最新コーティング方案を発信するShimada Appli(シマダアプリ)→High T.E. spray


Hard Coat for FPD and Non Glare Treatment Coating Unit (New Nano Spray Technology )

2016-02-18 | Coating (Functional Coating)

Plastic is light and durable, but it is easy to have scratch on the surface.  Hard Coat Treatment can realize increasing hardness and avoiding scratch on plastic surface.  For LCD related application, Hard Coat Treatment is used for Screen for Mobile Phone, PDA, Projection TV, and Flat Panel Display.

Non Glare Treatment is to make asperity on plastic surface and diffract light.  It is called “Glare-proof Treatment” due to reducing glare. To provide this treatment on projection TV, there is no reflection, 

Material used

Hard Coat Material: UV type (NV Value is less than 10%.)

Non Glare: 2 Component Material

Advantage due to Coating

Initial cost is 1/5 in comparison with evaporation coating and running cost is less than 1/3.


Shimada Appli G.K. offers special technique, an effective profit and satisfactory impression of all of functinal coating application.


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