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The theory of jiwa ,  jīva/

2018-01-04 | 日記
Let's start with the word Jiwa .

The word itself originates from the Sanskrit jivás, with the root jīv- "to breathe".<--Link

It has the same Indo-European root as the Latin word vivus, meaning "alive".

In Hinduism and Jainism, a jiva (Sanskrit: जीव, jīva, alternative spelling jiwa; Hindi: जीव, jīv, alternative spelling jeev) is a living being, or any entity imbued with a life force.

However, some Hindu traditions differentiate between the two concepts, with jiva considered as individual self, while atman as that which is universal unchanging self that is present in all living beings and everything else as the metaphysical Brahman.

In Jainism, jiva is the immortal essence or soul of a living organism (human, animal, fish or plant etc.) which survives physical death.

The concept of Ajiva in Jainism means "not soul", and represents matter (including body), time, space, non-motion and motion.

In Jainism, a Jiva is either samsari (mundane, caught in cycle of rebirths) or mukta (liberated).

As per the Jain cosmology, jīva or soul is the principle ofsentience and is one of the tattvas or one of the fundamental substances forming part of the universe.<--Link

The Jain metaphysics, states Jagmanderlal Jaini, divides the universe into two independent, everlasting, co-existing and uncreated categories called the jiva (soul) and the ajiva (non-soul).

This basic premise of Jainism makes it a dualistic philosophy.

The jiva, according to Jainism, is an essential part of how the process of karma, rebirth and the process of liberation from rebirth works.

Then, Trade from South India brought Hinduism in about the fourth century CE. <--Link
During the fourteenth century another religion came from India.
This was Islam arriving from Gujarat, first becoming established on the north coast of Java at Demak and Gresik.

Thus, Hinduism and Buddhism were accepted in Java for about 1000 years until Islam was brought to Java.

As it is so, it seems that the concept of "Individual soul: self (Atman / Jivatman)" has been transmitted along with the introduction of Hinduism "The teachings of the Vedanta school".

Then, this story seems to be the most likely, but it seems to be absorbed in Indonesian and Javanese as Jiva--> Jiwa, not Jivatman.

However in Bali ・ Hinduism it is still being used as Jivatman ーー> Jiwatman.

Part Three: Atman
"・・・ As a source of existence that animates the human body atman is also called Jiwatman.・・・"

Below, quoted from the Jiwa page of the Indonesian Wiki <-- link

Jiwa atau Jiva berasal dari bahasa Sanskerta yang artinya "benih kehidupan".
The Jiwa(soul) or Jiva (Jiva: Another spelling of Jiwa) is derived from Sanskrit which means "the seed of life".

Dalam berbagai agama dan filsafat , jiwa adalah bagian yang bukan jasmaniah (immaterial) dari seseorang.
In various religions and philosophies , the jiwa (soul) is an immaterial part of a person.

Biasanya jiwa dipercaya mencakup pikiran dan kepribadian dan sinonim dengan roh, akal, atau awak diri.
Usually the jiwa (soul) is believed to include mind (pikiran) and personality (kepribadian) and is synonymous with spirit (roh), mind (akal), or crew (myself :awak diri).

Di dalam teologi , jiwa dipercaya hidup terus setelah seseorang meninggal, dan sebagian agama mengajarkan bahwa Tuhan adalah pencipta jiwa.
In theology , the jiwa (soul) is believed to survive after a person dies, and some religions teach that God (Tuhan) is the creator of the jiwa (soul). Note 1

Di beberapa budaya, benda-benda mati dikatakan memiliki jiwa, kepercayaan ini disebut animisme .
In some cultures, inanimate objects are said to have the jiwa (souls), this belief is called animism .

Penggunaan istilah jiwa dan roh seringkali sama, meskipun kata yang pertama lebih sering berhubungan dengan keduniaan dibandingkan kata yang kedua.
The use of the term jiwa (soul) and roh (spirit) is often the same, although the first word is more often related to mundane than the second.
(Jiwa and roh are used without being distinguished so strictly ...,: translation note)

Jiwa dan psyche bisa juga digunakan secara sinonimous, meskipun psyche lebih berkonotasi fisik, sedangkan jiwa berhubungan dekat dengan metafisik dan agama .
The jiwa (soul) and psyche can also be used synonymously, although the psyche is more of a physical connotation, while the jiwa (soul) is closely related to metaphysics and religion .

Sedangkan menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia , kata jiwa memiliki arti roh manusia (yang ada di di tubuh dan menyebabkan seseorang hidup atau nyawa.)
Whereas according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary , the word jiwa (soul) has the meaning of the human spirit (roh) (which is in the body and causes a person to live(nyawa) or lives(hidup).) .

Jiwa juga diartikan sebagai seluruh kehidupan batin manusia (yang terjadi dari perasaan, pikiran, angan-angan, dan sebagainya).
The jiwa (soul) is also interpreted as the whole inner human life (which occurs from feelings, thoughts, dreams, and etc.)

Jiwa manusia, sebenarnya berbeda dengan jiwa makhluk yang lain seperti binatang, pohon, dan sebagainya.
The human jiwa (soul) is different from that of other creatures like animals, trees, etc.
(Jiwa is "the seed of life", so it is the story of the premise that animals and plants, regardless of their life, have this.:Translation note)

Jiwa manusia bagaikan alam semesta, atau alam semesta itu sendiri, yang tersembunyi di dalam tubuh manusia dan terus bergerak dan berotasi.
The human jiwa (soul) is like the universe, or the universe itself, hidden in the human body and continues to move and rotate.

jiwa hanya lah sebuah nyawa yang dikendalikan oleh roh.
The jiwa (soul) is only a life(nyawa)that is controlled by the spirit (roh).

note 1:God and Tuhan
About the existence called God in English and Tuhan in Indonesian.
It seems that the concept of 'only one god' already existed in Indonesia before the religion of Abraham reached Indonesia.
It is expressed in Indonesian as "Tuhan Yang Maha Esa".

Below is Bapak's talk about Jiwa.
Februrary 25, 1963 - Bapak
Before you were born, before your body was formed as a human being and before your being had any content, there was your soul: the first thing, which existed within.

So it is clear that your soul came before your outward form.
The soul was already there, while your human nature or your human seed still resembled water.
So the soul possesses everything needed for human life.
For example, it too can hear, see, smell, feel, and understand everything that goes on in the outer life of human beings on this earth.

Moreover, once the soul is covered up by the form of the body – the outer form – the power and range of these faculties become limited.
Once the soul is there and becomes attached to what will become the human seed, this entity, which has become the covering or container of the soul gradually develops.

Its development continues until it is time for it to be born; that is, for nine months.
And then, when it is born, the human being – each one of you – is a complete human being.
Note : The above sentence needs to be understood as "a person's perception on the appearance"

Bapak said that Jiwa must grow and develop.

And that is not given to us in a finished form.

It is something that grows through the experience of this world in a sense.

However, first of all we have to wake up sleeping jiwa into the open.

It seems that we have to maintain the awake state of Jiwa by continuously practicing Latihan even after that.

Otherwise the experience of this world will not be transmitted to Jiwa.

And it seems that growth of jiwa does not occur.

Well then, for Jiwa "this world is like a dream".

In such a situation Jiwa is useless.

Bapak said "Jiwa is eternal."

Then he said that eternal Jiwa will experience reincarnation.

Please see here for reincarnation.<--Link

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