

続・Always 3丁目の夕日

2007-12-28 | Tokyo Area
My husband and I saw the movie called "NO2・Always,the sunset of 3-Chome " yesterday.
That was a very good movie, and I shed tears by the last scene.

We went out to Kichijoji by bicycle twice in this week.
Because Kichijoji town is very crowded in the end of the year.

After seeing a movie, we bought husband's shoes.
A recent shoemaker can check the shape of the foot by a machine.
The size of his foot was different in right and left.
We could buy the shoes which match his foot.

NO2・Always,the sunset of 3-Chome ・・・続・Always 3丁目の夕日
shed tears ・・・涙を流した