肴」の 暇つぶし。
そのうち 勘違いが助長され狭い了簡でタイ社会を眺めるようになる。
そんな 思考だから結果、まともな タイ人や在タイ日本人との付き合いが無くなります。
このような一種独得な環境と精神構造に慣れて行くなか、「もう これで良いや」と精神的に。
これは一種の思考停止状態と言える のです。
そんな思考停止状態のときに 出逢う女。
タイの事は何でも知ってて、 今の自分を包んでくれる。
はじめは「我がままの 言い合い」も許せるけれど、自分に「都合良い 人間関係」ってのは、お互い それだけのモノ。
それ以上の モノ は無い..............。
このような 一種の思考停止状態は誰にでも 訪れます。
そんな自分を受け入れてくれたとき、また 新しい「旅」がはじまる。


2010-10-29 08:17:00 | OCNカフェ

雲の優しさ、大自然と若者の季節/石津   英憲著


雲の優しさ、大自然と若者の季節  第二部/石津   英憲著


Nagai dies for Burmese Democracy

2010-10-29 06:43:00 | OCNカフェ

cite from wikkipedia,


Nagai, with a camera still in his hands, after he was fatally shot by a Burmese soldier. Taken by Adrees Latif, this photo won Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography in 2008. Nagai had been in Burma covering the anti-government protests since Tuesday, September 25. On Thursday, September 27, Nagai was photographing the protests near the Traders Hotel, a few blocks away from the Sule Pagoda in downtown Yangon, when soldiers opened fire on demonstrators, killing Nagai and reportedly injuring another foreign journalist.

Reports initially stated that Nagai was hit by stray bullets fired by soldiers or possibly shot from the front. The "stray bullet" explanation was proposed by the government of Burma as an explanation for Nagai's death. However, video footage obtained by Japanese television appears to show a Burmese soldier shoving Nagai to the ground and shooting him at point-blank range.

A still image photographed by Adrees Latif showed the soldier standing over Nagai, who was sprawled on the ground and still clutching his camera.

This photograph appeared on the front page of The New York Times on September 28, 2007.

A subsequent shot showed Nagai's body sprawled in the street as the soldier walked away.

Judging from the patch, the soldier responsible is believed to be from one of the Light Infantry Divisions (possibly LID 66) in charge of crowd control in Yangon at the time of protests.

At the Japanese embassy in Burma, a physician established the trajectory of the fatal bullet that killed Nagai, determining that the bullet entered Nagai's chest from the lower right side and pierced his heart before exiting from his back.
在ビルマ日本大使館によると、ドクターの所見では銃弾は背後から撃たれたもので右胸低部から心臓を突き抜けていた。(日本語版と齟齬がありますが、英語版の翻訳です by srachai)

On October 8, new footage showing how a Burmese soldier apparently confiscated fallen Nagai's video camera was revealed on a Japanese news show.

Adrees Latif's photo, depicting Nagai sprawling on the pavement before his death, won the Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography in 2008.


Reporters Without Borders condemned the killing of Nagai, noting that Nagai was carrying a camera in his hand when he was shot, identifying him as a journalist. The director of the RWB's Washington, D.C. branch, Lucie Morillon, said that Nagai was "left to die in the street."

Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda bemoaned Nagai's death as "extremely unfortunate" and Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura offered his prayers and condolences.

Machimura said: "We strongly protest the Myanmar government and demand an investigation (into the death). We demand (Myanmar) take appropriate steps to ensure the safety of the Japanese citizens in that country."

Japan's Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura stated that Japan holds Burma accountable for the death of Kenji Nagai.

According to Komura, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told him that the "international community cannot allow peaceful protesters to be killed and injured".

On September 28, Masahiko Komura lodged a protest over the killing of Nagai when he met with Burma's Foreign Minister Nyan Win at the United Nations Headquarters. In the meeting, Nyan Win apologized for Nagai's death. 9月28日、高村正彦外務大臣はニューヨークの国連本部でミャンマーのニャン・ウィン(Nyan Win)外相と会談。「平和的デモに強圧的な実力行使が行われ、日本人が死亡した。大変遺憾であり強く抗議する」と述べ、ウィン外相が謝罪した。また「報道の映像で見る限り、至近距離から射殺されており決して流れ弾のようなものではない。真相解明を強く求める」と発言した。

Yabunaka Mitoji, Deputy Minister for Japanese Foreign Affairs, left for Burma on September 30.

Although Nyan Win officially apologized, an October 13 article locally published in the government-owned Mirror newspaper offered a different view of the events. It claimed that Nagai had entered the country using a tourist visa instead of proper journalist visa and faulted the cameraman for failing to get a permit to cover the news inside Burma. It emphasized that the event occurred at the time of martial law being imposed and the soldiers could not differentiate between a Burmese citizen and a Japanese because of the resemblance in Asian looks.
事件は戒厳令下に発生した。同じ東洋人でビルマ人と見分けがつかなかった。(嘘です、一目瞭然です by srachai)

Nagai's father, Hideo, told the media: "I don't want Myanmar authorities and the government to resort to such measures. I want them to prevent something like this from happening again." According to Japan's Foreign minister Masahiko Komura, Japan is considering curbing development aid for Burma.

"The Group Protesting the Murder of Mr. Nagai by the Army of Myanmar" was founded by Japanese journalists, intellectuals and celebrities in order to protest Nagai's killing and petition for the return of his camera and tape.
By November 2007 the group collected 20,000 signatures, primarily in Japan. On November 26, 2007, the group posted an English version of the letter on their website and started collecting signatures internationally.

(翻訳は意訳です by srachai)

aung san suu kyi Now

2010-10-28 11:36:00 | OCNカフェ
Count down begins - only 16 days to my release (hopefully) from my house arrest
about 9 hours ago via Seesmic Desktop

Plaid_Kimoon It is not too late for the polls in Myanmar to become more inclusive. All that is required is the release of political detainees.
12:48 PM Oct 26th via web

Philippines to break ASEAN poll silence about our elections: http://bit.ly/dif4L6
about 9 hours ago via Seesmic Desktop

太平洋経済連携 首相は交渉参加に指導力を

2010-10-28 05:38:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 28, 2010)
Kan must take initiative to join TPP negotiations
太平洋経済連携 首相は交渉参加に指導力を(10月27日付・読売社説)

Members of the government and the Democratic Party of Japan are split over whether Japan should join an economic partnership framework to liberalize trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region.

It is extremely important for Japan's economic growth that this nation harnesses the economic vitality of nations in Asia and elsewhere.

We urge Prime Minister Naoto Kan to exercise leadership to quickly form a consensus within his party on this matter, and make sure Japan is actively involved in the partnership framework.

The framework is called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, whose original agreement came into force in 2006 with four members--Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore. Five more nations including the United States and Australia later started negotiations to join the partnership. The nine nations have been negotiating with the target of concluding a final agreement next autumn.

Canada, China and South Korea are reportedly keen to join the TPP. It is highly likely that this grouping will eventually expand into a huge strategic economic partnership agreement.


Chance to grow at stake

If Japan does not join the TPP, it would be excluded from a framework indispensable for the country's economic development. We think the government would be wise to join the negotiations as early as possible to boost trade and give economic growth a shot in the arm.

Discussions for and against participation in the TPP came to life after Kan told the Diet he would consider joining the negotiations.

Japan's strategy on economic partnership agreements has fallen behind those of South Korea and other countries. The government will at long last formulate a basic policy on EPAs in early November. It seems Kan wants to include Japan's participation in the TPP in this basic policy.

The timing of these developments suggests Kan would like to lead discussions on promoting free trade at a series of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings to be held in Yokohama next month. Kan will be chairman of the APEC summit.

Japan urgently needs to regain lost ground in its trade policy. We welcome Kan's zeal for joining the TPP.

However, difficulties lie ahead. The TPP defines rules to abolish tariffs of commodities in principle. If Japan signed on to the agreement, it would be required to abolish tariffs on agricultural products such as rice, which have been protected by high customs duties. Therefore, the framework will pose some vexing problems for Japan.


Conflicts of interest

Agricultural organizations and the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry fiercely oppose joining the TPP. Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, former Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Masahiko Yamada and many other DPJ members participated in a recent study meeting for DPJ members who oppose the TPP. They are at odds with the Foreign Ministry, the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry and the business community, which are all for participation in the TPP.

We think Hatoyama and other TPP opponents are more concerned with trying to rattle the Kan administration than actually objecting to the trade partnership.

Admittedly, diametrically differing estimates of the effects of Japan's participation in the TPP have created confusion. METI and others say joining the TPP would help Japan's economy by about 7 trillion yen to 10 trillion yen in 2020. However, the farm ministry says participation would result in a loss of nearly 16 trillion yen, if the decline in agricultural production and effects on other industries are factored into the equation.

The government needs to settle on one final figure and show it to the people. Failure to do so will leave the public unable to judge whether joining the TPP would be to Japan's advantage or not.

The DPJ-led government has introduced income support for individual agricultural households, but it has done nothing to improve the international competitiveness of Japan's agricultural products. It should review this dole-out policy and quickly formulate measures to revamp the nation's agriculture sector to prepare for liberalization of the market.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 27, 2010)
(2010年10月27日01時46分 読売新聞)

インド首相来日 経済・安保両面で連携深めよ

2010-10-27 07:07:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 27, 2010)
Japan, India must deepen security, economic ties
インド首相来日 経済・安保両面で連携深めよ(10月26日付・読売社説)

India, a major power in South Asia, is not only a promising market with a fast-developing economy but also a country that shares concerns with Japan over China's military expansion.

Tokyo should strategically enhance its partnership with India in both economic and security fields.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited Japan this week and agreed with Prime Minister Naoto Kan to establish a ministerial-level economic dialogue between the two countries.

Japan has been holding similar ministerial talks with China. But the aftermath of a Chinese fishing vessel's collision with Japan Coast Guard patrol boats off the Senkaku Islands in September has revealed that China, under the single-party regime of the Chinese Communist Party, does not hesitate to use high-handed diplomatic measures over economic and personnel exchanges to push its political demands.

By contrast, India is a democratic country and shares similar values with Japan, such as the rule of law. It does not present the political risks that China does. Besides, India has a population of 1.2 billion, the second largest after China, and maintains a high economic growth rate of 9 percent annually.


Economic enhancement

Enhancement of Japan's economic partnership with India will alleviate the nation's economic dependence on China.

In their summit talks, Kan and Singh also agreed that Japan will help India increase production of rare earths, which are indispensable in manufacturing many high-tech products. India's output of rare earths is far behind China's but is still the second largest in the world.

We think Japan's cooperation agreement with India in this field is very timely because it is an urgent task for Japan to redress the current situation, in which the nation is totally dependent on China for its imports of rare earths.

The two leaders also officially endorsed an economic partnership agreement and promised each other to put it into effect as soon as possible.

With the agreement, India's tariffs on imports of Japanese auto parts and steel would be abolished within 10 years. This would enable Japanese companies manufacturing products in India to drastically reduce the costs of procuring parts from Japan.

The agreement also will simplify procedures for Japanese businesspeople to obtain visas for brief visits or longer stays in India. It will surely help expand business opportunities for Japan in the country.


Security cooperation

Security cooperation between the two countries is significant, too. Japan faces a direct threat from China's maritime expansion in the East China Sea, while India is exposed to a similar threat in the Indian Ocean.

Japan and India should actively utilize vice-ministerial talks between their foreign and defense ministries, which were established at the end of last year, to discuss common strategy regarding China, such as measures to ensure the safety of sea lanes.

The two countries also need to seek partnerships with the United States, and then with the Southeast Asian countries that stand at the forefront of friction with China. To realize this goal, Japan and India, regional powers in Asia, must further deepen bilateral relations.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 26, 2010)
(2010年10月26日01時52分 読売新聞)


2010-10-26 17:01:00 | OCNカフェ

Former Political Prisoners Fear Repatriation

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

MAE SOT, Thailand—For six years, Thiha Yazar was isolated from the world in a prison cell in eastern Burma. The prison guards had been ordered not to communicate with him.

“The worst thing about that time was having no sense of the future or the past,” Thiha told The Irrawaddy. “I was completely alone and lost.”

The cell had one small window, and to keep himself from being too lonely, he would talk to birds. “I would ask them to go and say hello to my daughter for me.”

At night, he would talk to the moon and stars. “They kept me company; they were my only friends,” Thiha said.

Despite the isolation and depression he felt over the years, he doesn’t see that period of isolation as the worst part of the 18-years he spent in prison. The worst part was during the 25-day period when he was tortured following his role in a hunger strike over the lack of prison rights.

They stripped him and beat him till he couldn’t stand up any more. “The next day I woke up with bruises all over my body, but they propped me up and beat me again,” he said, still visibly shaken by the memory. “And the next day and the next, for 25 days—I thought I would die.”

Thiha’s story is one of thousands which have come out of Burmese prisons, where many political prisoners are tortured and denied basic prison rights. Their only crime, Thiha says, “is to fight for democracy, freedom and basic human rights in our country where the regime has denied the people everything.”

To raise awareness about the situation of political prisoners, Thiha has teamed up with Canadian journalist Paul Pickrem and written an account of his imprisonment. The book, “No Easy Road: A Burmese Political Prisoner’s Story,”
chronicles his life growing up as the child of an army colonel, his sentence to death for high treason at the age of 25, and up until the time he fled to the Thai-Burma border.

“I want the international community to know about my life so people can better understand the situation for all political prisoners, and what our families go through,” he said.

When he went to prison, his daughter was three years old and on his release, she didn’t recognize him. “She said she knew I was her daddy but didn’t know who I was. Then she blamed me for her mother’s death.”

Her mother had a heart attack when his daughter was six years old. She had a bad heart, and Thiha believes the pressure of having her husband in prison was too much for her.

“It is not only my case, but all political prisoners. Our families are bullied and stigmatized by local pro-junta groups. It was too much for her.”

The book's release has coincided with the upcoming 2010 election, to be held on on Nov. 7. Like many political prisoners who have sought refuge on the Thai-Burma border, Thiha sees no hope for any real change after the election.

“If we get the rotten food in prison, and then they change the plate from a red plate to white plate, the food will still taste the same. It means, if the regime changes their clothes, it will still be a bad situation for our country,” he said.

“We can see that the generals are doing everything the way they want. How can we expect change when there are still 2,200 political prisoners inside prisons on Election Day?”

Bo Kyi, the joint secretary of the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners-Burma (AAPP), echoed the sentiment. “Now all the key political leaders are in prison, like Aung San Suu Kyi, Min Ko Naing and other ethnic leaders; as long as they are in prison there will be no national reconciliation process,” he said.

“People really trust those leaders. People really want them to lead the country so people will not want to vote. They will only vote because they are threatened by the USDP.

“If the regime really wanted a credible election, then they would release all political prisoners so they can be included in the national political process,” he said.

Bo Kyi said that he received messages from some of the student leaders inside prison, who have stated that they all reject the upcoming elections.

Although the regime offered them freedom if they publicly supported the election, they declared that they stood by the “Maubin Declaration,” an agreement between a group of student leaders that said they would not accept the elections unless all political prisoners are released.

There are currently nearly 2,200 political prisoners in Burmese prisons across the country. The AAPP says political prisoners are denied adequate medical treatment and placed in prisons far from their families as a form of psychological torture.

The AAPP has documented the torture of political prisoners in a report that was released on Tuesday titled “Torture, Political Prisoners and the Un-rule of Law: Challenges to Peace, Security and Human Rights in Burma.”

In the report, many political prisoners said the effects of torture remain with them for the rest of their life. Pa Htee Than Hla, a 63-year-old resident of Umpium refugee camp, said he still suffers from injuries sustained during torture.

An ethnic Karen, he worked with the Karen National Union and received a death sentence when he was captured, later changed to 23 years in prison.

Like many political prisoners who flee to Thailand, he said his life was at risk in Burma and he faced constant harassment by the authorities.

Recalling the days after his release, Thiha said members of the Union Solidarity Development Association would come to his house every day and try to force him to become an informer.

“I just wanted to live with my daughter, but it got worse and worse. Finally, they were physically attacking me in the street and shouting that I was a terrorist when I visited the market,” said Thiha.

Although many former political prisoners come to Thailand with high hopes of a better life and freedom in a new country, their dreams are often shattered. In this area, more than 120 former political prisoners are unrecognized by the United Nations as refugees, and they live in fear of arrest and repatriation by Thai authorities.

Aye Myin Soe, a spokesman for a campaign recently launched to try and bring attention to the plight of unrecognized political prisoners, said: “We asked the UN why we cannot be registered, and they said it is out of their hands, only Thailand decides that. So we are left in limbo, concerned about our future, and our families’ future.”

Many unrecognized political prisoners icing in Thailand say it sometime feels like prison here because they are always worried about being arrested.

With the election just weeks away and with little hope that it will change the political situation in Burma, many political former prisoners are concerned that Thai authorities will repatriate them, and they are preparing for the worst.
Thiha said he has already made up his mind about what he will do, should that happen.

“I will commit suicide before being sent back,” he said. “It doesn’t matter. If we are sent back, the regime will take away our lives. We will have no future.”


2010-10-26 15:25:00 | OCNカフェ



2010-10-26 12:39:00 | OCNカフェ
Burma's highest court has agreed to hear my final appeal for release from house arrest. I want to be out before the election.
9:01 AM Oct 22nd via Seesmic Desktop

@Plaid_Hu I'm tricky like that! Guess the Junta never noticed the satelite dish I had installed on the roof.
9:00 AM Oct 22nd via Seesmic Desktop in reply to Plaid_Hu
(これは軍事政権が容認しているものと考えられます。民主化の流れは中国でもそうですし、ビルマ軍事政権も考えているということです。ビルマ軍は国防上大切な役目を担っています。そのうちきっとわかってくれると確信します by srachai)

Great story. "How can we expect change when there are still 2,200 political prisoners on election day?” http://bit.ly/b3O0Ds
10:23 AM Oct 20th via Seesmic Desktop

I agree. "Election will be credible only if the junta allows opposition leaders & ethnic minorities to participate" -UN rights investigator
1:40 PM Oct 19th via Seesmic Desktop

学研究予算 戦略なき削減は禍根を残す

2010-10-26 07:02:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 26, 2010)
Reckless budget cuts create future problems
科学研究予算 戦略なき削減は禍根を残す(10月25日付・読売社説)

For Japan to survive intense international competition, there is no alternative but to build a nation driven by science and technological development. But it seems to us that the government is making light of this premise.

Many science-related budgetary allocations, including subsidies to sustain a wide range of basic research, are subject to "policy contests" in which budgetary requests by government ministries and agencies in the fiscal 2011 budget will be screened publicly.

State-run universities, which are instrumental in promoting research and fostering human resources, are included in the list of entities to be publicly screened. Operational subsidies, which are the universities' major financial lifeline, will be cut by about 56 billion yen--or nearly 5 percent--if all of their requests are rejected during the public screening.
The 56 billion yen corresponds to the entire amount of subsidies provided to Kyoto University, the second-biggest amount among national universities.

Protect university subsidies

Since state-run universities were turned into incorporated bodies in 2004, state subsidies to them have been trimmed by about 1 percent annually--a total cut of just over 80 billion yen. This might exacerbate the current severe situation under which it is difficult to maintain research and education levels.

About 210 billion yen, or 15 percent, of the budgetary requests for promoting science and technology projects--direct investments in this important field--will be subject to public screening. Also subject to scrutiny is the budget for a space probe to succeed Hayabusa, which earlier this year returned to Earth after completing its mission to the Itokawa asteroid.

The important thing is to promote research and development in both basic and practical fields while fostering capable personnel. Government investment should be decided from comprehensive and strategic viewpoints.

Screening science budgets, in which participants vie for superiority from a short-term perspective against other government policies, will open the door to serious problems in the future.

Final decisions on whether the projects will go ahead will be made by an evaluation panel comprising government leaders. We hope the panel will at least scrutinize individual projects closely so as not to nip promising programs in the bud.

Many people in the science and technology field are concerned that there could be a repeat of last autumn's open budget screening to eliminate waste in government spending.

Investments in future vital

The advisability of the government's project to develop a world-class supercomputer was questioned at a screening panel last year. One panel member even asked why Japan should try to develop the world's fastest computer. It is foolhardy to cut a budget without understanding how importance the project is.

The policy contests--and the opportunity to divide up more than 1 trillion yen set aside by the government--were introduced in return for a uniform 10 percent cut from the previous fiscal year in budgetary requests by all government ministries and agencies.

Most science-related budgets are compiled by the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry. Due to constraints such as the 10 percent cut in budgetary requests and the 400 billion yen required for free high school education--an important policy of the ruling parties--subsidies for state-run universities will be screened.

We think high school tuition should only be made free if there is an income ceiling on recipients, so that only families who cannot afford to pay are entitled to the financial aid.

Investments in the future should not be trimmed because money has to be set aside for government hand-out policies.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 25, 2010)
(2010年10月25日01時01分 読売新聞)