最新コーティング方案を発信するShimada Appli(シマダアプリ)→High T.E. spray



2016-02-26 | スプレーコーティング装置

溶剤系の粘着性ある材料で高分子量の材料が、高濃度で使用 した場合に、スプレーガン先端部のノズルから出る塗布液が霧状にならず蜘蛛の糸状になる糸引きがみられます。原因としては.塗布液内に希釈シンナーの溶解力不足や、スプレイ後の塗布液の溶剤蒸発速度が速いこと。及びスプレーガンのノズル口径が小さい場合に特におこりやすい。今回開発したスプレー塗布装置は,原液等の粘度の高い液体塗布材料を用いても,糸引き現象や詰りの生じにくいスプレー塗布装置を提供するものであります。(特許出願中)

例えば、実装基板に溶剤含有型の防湿絶縁材料(Conformal Coating)をスプレー塗布する際、溶解性の良い希釈溶剤を、防湿絶縁材料の原液に対して当量分以上希釈しないと、糸ひきが生じてしまいます。




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Hard Coat for FPD and Non Glare Treatment Coating Unit (New Nano Spray Technology )

2016-02-18 | Coating (Functional Coating)

Plastic is light and durable, but it is easy to have scratch on the surface.  Hard Coat Treatment can realize increasing hardness and avoiding scratch on plastic surface.  For LCD related application, Hard Coat Treatment is used for Screen for Mobile Phone, PDA, Projection TV, and Flat Panel Display.

Non Glare Treatment is to make asperity on plastic surface and diffract light.  It is called “Glare-proof Treatment” due to reducing glare. To provide this treatment on projection TV, there is no reflection, 

Material used

Hard Coat Material: UV type (NV Value is less than 10%.)

Non Glare: 2 Component Material

Advantage due to Coating

Initial cost is 1/5 in comparison with evaporation coating and running cost is less than 1/3.


Shimada Appli G.K. offers special technique, an effective profit and satisfactory impression of all of functinal coating application.


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2016-02-11 | スプレーガン




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The leaf form nozzle which can be diffused.

2016-02-11 | Spray Gun

The leaf nozzle is favorable.
The leaf form nozzle was improved the nozzle for washing, for water application and liquid coating nozzles. The feature of a leaf form nozzle is making it breathe out in high-speed self-oscillating operation of per 10ms or more cycles.
It became possible to carry out self-amplitude of the flow of particle jet of the spraying fluid atomized in compressed air with a leaf form nozzle in the fixed direction. Water ,the liquid for a functional coating ,and the flow of particle jet of a paint were used, and it became possible to carry out amplitude injection at the subject. Liquid viscosity is possible in the range of 5 to 100 cps.The prevention effect of rebound is acquired by the subject and the extensive improvement of the coating efficiency is carried out by the discharge of high-speed self-oscillating operation of a leaf nozzle.


Spray leaf nozzle


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New food spray coating of Shimada Appli G.K.

2016-02-10 | Conformal Coating

New food spray coating of Shimada Appli G.K.

Shimada Appli G.K.is proposing the precision spray valves to each industry of semiconductor, PCB, battery, bio and food based on functional coating technology.
High speed spray valve of Shimada Appli can coat the soy sauce, the colza oil, the butter, the starch syrup and the chocolate uniformly.


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2016-02-06 | Company News

この度Shimada AppliA合同会社は、埼玉県が主催する第4回渋沢栄一ビジネス賞技術部門で特別賞を受けました。

SHIMADAAPURI had a special award of a technical department by Shibusawa Eiichi business prize at this time.

We received a tapestry of an attachmed picture from Shibusawa Eiichi commemoration foundation.

Shibusawa Eiichi wrote this Chinese poem (in January, 1929) at 90 years old.


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FS Type Micro Spray Gun's Ability ( Photo Resist Coating,Functional Coating,Conformal Coating)

2016-02-02 | Conformal Coating

FS Type Micro Spray Gun's Ability ( Photo Resist Coating,Functional Coating,Conformal Coating)

This gun is used for thin film coating with solventborne coating material, dispersion coating material and waterborne material. This gun can spray nano-evenness coating with automatic gun to use 3 dimensions axis (X-Y-Z) robot driven by thin film coating software. This is a spray gun that circulates around the liquid that contains phosphor and is sprayed.
FS Micro Spray Gun Characteristics.
1)The flow rate adjustment of the slight quantity from 0.5g/min is possible. (max is about 20g/min.)
2)Coating film thickness can be adjusted to the 0.1μm~50μm (In case of photo resist coat) .
3)Small territory coating of 3~φ 8mm is possible.
4)Liquid use efficiency is very high in comparison with spinners. (50%-75 %)
5) It can be coated with the small quantity of about 5CC as well.

Application example.
1.Photo resist coating
2.Polyamide coating
3.Stick water film coating
4.Silver paste coating
5.Special adhesive coating
(Japanese Patent & PCT Patent Pending)

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Film coat valve with the fast response performance

2016-02-02 | Conformal Coating

Film coat valve with the fast response performance

Shimada Appli G.K. is the venture combination company which performed a company in 2011, and sells the precision spray valves to each industry of semiconductor, PCB, battery, bio and food based on paint coating technology experience more than 40 years.
Shimada Appli new film coating valve with original rotate and tilt system moved on a nozzle tip point. (Patent acquisition) The instantly change of film width is prepared.
This coating method was called select coat which was developed by Takaji Shimada 30 years ago. When we applied for a patent on this, we called it Shimada application or film coat at first.
T Shimada developed this in working without pay and skunk work after he finished a daily business activity.
In now 30 years after it, the representative of Shimada Appli G.K. developed a new film coating valve again and acquired a patent.

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