最新コーティング方案を発信するShimada Appli(シマダアプリ)→High T.E. spray


Select spray can be performed firmly even on uneven surfaces with sharp protrusions.

2020-10-28 | Coating (Functional Coating)

As a result of spray-coating the bottom surface with a dry film thickness of 30 microns, the coating of sharp corners is 5 microns.

FSCC06 Selective Spray Coater coats the acute-angled top point of flower holder (kenzan).
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Realize select spray by using two functions together!

2020-10-14 | 特許製品


It is an epoch-making method to control the splashing of liquid particles atomized with the extension by the leftward-oriented screw with the star-shaped air cap having the rightward turning groove.(Patent acquisition)





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