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Henry Chesbroughの"Open Innovation"の続刊として"Open Business Models: How To Thrive In The New Innovation Landscape"が出ている。
BusinessWeek.com: Thriving in the New Innovation Landscapeより。
Although Open Business Models is a follow-up to Open Innovation, it isn't necessary to have read the previous book. The new volume is written in a straightforward, accessible style―and even includes such helpful and unexpected sections as a concise history of patents in the U.S., for context.

There are usually lots of products within most large companies that are stuck, bottled up, or on the shelf. Some of those ideas can become more viable if licensed or sold to an outside company. Another tactic for companies who want to try new, open business models is to create experimental or spin-off brands that, if they fail, won't damage the main brand.

"inside-out"と"outside-in"の2つのopen business modelの適性
If a company has a lot of internal R&D, I can guarantee they'll have unutilized tech. This type of business is a natural for an "inside-out" open business model. If a company has strong brands, strong distribution channels, and a strong relationship with customers, it is best suited for an "outside-in" open business model. Many companies actually have both.

One way to combat resistance is to offer incentives to researchers who could help the company by tapping into a network outside the company rather than concentrating solely on internal R&D. Now, most companies only reward research staff for internally developed projects. When R&D staffers get a patent, most companies will give those researchers some money and a plaque.

It's important, too, to have an alternative big-name potential collaborator for leverage when considering partnering with a larger company. Ideally, the alternative partner would be a competitor of the first. Finally, it's essential to really understand the business model of the potential partner. If it's aligned with yours, go for it.

Open Business Models: How To Thrive In The New Innovation Landscape

Harvard Business School Pr


OPEN INNOVATION―ハーバード流イノベーション戦略のすべて



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