最新コーティング方案を発信するShimada Appli(シマダアプリ)→High T.E. spray


JPCA Show 2021」無事に終了

2022-06-19 | Event
6月15日(水)から3日間にわたり東京ビッグサイトにて「JPCA Show 2021」は18回 JPCA賞(アワード)の受賞も受け無事に終了しました。https://www.jpcashow.com/show2022/jp/event/jpca_award.html
We've met new people and people who we knew for some time yet it was first time to see. Let's keep in touch and make things happen in the future.
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2022-06-15 | Event
本日午後ビックサイト東館のセミナーC会場においてJPCA 18th AWORDのJPCA賞表彰式があり、表彰盾を頂きました。
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JPCA賞の受賞(JPCA2022 18th AWARD)

2022-06-06 | Event
今回マイクロエレクトロニクスショーの電子機器トータルソリューション展におきまして2022JPCA 18th AWARDのJPCA賞を受賞致しました。

We received the JPCA Award from 2022 JPCA 18th AWARD at the Electronic Equipment Total Solutions Exhibition at the Microelectronics Show.
The title of the award-winning paper is "a coating system that can be spray coating without masking,without clogging the nozzle".

Shimada Appli G.K. [Booth No .: 4A-05]
For several years, we have been researching the clogging of the discharge nozzle, which is a concern when using water-based liquids and solvent-free liquids for decarbonization and VOC countermeasures, and the improvement of drying efficiency and coating efficiency. It has been developed and tried and errored. We are introducing the good results of various coating technologies by the new coating method as a result. We are confident that these case histories will be a great clue to decarbonization and VOC countermeasures in the coating field in the printed substrate industry.

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